bullied and discriminated by neighbours

 Hi am an adult with high functioning autism

Am been bullied by the neighbors they also tried to use physical violence they have been telling lies about me and incited hatred  they have invaded my space. I have children and they displayed aggression towards them. They vandalized my car and van costing thousands of pounds. They keep on provoking me and then they start to film me. Although I have told the Authorities and they know I have been diagnosed with Autism they have shown no interest at all I have had  no help at all so these bullies are now very confident. I have found lots of web sites with information about autism and bulling but there does not seem to be any direct intervention to stop the discrimination and persecution and bulling. Does any one have any ideas

  • Did you contact the NAS micalop?

  • Discrimination and persecution. New developments 

    Hallo everyone

    The bullies of Barnet are at it again, this time lots of scratches on my car glass window. Reported to police who came and looked also had independent people to look just to make shore that they were deliberately made scratches, and they said it was vandalism. Because of my condition the neighbors and some of the authorities have taken advantage, so now I am asking honest people who are not biased to check first for me. This is a terrible situation to be taken advantage of because of my disability and to be notified by Barnet council (individuals who work for or on behalf of Barnet council) that they do not accept that high functioning Autism is a disability although the law says otherwise. The police said I need to put CCTV camera to gain proof. They know I have been targeted and my children but still ignore it. I can not afford a CCTV at the moment but told them that I requested one from the police, but he said they do not issue CCTV to residence.  One of the discriminators drives a black cab and he has been antagonizing me and his son targeted my carer who raises funds for unfortunate children, she works for a big well known charity. I think these people are sad to carry on like that and one police women said the same thing. This family is very hateful and have been misinforming the authorities and are the ones fueling the crime including targeting the children.  Discriminating against  are equal rights under the law, such as security, property rights, and equal access to social goods and services.  Children education, health care, including equal opportunities and obligations, and so involves the whole of society.

    Social equality requires the absence of discrimination. I have to stand up to them to protect my family and am sure they have done it to others and will continue until the law stops them.  My dog can sense there hate and bad karma, he is very clever and knows the neighbors are antisocial and spying, so my dog has become very protective, he is a very good dog and his behavour is better than the neighbours who are antisocial.

  • The Metropolitan Police really are a disgrace to the uniform. You only have to think of the Stephen Lawrence enquiry and how they handled that.


    I cite the above (hand entered/I'm having trouble with cut and paste). Scroll down to the picture of the Commissioner - "regrets the Met's lack of desire to affect change" - yeah I'll bet. Just the look of the man saps any good feelings.

    The things Micalop says about "The police said if we go from here there's a good chance they will stop", "Police said there was nothing wrong with what they were doing".

    This is clearly a corrupt police force. You aren't going to get much justice in London as long as the Metropolitan Police remain in their present form.

  • You are the victim of racism, not just disability hate. Both count as criminal behaviour - you need an advocate on your side.

  • Print out the web page and show it to the policeman next time they knock on your door because you are filming for evidence.  Also to show that you are following their advice regarding the stalking.

    Also, write a letter to the police pointing out the above.

    Have you involved an advocate from an official organisation yet?

    Ask Barnet council for what they said to you in writing to confirm previous conversations.   Any time you have a visit from either the police or the council, tell them you are noting down the content of the conversations and ask them to sign it as a true record at the end.

    Ask the police to investigate this racist/anti-disability vigilante behaviour as a matter of urgency - in writing.

    Put up a video camera pointing at your van/car to catch evidence of malicious damage.  If the police say you can't film say you are filming your car and no-one else has any business being near your car and they wouldn't be in the video if they didn't do so.

  • Still here and taking the right approach to this insane attack on me and my children by the neighbours. Thanks to all thanks to Anil A-Nod. We have contacted a solicitor but these things my carer and partner said take time. The problem is keeping the children away from it all and these neighbours are opportunistic deceptive and are constantly watching the house and listing I know this because Barnet council told me. This is how it works they invade and intrude into your private life, your then harassed and intimidated and bullied outside and inside your house, tracking and monitoring you on the off chance they can have something on you to use. Please can someone tell me what kind of cruel people these are?  I know this is not a perfect world but this is sick and dishonest. They have recruited more people and this group I have noticed it’s a group of people in the community who discriminate and persecute and judge others they hate and are very sinister patrolling the neighbourhood and are on a rota.  The police denied any involvement and went on to say that that the culprits decided to do this by their own accord ion retaliation. They were reported in writing to the met because we know who the instigators are. They live next door and across the road. Also we believe that this hate crime has affected the honesty of some officer who have been biased and involved.  This is what they were doing.

    I leave the house neighbours car alarms go of

    I try to cross the road to enter my car they race towards me

    They do emergency stop outside house while am still in the front garden and call me names like retarded and threatened with physical violence

    Drinks cans thrown on me when I reported them and threatened with death

    They told me to go back to my country

    The police said if we go from here there’s a good chance they will stop

    Interfered with the education of my children at home

    Constantly going ahead of us to sabotage are complaints

    I was threatened that whatever I report they will do thane.

