Urinating on bedroom carpet and clothes really need some advice please

Hi, I am new here and was told about this site at my partners daughters assessment yesterday. I was wondering if anyone here has had or is still having a problem with their child/children urinating on clothes or floor, she is 14 and has been doing this for the last few months, and always has the same answer that she forgot to go to the toilet. Me and my partner really have no clue how to solve what she has started to do, and any help or advice would be appreciated.

  • Hi at what age was your son diagnosed I'm having the same problem with my son

  • Hi I'm going through the same thing with my 16yr old son it also started 6 mthss ago he's denying doing it saying its pop even though it smells of pee I'm at my wits end 

  • going through a similar stage with my son he has just turned 20 but the last six months has regressed to sleeping on the floor again and peeing on his carpet. Bought a carpet cleaner but think the carpet may be past it’s best. Been good reading these posts. 
    we have put waterproof bedding down and bought a washable rug but kind of feel these just reinforce it. He won’t talk about it just gets abusive with me. It is exhausting 

  • If it's just forgetting (not feeling the need to go sensation until it is too late) try hour timers on a phone get her in the habit of going to try for a pee periodically through the day just in case, that way her bladder shouldn't be over full for too long to get to that bursting point.

  • she is 14 and has been doing this for the last few months, and always has the same answer that she forgot to go to the toilet. Me and my partner really have no clue how to solve what she has started to do, and any help or advice would be appreciated.s

  • Can't relate but I do have a question. If he likes being warm and wet can he sit in the shower or bath and get the same effect but more hygenically with water instead?
    Honestly I find it difficult to see the appeal, I hate the smell of pee, and being wet, autistically I'm like a cat that got reincarnated as a person.

  • Hi I'm sooooo glad I've come across this web site as I'm going through the same problems with my 14yr old son he's not wanting to sleep on his bed anymore, he says it irritates his ears and it's uncomfortable so he's started to sleep on the carpet as he says it's more comfortable but then he started to wet the carpet and it's been a struggle/fight to get him changed as he says he likes the feel of it not sure if thats a censory thing but this has been a NIGHTMARE! there were issues at school and he also has high anxiety issues because of the issues at school his behaviour at home has changed he has disconnected his self from us and very abusive, verbally and says he hates us and wants to leave and go and live in residential living etc away from us, this has been a nightmare and the shift in personality had literally happened over night. Thanks for reading this if anyone out there can relate please send a reply it would be much appreciated. (I can see that some of these response aren't recent one's but would appreciate if someone can reach out with a response) thank you 

  • Hi I'm sooooo glad I've come across this web site as I'm going through the same problems with my 14yr old son he's not wanting to sleep on his bed anymore, he says it irritates his ears and it's uncomfortable so he's started to sleep on the carpet as he says it's more comfortable but then he started to wet the carpet and it's been a struggle/fight to get him changed as he says he likes the feel of it not sure if thats a censory thing but this has been a NIGHTMARE! there were issues at school and he also has high anxiety issues because of the issues at school his behaviour at home has changed he has disconnected his self from us and very abusive, verbally and says he hates us and wants to leave and go and live in residential living etc away from us, this has been a nightmare and the shift in personality had literally happened over night. Thanks for reading this if anyone out there can relate please send a reply it would be much appreciated. (I can see that some of these response aren't recent one's but would appreciate if someone can reach out with a response) thank you 

  • If the cause is she isn't getting the body cue to pee or is getting so engrossed with something else she doesn't realise, that can be a genuine problem for her.

    You could try asking her to set an alarm on her phone every couple of hours to prompt her to go.

    Or may be get a potty in case she is caught short. I don't mean a baby's one. That would just belittle her. But how about one of those old victorian china ones everyone used to have when loos were outdoors. It would just look like she had a pretty antique in her room.

    And then there is always tener lady pads for when she's finding that really difficult. 

    Is it happening in the night? I wonder, maybe her pee trigger isn't waking her up in time. In which case sleeping with a pad just in case might be an idea.

