Does anybody have a food they can't stand?

I've never been able to tolerate eggs, partiularly egg white. And even the thought of fried eggs makes me feel sick!!!

As a child I felt pretty queasy about hot milk and cheese too, though I enjoy cheese now. My other used to fry a lot of things in lard, and I couldn't stand that either, and as mine were born in the 30's there wasn't much patience for any of this kind of finickiness.

Sometimes there are supermarkets that fry food here too. When that it is full swing, it can be very hard not to retch. 

  • It still goes on. At one place I had the misfortune to encounter, I saw small kids being forced to remain at table, being punished for not eating their vistisls. I'm surprised they didn't try to force them to eat what they had refused the day before.

    It was a truly lousy place. The rice in the pantry was full of weevils, the institutional food they ordered looked at times like something produced from a certain other orifice (sorry)! 

  • Wow, that's terrible! But you must have been better behaved than me... I would not have eaten it at all. Maybe a bite but if it made me retch then that would be it. The only way they'd have got me to eat it would have been force feeding! With screams.

  • Things that feel like tiny round creatures in my mouth. Like boiled quinoa or broccoli head. The small round parts just spread in my mouth in all directions and don't stick together in pieces as usually food does so I immediately picture a group of ants or round small creatures free in there and I throw it out immediately.

  • I wouldn’t have eaten it either, each table in the school dining room had a teacher who presided over it. We had a special treat one day of a huge pineapple ring to go with the greasy spam fritter, the fritter I managed, I wasn’t allowed to leave the table until I had eaten the pineapple ring, water wasn’t allowed with it either. I was actually retching  while eating it and this was the caring teaching profession! Never eaten pineapple since.

  • I'm too scared to try them now, it's been years for me also. GF food has become a lot better, though I don't eat it very often at all. 

  • I used to agree, and still do if it's pickled, but I have found it is quite nice roasted, or as crisps, not as earthy that way.

  • I love the way we don't hold back! I loathe vinegar and when in infant school a girl put vinegar on my dinner without even asking me first I declared that was as bad as if she had weed on it! I refused to eat that dinner of course and they wouldn't let me replace it with an unpolluted one so I of course sat there through the whole dinner hour, arms crossed, refusing to eat that not food and I think they ended up calling my parents. 

  • I'm the opposite, not keen on raw veg except tomatoes and cucumber. Some salad leaves are OK too, but I generally even prefer lettuce cooked! But sometimes boiled or even microwaved veg can taste a bit like socks so i can see why you wouldn't like it. I don't like it when it goes like socks.... Not quite sure why I think it tastes like socks - it's not as if I have ever tried to eat socks!

  • Mayo and salad cream are vile. Not a sauce person, though I like gravy. But I do like yoghurt, I think it is less oily than mayo and with savoury sauces they often have vinegar which is vile to me.

  • I was going to say mushy peas too! Pre-chewed peas (shudder)! I was forced to have a few garden peas as a child, but I would swallow them whole like pills. Thus broad beans was the only veg my parents let me opt out of on the grounds I would probably choke myself to death trying to swallow it whole! I did like the other veg they gave me. Except the runner beans my grandparents grew which somehow were like razors. I could tolerate green beans as they are mostly pod. Somehow we never had baked beans or other beans at home, which I was glad of.

    My infant school had the traumatic rule with school dinners that you had to put one veg on your plate, but they often only offered a choice between mushy peas and pickled beetroot, vinegar being one of my other vile that's not edible things. They didn't mind if you ate it or not as long as you put it on the plate. Which offended me because a) it was pointless because no way was either of those two things ever going to pass my lips, b) therefore it was wasteful and c) they both leak strongly coloured liquids onto the other food. It's a wonder I never developed that food touching other food OCD thing my sister has! As mushy peas smell less than vinegar I usually had to have some on my plate but they gave me nightmares! And yes I did talk about this in my autism pre-assessment!

    Wow this topic is popular, there have been 5 new replies as I was typing this!

  • Beetroot...   (shudders)

  • All beans especially baked beans, cottage cheese, cucumber, tomatoes, fatty meat, beetroot, all seafood, carrots, broccoli, mushy peas, trifle, all offal and yogurt. Putting cucumber in a sandwich is the same as putting slugs in a sandwich!Nauseated face

  • can i say something i am from iran and all my family members are arabic they make arabic food . I can barely stand any food now . even chicken grilled i can barely have anything decent it's hard

  • hah!  That never even occurred to me. But yes, yellow crookneck vegetable squash, not the carbonated drink :)    Though to be fair, I am not fond of bubbly sugar-water drinks either.  

  • Loads. Worst one is boiled veg. Raw, fine. Boil it and it stinks and I can't eat it.

  • I know you mean yellow vegetable squash but you reminded me of orange squash drink everyone expected children to like when I was a child. Drinking it gave me the shivers. Then to make matters worse at a party you could be expected to drink it with a savoury sandwich.

  • I'm ok with broad beans, not with green beans though. As for baked beans of the Heinz 57 variety, never could countenance those either. 

    Yet I'm not averse to fermented black beans!

  • That's none too edifiying as a thought