Waking up

I regularly have a sleep in the afternoon. On waking i feel dreadful, drowsy, disorientated and struggle to get started. Does anyone else experience this?  I have always slept a lot, and having a sleep in the day doesnt seem to affect my ability to sleep at night time. 

  • 1960's Goblin "Teasmade" for the win?

    (Not in my case, sadly, it took too much "regulairity" to remember to set it up every night. And when I did want to use it, the square (?) teapot was really difficult to get all the mould out of...)

  • I've managed to sleep at different times so many times throughout my life, and I've realized that I'm most comfortable going to bed at 1-2am and waking up at 9-11am

  • The last few years I've been allowing my body to sleep pretty much whenever it asks me, and waking up whenever I feel like it.

    I found I can feel strongly that I've had enough sleep and want to get up , BUT I still feel like rubbish and I just can't get started until I get started.

    If I try to force myself to work at full capacity from the get go, I.E. having to get out of the house for work it just puts me in a foul mood if I don't allow myself enough time to wake up first. (usually about an hour).

    Vitamin B13 reduces this, so I maybe have a deficiency. 

  • I feel like when I wake up I'm about to die haha takes me a long time to get going when I wake. I frequently rest and sleep throughout the day, always exhausted.

  • On waking i feel dreadful, drowsy, disorientated and struggle to get started.

    I get this every day without fail and yet I sleep all night and frequently take naps during the day.

    I never really feel awake and refreshed especially in recent years.

  • I have a similar pattern. I start work at 07:00 so have to be up by 06:00 at the latest. Normally though I'm awake well before my alarm at between 04:30 and 05:30 every day without fail. My alarm hasn't actually woken me for about 6 months or more. Then I get home in the evening, go for a walk, have something to eat, and by 18:00 to 19:00 I'm nodding off on the sofa. But even if I force myself to stay awake, or go to bed really late, I still wake up early, feel even more tired the next evening, and so on. Come the weekend when I don't have to get up for work my body clock still wakes me up at around 05:00 so I get up and go for a walk while there are not many people about. My only worry is that I'm not getting enough sleep. Do you get more aches and pains when you sleep less? It's almost like your body isn't getting enough repair time.

  • I wake up regularly around 4am to 5am. Then I can't get back to sleep.  Today I went to sleep at half past midnight, woke up 5 am,   now, I am semi conscious from about 3pm to now (5:30pm) .  I feel awful.

  • I'm the opposite, I'm always wide awake for some reason. I've never required a lot of sleep. Thanks for your kind words for my sister. She's doing ok just needs to take it easy instead of doing too much all at once.

  • That's kind, but I've always been this way really. I've never heard of chicken fatigue until just now, hope your sister is doing OK and will recover more energy in time. 

  • Oh yeah I totally agree with you. The more I sleep the worse I feel. The trick is to not nap for more than an hour. If you do you're gonna be in trouble. I do love my sleep but too much can be a nightmare. 

  • My older sister was diagnosed with chicken fatigue last year. She finds doing things in small bursts helps her and then she'll rest and do something later on. I hope you're okay.

  • Thank you. Yes, i think you're right. I am meeting with a nurse at the surgery on thursday. I meet her about every 4 weeks. I dont think this is enough at the moment. Im trying to come to terms with my brothers diagnosis and my own pending diagnosis. It's all a bit too much for me x

  • Yes, this is very much me as well. I think I have some chronic fatigue going on. Each bit of moderate exertion on some hosehold task seems to need its half hour sleep to compensate. Or I'll go into a deep sleep on the sofa while watching telly in the early evening, where I can feel it just rapidly descend like a curtain and then wake up some time later. Could be 20 mins, could be an hour. Sometimes I wake feeling refreshed and like my brain has been 'rinsed', though I can rarely just spring into action upon regaining consciousness. My required nighttime sleep seems to stay about the same irrespective of these things. 

  • My sleep is all over the place to be honest. I don't seem to need much sleep like I can run on empty forever lol. I spend most of my time awake, normally watching Disney. When it comes to sleeping I get about three hours and then I'm ready to be awake and function.

  • I just want to hide away from everything

    I suspect what is causing the sleep problems is the unresolved issues they you are hiding from.

    If you cannot process these then they have a bad habit of haunting your thoughts even when sleeping.

    Do you have access to a therapist to work through them? Uncomfortable as it may sound, talking it through with someone who is non judgemental and can offer practical steps to deal with it is probably your best option (in my opinion).

  • I dont give myself specific times to sleep. I sleep when i feel i need it or when i want a rest from life, which is often. I could sleep forever. 

    I think its a period in my life at the moment that i am struggling with. I just want to hide away from everything. Why is life so difficult? X

  • Yes I also have this problem. If I don't have a nap in the afternoon I end up going to bed around 7pm because I'm so exhausted. Which then shifts my waking time forward to 3am. It's a bad cycle, and the nap helps to keep it at bay by allowing me to stay up until 9 or sometimes even later in summer. But it does take a long time to get going again afterwards. It helps a little to bring a drink and snack into the bedroom with me and have that on waking.

  • On waking i feel dreadful, drowsy, disorientated and struggle to get started. Does anyone else experience this?

    This looks like it could be down to how long you nap for - there are cycles of time for a regenerating nap that you may need to test to see if they work better.

    There is a lot of good info about the mechanics of it here:


    In the most beneficial naps, a person will only go into the first and second stages of sleep.
    These stages are more superficial and can help a person feel refreshed without them needing to go into a deeper sleep.
    A person who wakes up from a nap feeling heavy and groggy likely went further into their sleep cycle.
    If this happens regularly after naps, they may want to check how long they are sleeping for and set an alarm.

  • From awake to leaving the house for work, for me takes two hours. I can shorten the process, but I'm still no damn good for two hours after I awaken from a full nights sleep. The period after I first awaken is horrible, and always has been for as long as I can remember. 

    VItamin B13 seems to reduce my overall sleepiness, but I am still experimenting with it.

    Recently, I've tried a program of sleeping just whenever I want, and waking up whenever I do (natural, cat style) but it doesn't seem to have improved my start up time, nor demeanor on waking up.

    Just makes me unavailable when others are, sometimes. There's a REASON behind traditional approaches to human activities such as when is good to sleep and when it is not, but it was good to have had the opportunity to find out for myself.

  • I used to do this every day after school as a child. I'd get home about 15:45 - 16:00, get some food, go upstairs and lye down, watch the children's BBC / ITV stuff, fall asleep by about 17:00, sleep until 18:00 ish then get woken up for dinner and upon waking just feel really groggy and sickly for ages after. I try to avoid naps in the day time now for similar reasons, if I do so I feel absolutely awful for hours after being woken up. I used to get to the weekend and have a mega sleep Friday night to Saturday afternoon but I never get to do this any more due to family so I'm just tired out all the time now.