What Excercise do you actually enjoy?

I need to lose weight and reduce my cholesterol. I tried running pre-pandemic (also prediagnosis) but I never enjoyed it and I feel like something I enjoy would last longer. Any suggestions?

  • I enjoy cycling despite my dyspraxia. I also go litter picking and find it therapeutic and I get to meet people. I joined a local cycling club and they are very supportive and understanding. I do enjoy cycling and cafe stops as well as pushing myself to ride faster and further. it is good for losing weight as I have dropped to 54k at one point but am now at 60k which is fine.

  • Well done with your litter picking. I do that sometimes, when my anxiety is in a good place and it's such a rewarding thing to do. 

  • Thank you for your hard work litter picking. I agree, it is very rewarding and I am looking forward to clearing the local roads which are festooned with litter again, sigh.

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