What Excercise do you actually enjoy?

I need to lose weight and reduce my cholesterol. I tried running pre-pandemic (also prediagnosis) but I never enjoyed it and I feel like something I enjoy would last longer. Any suggestions?

  • For me exercising is more sustainable if it can be done anytime and from home. If you are like me, you might like dancing which you can do anytime just by following a video. I also got myself an indoors bike and I hop on it anytime of the day for a short exercise. How to make a habit out of it though, I don't know. Haven't figured it out yet!

  • I like walking with my headphones in that way can listen to some killer tunes whilst walking. I used to walk with my dog but she died last winter. I miss the company now but I still walk most days, usually to school and listen to music at the same time. 

  • I have thought about it, but I don't think my knees are up it

  • Thank you for your hard work litter picking. I agree, it is very rewarding and I am looking forward to clearing the local roads which are festooned with litter again, sigh.

  • Sorry to hear that. Maybe tai chi would be more suitable. Or Qi gong. 

  • Well done with your litter picking. I do that sometimes, when my anxiety is in a good place and it's such a rewarding thing to do. 

  • I like walking and cycling best. Both I can take my time doing and then I don't feel worn out too fast. If you've got a phone and headphones you can listen to music at the same time - that's what I do and it makes the exercising a lot more enjoyable.

    If you take a camera as well you can take photos and document the things you saw, I do this, I have an exercise journal and it's turned in to a fun hobby for me.

  • Try cycling or even use an e-bike. They’re great fun and give you the ability to cycle for hours on end without becoming exhausted. Great for extended cardio workouts or just a lengthy spell of more gentle exercise. 

  • I enjoy cycling despite my dyspraxia. I also go litter picking and find it therapeutic and I get to meet people. I joined a local cycling club and they are very supportive and understanding. I do enjoy cycling and cafe stops as well as pushing myself to ride faster and further. it is good for losing weight as I have dropped to 54k at one point but am now at 60k which is fine.

  • During the pandemic I followed Joe Wick's workouts like the rest of the country, and I still do them years later, I've built them into a routine so I just do them. I like them because I can do them at home alone without feeling self conscious at a gym, and he doesn't give off the vibe of being hyper fit and positive so I find him more relatable. I have noticed a difference in my fitness levels, I feel it really has helped me.

    Other than that, I cycle to work every day (not far) and go for a walk in my lunch break listening to a podcast.

  • I used to love martial arts training, I used to do martial arts and yoga, I got really flexible and strong, trouble is now I have hypermobility in my joints and can't do either anymore

  • Boxing/martial arts work for me. The training's structured, you learn stuff, and get to punch away stress and anger. 

    It's tough but much more fun than the regular gym. 

  • I've never heard of a ski erg, but yes its a tall frame with two cables or arms and sliders for the feet that mimic cross country skiing. It's a shame they're so big and difficult to find now.

  • Have you tried just walking? Slower and more enjoyable than running, plus you get to take in pleasant sights and views whilst still getting the benefits of exercise. 

    There's a lot you can do from home as well like weight lifting and sit ups etc.

    I used to own an exercise bike that was always a great way of exercising for me when I felt too anxious to leave the house. 

    I hope you can find something you'll enjoy. That's key because if you don't enjoy what you're doing then it feels more like a chore. 

  • I think walking is so underrated. A good walk up a hill is a good way to start building up exercise tolerance. It's much easier to fit into life than an exercise routine so it's a good place to start.

    Pilates is also cool because you use your own body weight as a gym and there are lots of videos online to follow.

    Dancing is great for raising heart rate and it's much more fun and easier on the joints than running. Doesn't have to be good dancing, just do aerobics type moves to your favourite songs or just jump about. Every little helps.

  • I love to swim and running  and I also love to dance and sit in hot tubs to and play catch with a football also I love to do situps

  • I usually watch something inspiring, like martial arts, parkour, calisthenics, and then I'd try to learn basic exercises to train muscles to do those things. I haven't gotten very far though, but it's fun to try and do the basics. 

    I think that having a goal that is practical, measurable, and achievable, even if it's just a bunch of small goals, would probably be a better idea though. 

    And for sore muscles which is no fun, taking some magnesium helps relieve the soreness. Calcium can help too. 

  • I enjoy doing exercises in the pool on my own not at a class, so I can go at my own (slow) pace then sitting in the jacuzzi afterwards. I go for a walk but only after dark when I'm not going to meet people on the streets, but my mobility isn't great. Best results I had were from doing a lo carb hi protein diet, as I discovered that carbs make me feel groggy and lethargic up to 24 hours after eating them. I also lost a decent amount of weight changing to those foods, but I've not been that great recently and need to get back on track.

  • Lifting weights , at home when there's nobody around.

    Walking the dog, near home, where there's nobody around.

    Quite like exercise but only where I can avoid people, which makes it a nice escape, otherwise it's a chore.