What Excercise do you actually enjoy?

I need to lose weight and reduce my cholesterol. I tried running pre-pandemic (also prediagnosis) but I never enjoyed it and I feel like something I enjoy would last longer. Any suggestions?

  • Walking is about the only exercise I can do due to joint problems, if you find it hard to motivate yourself then what about volunteering at your local animal sanctuary as as dog walker? You'll have furry companions and can take joy from their joy at going out for a walk.

    I used to love my skiing machine, its an almost 0 impact way to exercise, it's like cross country skiing rther than down hill and exercises all your muscles and it's cardio too. You don't seem to get them anymore as cross trainers took over but I don't get on with them, I can't master the up and down leg action with the backward and forwards of the arm action. With my skiing machine I could just zone out and found it quite meditative, cross trainers I have to really concentrate so I'm aware of every second I'm using one, trying to get it right and not fall off or hurt myself.

  • Do you mean a ski erg? Is it like a tall frame with 2 cables with handles on it? If so that’s a great piece of equipment. 

  • I've never heard of a ski erg, but yes its a tall frame with two cables or arms and sliders for the feet that mimic cross country skiing. It's a shame they're so big and difficult to find now.

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