    My carer said she had seen the police going in and out of the culprit’s houses but when asked they deny it.

    Ok this is just a small part of what they have done

    3 Thousand Pounds of deliberate damage to my old car and new van

    Racing past the children on their way to school outside the house

    Many times I have quickly opened the front door and looked left and right and I COULD SEE THEM SITTING IN CAR WITH ENGINE RUNNING AND EATING SANDWICHES. At the sites of me they take of go to the bottom of the road do a u turn and come back and park again with engine running.

    Carer said she didn’t like this kind of behaviour and they may be child abusers and sexual predators

    Police said there’s nothing wrong with what they’re doing (neibourhood team)

    The met were advertising on their stalking page advertising to report this kind of behaviour to them (sinister). I did report it and I was victimised.

    On their web page they advise to use mobile phone to record this kind of crime. I did and they turned up on my door step and told me I could not do this?

    They don’t want me to see who the abuser is. Why?

    This is perversion of the law?




    Will post again

    I have a bad cold and am not feeling well. Will get better by the end of week

    Standing strong










  • It must seem overwhelming for micalop to deal with this from all sides, and I am glad you are contacting him Anil A - Mod.

    His council need advising on how they are going wrong and illegally excluding him from support and refusing to get involved as well as the Met.

  • It's also worth considering legal advice from legal services that have an understanding of the needs of a person with autism. The Autism Directory has listings for legal services www.autism.org.uk/directory   or the advisers on our helpline (0808 800 4104) can help. 

    Longman - I'm going to try and contact micalop directly.

  • I'm gravely worried about this thread.

    It would reassure me if micalop would update us or NAS Moderators take note and look into this.

    On Monday 30th micalop posted what he called part 1 of daily instalments, and ended saying he would post more tomorrow Tuesday (New Year's eve). He pleaded for our help.

    If you read his last message, I guess it is likely he did this because he has made known to the Met, or a newspaper, or some other outside agency that he was doing this.

    Therefore he had threatened to do this until they took note. Always dangerous to blackmail the establishment, particularly a police force like the Met.

    So it is pertinent for me to ask at this point in time for someone to find some answers.

    Hopefully micalop can reassure us he is OK and just stopped posting because he calmed down.

    But frankly, I don't trust the Met.........

  • Ah yes....the Metropolitan Police......

    In September 2008 at Acton Swimming Baths in London, an autistic boy aged 16, with epilepsy and described as mental age 5, got fixated by the water during a school trip and wouldn't budge for 40 minutes while his peers were leaving. He was with his carer and able to swim, but was evidently unable to pull himself away.

    The police had been called and arrived and rushed at him and tried to grab him. The boy jumped in the pool to avoid them, was immediately hauled out, jumped in again and was again hauled out, pinned down by SEVEN officers, hands cuffed behind his back and several leg irons used to retrain his legs and was bundled into the caged rear of a police van and left unattended while an argument about the police action ensued. The carer had tried to explain there wasn't an issue but was ignored.

    The boy has since suffered post traumatic stress disorder and worsened epilepsy.

    In 2012 the boy's father won a court action and got compensation of £28,500.

    The court reprimanded the Chief Constable of the Met and ordered they have training in handling individuals with autism. They nevertheless resisted and delayed this arguing they knew all about autism. 

    It is only since August that training began but they have only had a couple of training sessions for a small number of officers.

    After this indictment you would think the Metropolotan Police would shgow some kind of shame and remorse. But there seems to be nothing they wont stoop to.

    Micalop's experience would seem to bear out this indifference and ignorance.

  • Firstly, it's like a conflict of interests for a policeman who is personally involved to be investigating.  You need to contact someone above him (this is where it's useful having an advocate, seriously, contact MIND: http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/advocacy-in-mental-health/) to ask for a different and unconnected policeman, and explain why and what the neighbour did (the knocking on your door announcing it).

    Because if they know you have official people involved they will not try to fob you off so much.

    Regarding watching your girls, do you have net curtains at their bedroom windows?  Do you ensure that the main curtains are pulled after dark and before lights are put on, as if curtains are not pulled and the light is on people can see everything inside.  Also, is there any time before all this started that neighbours have had access to your house?  I'm thinking just in case they did and planted a device to watch, there are so many mini spy cams freely available these days.

    It could just be that it was said to scare and unnerve you, but it's best to be cautious.

    Speaking of mini spy cams, you could cheaply buy a recording device which is disguised as e.g. a wrist watch so every time they start saying things you just discreetly press the record button and have a record of what was said as evidence.

    Is there any chance that you can move at all?

  • Page 1

    *I have had to suffer16 years of community based hate crime, abuse, violence

    This is my story and I am writing it one page every day please read it you have to know what’s out there hiding waiting like a dangerous hungry animal ready to devour

    Posting my story and your helpful response has had an effect on the abusers they are now slowly running away. Thank you and the national autistic society I am slowly regaining my strength for my family but still need to protect them because the bullies they will start again they are opportunistic and are desperate to escape justice by any means.   