  • In my teens (age 12-14) I suffered from anxiety, my Mum meet her new boy friend around this time. I began urinating on the carpet in my room as I was worried about walking past mum and her boy friend to go to the toilet at night. I had also experienced emotional & physical abuse around those times from my father, making my anxiety worse. This habit stopped when I went to live with my grandparents who had the toilet out of sight and I wasn't anxious about someone seeing me go to the toilet.

  • Bobbly39,

    Wow i thought our son was the only one doing the same thing, pee's in his clothes, in his bed, on the floor, which in his bedroom has his own bathroom 4 ft away. We had him tolit trained for a few months then it came back.

      As reading other's suggestions, i agree in our case since our son is non verbal, and caint say"Dad i mad at you, or i want to go play" so we figuring out it is a way to comunicate "dislikes" NOT the way mom and dad want though. we took the carpet out, easy cleaning then, but still pee'ed. so i got Boat carpet and put it down, water proof and easy cleaning, looks good. His urine is extremly strong, and at times makes us gagg. 

     I know this is not much help, but maybe "Hey we living in your shoes" Our Son will be 20 here next month, and i am lost what to do. when he was younger, it was just me, and his 4 brother and sisters, well now his brother is out living his own life, his next sister is heading to collage, and all this effects him, he thinks we all should be in the house. So his non verbal{hey dad were is my brother going, he came back? } but i try to tell him that his brother stoped by for dinner or to visit with his girlfriend, but Sir Tuckett dont under stand that. so back to peeing in his clothes that night

    Best of luck


  • Hi Noura,

    Our next step is to remove the carpet in her room as its to far gone to save, bathroom floor has already been ripped out due to the mess. We are hopefully going to get some help this time as she is doing it in school also so atleast we dont feel like they dont believe us as they can see for themselves, other new issues have happened though, so we are now at a total loss as whats happening. but fingers crossed she is calming down and going back to the "old Jade"  but shes not quite there yet, we are thinking she maybe is suffering from catatonia, but i dont know if the symptoms come and go like they have with Jade, for 2 weeks solid she has been a totally diferent person but now as i say is calming down, looking back we think she has had episodes of this since she was born, but didnt even know it existed,, thankyou for taking the time in replying to me :)

  • My son went through a stage of urinating on the carpet, whenever he felt like it mostly. He did this at home and at a respite centre that he attended. For him it was more of a sensory issue, either the sight or the sound. We removed all the carpets from where he would go at home and he seemed to stop. The respite centre used carpet tiles and would remove badly marked ones and he also stopped there. This was around the time of puberty also. I think there can be so many reasons for this, from anxiety to sensory. I guess the fact that some urinate on clothes too makes it harder to remove things. 

  • Hi, Purplebutterfly Im back to the same thing with my step daughter unrinating again, so I have no advice for you, it just stopped in our case but once again its starting again, I wish I had some advice but I just dont. Its so frustrating, our daughter hides sanitary towels too, but has also started weeing on floor and then sleeping on it, taking her bedding off the bed to do so. School are involved again but they were no help last time either, she is 17 now, dont think it will ever stop :(, I wish you all the luck in the world xxx

  • Hi I have a step daughter who wee's on clothes, She also goes into the bathroom at.Around 9pm with the door shut and light off, there is silence in the bathroom no taps running no clicking away on her mobile phone it's just silence, so what could she be doing in there shes in there around ten minutes, She also hides used sanitary towels in pockets and bags, although we have a bin in the bathroom and around the house and her school provide sanitary bins, please someone help me figure out whats going on she's thirteen years old.
  • Hi Oopy :)

    Thanks for your advice and so sorry Ive only just got back to you, I didnt know anyone else had answered me until today,,,I can totally understand your reasons for doing what you did so many years ago, and am glad youve foiund out you werent the only one to do this,My step daughter has no problems in the house at all, thats what makes this so unreal, she will go upstairs from watching tv downstairs and wee in her room, its not just night time she is doing this its any time of the day, and thinking back on other accidents she has had I now think she was just weeing then aswell,, I have remembered a few times we thought she just had a accident wetting but now im not so sure, she has not done it for a while now, after lots of talks from me and her dad, and we have now found out social services can give us some kind of help, via mattress protectors hopefully and other help, so fingers crossed she may have stopped doing it on her own accord. Thankyou :) xx

