What Excercise do you actually enjoy?

I need to lose weight and reduce my cholesterol. I tried running pre-pandemic (also prediagnosis) but I never enjoyed it and I feel like something I enjoy would last longer. Any suggestions?

  • Do you mean a ski erg? Is it like a tall frame with 2 cables with handles on it? If so that’s a great piece of equipment. 

  • Exercise always makes me dizzy after a while but I try to keep fit. I like to go for walks, I live in the country and get to see lots of nice scenery and animals when I'm walking. 

  • I enjoy walking.

    I have heard from others that aqua aerobics is enjoyable and good for losing weight.

  • Walking is about the only exercise I can do due to joint problems, if you find it hard to motivate yourself then what about volunteering at your local animal sanctuary as as dog walker? You'll have furry companions and can take joy from their joy at going out for a walk.

    I used to love my skiing machine, its an almost 0 impact way to exercise, it's like cross country skiing rther than down hill and exercises all your muscles and it's cardio too. You don't seem to get them anymore as cross trainers took over but I don't get on with them, I can't master the up and down leg action with the backward and forwards of the arm action. With my skiing machine I could just zone out and found it quite meditative, cross trainers I have to really concentrate so I'm aware of every second I'm using one, trying to get it right and not fall off or hurt myself.

  • Hi

    I use the gym quite a bit and not so much enjoy doing it but enjoy how it makes me feel afterwards, that’s the buzz.              If your wanting to lose weight though just remember that around 80% is diet with the remaining being exercise. I have been very fortunate in that I’ve never been overweight and just have one of those metabolisms. I did do a primal diet for around 3.5 years so high protein, reduced carbs and full fats but controlled. The results were unbelievable and I have witnessed how it can transform people who struggle with weight. My brother in law was a PT and ex military so I train with him and he directed me to this way of eating. I do want to perhaps try yoga or Calesthetics though as grinding the weights does make me prone to injury. Yoga and Calesthetics are very slow moving mindful ways to exercise and also very relaxing due to the breath work also….. and it’s quite low impact. 

    Just put your mind to it and tell yourself you can do it

    good luck

  • I like dance, I get bored by the gym or running and I’m not a fan of swimming. I’m also not very good at self motivation or get bored and move on too quickly if I’m not being told what to do. I do ballet, aerial hoop and aerial silks, lots of strength work 

  • I listen to Ska or other lively music when on my cross trainer, it helps a lot. I have never experienced any endorphin high from exercise, so all exercise is a slog for me. I am also far too self-conscious to run in public and any form of gym and changing room just paralyses me with flashbacks to horrible school experiences, so exercising at home is my limit.

  • There is a lot of choices here - typically a mix of resistance (think lifting weights) and cardio (think treadmill / cross trainer) and it gives much better results to have a professional develop a program for you - not very expensive as it is a one hour session to show you how to use the weights (assuming you are going to the gym) in a safe way and then a plan for the cardio work - how long for a session, what level and how often.

    With this you do it for a few weeks, check in again and get everything updated for your growing abilities and check in again in a few more weeks - typically only 2-3 sessions in the first 6 months is all it takes with them and you do all the sweating on your own.

    Cardio is the most boring bit and my solution is to load a bunch of TV episodes on my phone or iPad and them place the screen on the display in front of me and watch the episode. Typically these are arounf 42 mins which is a decent workout.

    I'm up to season 4 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer now with all of Space 1999 and Red Dwarf under my belt.

    It really helps pass the time and takes your mind off the pain and discomfort.

    People watching seems to get you into a lot of trouble in gyms these days so it is another reason to have a distraction like this.