Waking up

I regularly have a sleep in the afternoon. On waking i feel dreadful, drowsy, disorientated and struggle to get started. Does anyone else experience this?  I have always slept a lot, and having a sleep in the day doesnt seem to affect my ability to sleep at night time. 

  • I love sleeping in the afternoon, naps are always required because each day is just so draining. I experience this a lot. I can never have too much sleep 

  • Same here. I'll get a good nights sleep, get 6-8 hours of solid awake time, then need a nap after lunch.

  • For me it's the transition between sleep and awake that needs time. I need quiet when I wake up, especially no talking. It's like the language processing part of my brain takes a while to get going. If someone talks to me when I've just woken up it puts me in a really bad mood and I feel rattled for a long time. 

  • I find my sleep pattern alters with the seasons, this time of the year I wake at about 4.30am and have energy for about 3 hours and get things done. I’m then tired for the rest of the day. The winter months are when insomnia really gets me, I’m ready for bed at about 8pm and then sleep for a couple of hours, I’m then wide awake until about an hour before it’s time to get up.

  • I can't sleep during the day as I always feel like you do. My brain craves sleep, and has done all my life. Even as a 10 year old I could do 12 hours plus. Sadly adult life wont let me do that, maybe 10 hours. Sleep is my escape, I can be who ever I want to be, no masking, no trying to fit in , its my freedom time, the time I can hide from the world.

  • The lack of sleep was a big issue for me in the past. I am afflicted with a condition of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Once a year I am assessed to determine the effectiveness of my treatment.  One question I am always asked is " do you fall asleep during daylight hours". Now, during my nightly treatment I have no need for cat-naps during daylight hours.