  • I did this at 14 too and it lasted about a year. I've never told anyone about it and this is the first time I've heard of anyone else doing it... it's nice to know I'm not alone. I'm 18 now and I haven't done it since (barring once when I was 15 and too anxious to use the toilet while someone was repairing the stairlift.) I had 3 main reasons for doing it: I used to stay up late talking to an internet friend, and I was afraid I'd get into trouble if my mom or grandma heard I was still awake, I was totally engrossed in what I was doing and didn't want to stop to go to the toilet, We had (and still have) a large mirror in our hallway. I always associate mirrors with "bad" things like lightning and ghosts/death etc, because as a child I lived in South Africa where we had terrible storms and had to cover our mirrors, and because of the religious environment I grew up in. Although neither reason is relevant anymore, the mirror still bothers me and I have to cover my eyes at night when I go to the toilet. So I think the main possibilities are what others have suggested: that she's having anxiety issues, she doesn't want to stop what she's doing, or something outside her bedroom is causing her problems. I agree that setting an alarm every 2 hours or so would be a good idea. Other than that, I'd just keep explaining the consequences of what she's doing. It must be frustrating for you... my family never found out what happened, and I stopped myself in the end. In my case I stopped talking so regularly to the girl I was internet friends with and that solved the problem. Good luck :)
  • Hi Hope,

    Thankyou for getting in touch with me,,  I can see why you would of done this through being anxious, sounded like a comfort thing for you knowing your bladder was empty. My daughter has no worries about disturbing me or her father when she needs to use the loo, and doesnt seem at all anxious about going to the loo, she just goes when she needs to except for the bedroom wetting that she is doing. We have also told our daughter the outcomes of doing this, such as the smell it leaves and that it isnt good for her health to be sleeping in a room that smells of wee and her clothes and belongings should mean alot to her. It is as if she is hearing it for the first time when we say she shouldnt do it,,no need to be embarrassed flower I know it is a sensitive subject but we all need to learn about other people in order to help ourselves sometimes.

  • Hi,

    I am 24 years old, I have high-functioning asperger's. I have in the past urinated on my carpet in my bedroom, always at night-time. The reason being that I don't want to walk to the toilet and disturb my parents. Sometimes I get very anxious at bed-time and I get obsessive about the need to ensure my bladder is completely empty, and I ritually drink a glass of water or two before I go to bed, a routine that I find hard to stop. I cannot sleep unless my bladder is completely empty, but I don't want my parents to make a fuss about my frequent trips to the bathroom, so I either wet my bedclothes or wet the floor. I have not done this for a good two years now because my parents gave me a good talking to, but I still keep on going to the loo at night-time whenever I have high anxiety. Is your daughter very anxious? . I think you are right in thinking that it might be because she does not want to stop her activities; this happens to me sometimes too.

    My parents told me that the wetness could rot the floorboards, and I had visions in my head of the bed falling through the ceiling!. So out of fear I stopped wetting the floor. I have never disclosed this aspect of myself to my aquaintances or wider family because it is quite an embarrassing sensitive subject, and like your daughter I know it is wrong and not nice, but at the time I still did it.

  • Hi Birdalone, Thanks for your reply,, I should of said that my step daughter uses the bathroom with no problems, the lighting doesnt bother her, and she uses the toilet when she is downstairs,, but it is when she is in her room that she has started to do this, as the bathroom is downstairs. She has only started to do this in the last few months, so knows she shouldnt be doing it but I am kind of thinking its either because she has seen animals do it on tv, as some do,, or just because when she is playing in her room she doesnt want to stop what she is doing just to go to the toilet, Also she puts clothes or whatever is to hand on the floor before she wees on them, so she must know she is needing the toilet, as she would just wee there and then without making a kind of bedding to do it on. She understands fully what she is doing is wrong but just has the same answer everytime I find it's happened again. There isnt anyhting to over stimulate her in the house,  I have tried to get her to go to the loo just on the off chance that she will need a wee but she always says she doesnt need to go.and obviously I cant make her. She is on the Autistic spectrum and is behind in mental age for her 14 years but also comprehends right from wrong,,,thankyou so much for giving me some ideas on what I could try,,thankyou.