Does anybody have a food they can't stand?

I've never been able to tolerate eggs, partiularly egg white. And even the thought of fried eggs makes me feel sick!!!

As a child I felt pretty queasy about hot milk and cheese too, though I enjoy cheese now. My other used to fry a lot of things in lard, and I couldn't stand that either, and as mine were born in the 30's there wasn't much patience for any of this kind of finickiness.

Sometimes there are supermarkets that fry food here too. When that it is full swing, it can be very hard not to retch. 

  • Apologies if someone else has already mentioned it, but I believe the tinned milk you referred to is Evaporated Milk. I'm not sure how popular it is now, but I seem to recall it being commonly used back in the 70s and 80s.

  • "nectarines and peaches and plums". Interesting. To me, these are like goo with added interior 'netting' or cobwebbing if that makes sense. A most unpleasant combination, for me personally. I'd find Watermelon a bit easier, though I'm not a massive fan. I wouldn't eat it for years, then saw a Youtube thing about how how it helped someone overcome all their digestional isuues, then obsessively juiced/ate it every day for about two months, then... stopped. Common sense kicked in. I haven't touched it since. 

  • Actually, I don't have a food I can't stand, because, if I can't stand it, I just don't have it.

  • I don't like the juice either

  • It’s like the fruit there’s a very subtle Boundry between where things are too gooey and okay and acceptable.

    so fruit like nectarines and peaches and plums are just the right side of the gooy line as is honeydew melon. and in contrast watermelon and avocados and mangoes and that sort of thing is on the wrong side of the gooy line

    • So many. Ok to start with I don’t eat white meat. When I read meat I have to have it well done. Preferably with as little seasoning as possible and definitely no gooey sauces or any kind of mayonnaise or similar condiment. preferably lean too. I only eat certain kinds of cheese and only ever hard never melted.

    I don’t like tomatoes I don’t like garlic I don’t like onions I don’t like avocados I don’t like bananas I really don’t like anything with a kind of mushy gooie texture or any kind of unusually spicy flavour.

    I wouldn’t eat most cooked meat dishes . stews broth’s lasagna’s shepherds pies anything of that sort. I don’t even really like brown bread because I find the bits in the bread and the general coarseness of it irritating.

    I won’t eat anything spicy which makes curry and a lot of other foreign meals right out. I won’t really eat soup because it’s typically kind of gooey like tomato soup or watery but with strong herbal spicy flavours. I won’t have gravy on food because it’s too sticky. I won’t drink milk shakes because they’re too gooey.

    You might be tempted to think I don’t eat anything at all but actually I’ve got quite a lot of healthy food I will quite willingly eat. oranges lemons apples pears raw fruit, raw veg, lettuce carrots A lot of leafy vegetables cabbage broccoli. Generally speaking with me as soon as you start cooking vegetables and fruit but everything seems to go wrong. If in doubt fry it that always seems to go alright. I like crunchy and crispy textures after all.

    actually I used to eat quite a lot of things that weren’t food when I was young. wood, leather that sort of thing.

    I tend to avoid any kind of bitter food or drink which includes coffee and tea, and alcohol for that matter usually. The things that always seem to shock people as I don’t drink tea, coffee, milkshakes and I don’t eat pizzas. People seem to think that everybody loves pizzas but I do not like melted cheese and tomatoes which is fairly fundamental to the mix.

    In theory I do eat pasta but in practice I never do because I will not have most of the things that are put on pasta that’s pretty much intolerable for me things like tomato Bolognese or sauce or anything like that.

  • Overcooked courgettes are like slugs.

    I struggle with the lingering smell of egg on pots even after they have been washed I can still smell it.  It's worse when it's second hand on a "clean" plate or cup ive been given if eating out or staying over somewhere. I have a keen nose.

    The pandemic introduced me to the "joys" of parosmia.  That's been an adventure.

  • Strangely like tomato soup, tomato juice as a drink is just vile.

  • Yes I know what you mean I used to get that sometimes with lemon squash.

  • Maybe it's some kind of intolerance. A friend of my parents went on about such dislikes as being 'illogical.'

    My mother did say later on she would not have made me eat any kind of eggs if she had known about intolerances. 

  • That reminds me of school dinners in Infant school. They were brought in from nearby secondary school and mashed potato had cold lumps in. Fortunately I went home for lunch and only stayed on rare occasions as I hated the playtime during lunchbreaks too.

  • Fresh peach though is lovely. I wonder how they mange to make it taste so bland in those wretched tins? 

  • Why apologise? I'm not mad about tea either. I just like a good cup of joe in the morning. I can't abide ground coffee whenever I visit the UK now though 

  • Not too keen on the texture of tomatoes either. Don't care much for ketchup, just puree

  • All the foods I've seen mentioned, I like to eat. With the exception, perhaps, of perhaps tinned fruit. 

  • Yeah, tonic water is horrid to drink!

  • I can't think of any other foods I don't like. For me, it is how the food is presented. I have to have everything relatively separated on the plate, or in separate dishes. If food is jumbled together, no matter what it is, it makes me feel sick and not want to eat it.  

    I can think of lots of foods I do like, though. I love fresh tomatoes, carved ham, freshly baked bread, or warm baguettes with lots of butter. The more simple the food, the more I like it. 
    I just thought of one food I tasted and was almost sick with it. Plant-based bacon. I think it's a relatively new product, but it was utterly disgusting. I couldn't say it was completely tasteless, because it did have a taste... melted plastic. 

    Thankfully, my phase of vegetarianism only lasted for a few months and I am back enjoying real bacon now! 

  • That photo brought back memories! In my American childhood fruit cocktail was always around. Ours had horrible shriveled grapes. We used to put it to set in jelly (or "jello" as we'd say there).

    My boyfriend and I went to a "posh" buffet in a hotel in Cyprus. They had beautiful cakes...and fruit cocktail in jelly. I was laughing, no American buffet of any level would include that as a dessert.