Does anybody have a food they can't stand?

I've never been able to tolerate eggs, partiularly egg white. And even the thought of fried eggs makes me feel sick!!!

As a child I felt pretty queasy about hot milk and cheese too, though I enjoy cheese now. My other used to fry a lot of things in lard, and I couldn't stand that either, and as mine were born in the 30's there wasn't much patience for any of this kind of finickiness.

Sometimes there are supermarkets that fry food here too. When that it is full swing, it can be very hard not to retch. 

  • Yay, I'm not the only one to dislike tea! I agree, I like some fruit tea. A raspberry one from Holland & Barrett is nice. When I grew up in midwest America, we only had tea if we had sore throats!

    I have 3 coffees a day too. I use a lot of sugar-free sweeteners!

  • I don’t like tonic water and the smell and taste and texture of most meat products, so I avoid them.

  • I only like a very ripe banana. You have to wait for weeks for one to mature in the bowl and then hope you get them at exactly the right moment before they go too black. 

  • Meet, fish but then I am a vegetarian. 

    Just as well I love to eat vegetables. :-) 

  • Eggs for me as well, instantly sick if I eat them. I can't stomach milk either, very queasy if I do. 

  • Well I'm vegan, but within the food that's compatible with that, I can't deal with bananas. Especially the texture, but also the smell, taste, colour, the sound of them being peeled, - everything, basically!

  • At the top of my list is mushrooms, as I find their taste, smell, and appearance revolting. Dried fruit is another. When I was a child, I would painstakingly remove all the dried fruit from bowls of muesli. 

  • I hate: Mushrooms (can't stand taste, texture or smell), Celery, Spicy foods (I don't go any higher than a mild korma), Ketchup, Mayo, Oysters, Olives, Anchovies, Chilies...there may be more, but these are the main ones for me.

    Mweekie xx

  • Just hideous, another to add to the list is cherries, Sunday evening could actually get worse, bananas that were on the turn with custard. You are just a fussy eater! I wouldn’t eat either of them. It just meant I got the bath water first!

  • The liquid was very sugary, adding cream was like pouring oil on water. Strange that was 40+ years ago and I still feel ill thinking about it.

  • I hate pretty much all condiments but mayonnaise is an abomination. And it's in EVERYTHING. I'm gluten-free and when I go anywhere with catering (rare, but it happens) I'm always really anxious that someone will have gone out of their way to get me a GF sandwich and then I still won't be able to eat it because it's clogged up with oily egg goo. I don't know why so many people think it's necessary, it's not like it's the only option to keep a sandwich together.

  • Yes, I remember those, and the tinned cream. They would turn up for the compulsory Sunday tea, when we were still stuffed with Sunday roast. There often used to be rows in the afternoon, so there was usually a miserable atmosphere, and disapproval in the air. 

  • Talking of grapes, olives. That taste and mouth feel is unbelievably bad. Some people love them. 

  • Yes! I used to feel guilty that I wasn’t more appreciative of that as a treat. Especially as I knew it must have seemed like I was going ‘healthy stuff? I won’t be fooled thanks’. I still shudder to think of the oil on water inter mingling of the juice and the cream. And also mixed anything tends not to be great for me. So with that I was always thinking ok the pear bits I like, the cherries are fine, er that’s it. Hated the peach most of all, and the embalmed green grapes. And there would be randomly hidden hard bits. Just not nice. 

    When I make a trifle these days, I put only banana slices in - the rest is fused jelly and sponge. Fruit cocktail was always the downside of a trifle 

  • This was a childhood nightmare, it was served with some sort of tinned milk / cream.

  • I think with most things autism related, it’s just giving the individual choice, you’re just touched on the fact, we are all different! My last school bought in a cafeteria system, I could finally have choice and eat lunch.

  • It's funny how some of the things on people's 'no way' list are other people's favourite! If all the foods mentioned here were on a table, I wonder what, if anything, would be left if we could all eat just what we liked!

  • Blancmange is a horrible throwback to school, anything like that with a skin on it it horrible. I won’t mention the school frog spawn.

  • I can second that, okay with tomato ketchup, puree, tinned in cooking and soup, actual tomatoes make me gag, the texture is just all wrong. I’m always wary with supermarket sandwiches, the evilness could be hiding!

  • I struggle with squeaky leeks! They are fine otherwise, but somehow whenever my husband cooks them they are very squeaky so I rarely buy them.