    Because of Christmas I haven’t been able to reply to all of you and you have been very supportive I want to inform you of all the things I have suffered because of these neighbours the metropolitan police and the council. The truth is unless we pull together and have resources to pay lawyers to stop them otherwise the future for us is a dangerous one. Education is the way forward but by the time this happens if it ever does read below what has happen to me. Please read  

    Everyone has been notified of my condition and still no services to help offered. Instead they are looking and working hard to overcome their responsibilities set by the law and to protect the part of the community who took part in the atrocity set against us by people who should know better and should have shown a better example for others to follow. But they continue to pretend that they are good when in fact they are bad.

    *Tactics used are similar to racist, ***, ku Klux klan, Religious persecutors, witch hunters, stalkers, malicious spying and those who discriminate and defraud the poor the sick the weak the disabled the minority and women and children and sexual predators and abusers. These people are sick, liars, biased and violent and totally discriminative beyond believe. They are supported by the council and the police who have not offered any services to us for obvious reasons. And whenever we get in touch with them we get victimized by the neighbours who seem to know what we say and do in our own house. They boasted that they were monitoring and watching us and my children and said they can see the girls. Can someone explain what does this mean?

    *I have had to suffer16 years of community based hate, abuse, violence, damage to my property and my health, sexual harassment towards my carer and partner  by male chauvinist who are organised twisted crooks using deception and incitement lies harassment and intimidation provoking me carefully nurturing for their own morbid ends. Because I have an autistic condition they think am stupid and gullible and retarded. One of them spoke dirty about my partner and my children. I don’t like these people it’s like they are been paid to upset us every day. One of them called me a retard and wanted to punch me

    I have 3 daughters and a son on the way to school with their mum a man tried to run them over with his car this man was part of the harassment discrimination and persecution this happened soon after we reported them to a policeman that came round our house and he already had a plan so he took no notice of what we said instead he added insult to injury and then left us in the lurch  it was like he sanctioned the abuse to continue from that day on so I hold him responsible for all the hurtful things painful treatment we have had to endure to this day including the invasion of are privacy, a subject the council and the police keep avoiding.

    This beastly police man played it in such a way to make shore we were left with are children unprotected and in harm’s way and in the hands of the abusers indefinitely and since that day his police colleagues followed in the same manor. He also turned up with his superior officer to cover his back because he lied.

    He arrived at our house and found us distressed and frightened, this was from the constant bulling unleashed by people who were out of control without any fear of reprimand they could do what they liked it was like a vicious mob with a licence to kill.

    This officer took full advantage of the situation and made his way towards perverted the truth and falsified evidence with the help and lies of the neighbours help, after that the bulling became there fix for the day.

    The next day one of the culprits knocked on my door to tell me that this officer we complained to was in fact a friend of his father and that we were not going to be helped. I was petrified and all I could think of was the safety of my children and their mother.  


    Therefore I would kindly ask the metropolitan police to reprimand this bad apple of an officer who dirtied my name along with others involved until such time as all the details and the people and the individual in the council and the police force involved in the discrimination, persecution, perversion of the law along with other things that only a barrister would know are investigated properly and fully without prejudice, discrimination or foul play or favours to the community. With all due respect I no longer have faith in what seems to be a police force that conspires, harbours hate, lies and misconduct and blackmail and discriminates against disabilities

    Please read page 2 tomorrow  

    All my supporters I need your help













  • You can find out how your local police force is performing via the HM Inspectorate of Constabularies (HMIC) website. Some police forces are constantly at the bottom of the league table.

    It may be worth pursuing the lack of police response to your difficulties with HMIC.

    As to Local Authorities, the worst performers by far are in the South Midlands - perhaps not what you would expect. Particularly bad being Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire. Of more northerly authorities Staffordshire is a poor performer.

    Northamptonshire has been hitting the headlines because of its truly appalling record over children in care - sometimes children are being held in police cells for want of accommodation.

    If you are unlucky enough to live in an area with a poor performing police force or council it will be hard to get resolution. They just seem to revel in being bad.

  • Anil, thank you for being so helpful to micalop.  It's an awful position to be in and the injustice is incredible.  I have horrible neighbours to one side, but they are not anywhere near as harassing as what micalop is putting up with.  Action is urgently needed.

    @micalop you might find this useful: http://www.yourrights.org.uk/yourrights/privacy/harassment-unwanted-letters-and-telephone-calls/protection-from-harassment-act-1997.shtml



  • Hi Longman - yes, that post is in the wrong place.

    Micalop, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Intenseworld is right - continue to press the police for a response. 

    I'm going to pass this onto a few teams internally, however given that it's Christmas, it's likely to be a while before I can come back with their response. 

    Citizens Advice Bureau has information on similar situations to this 


    Our helpline reopens on Friday - 0808 800 4104 please do give us a call.  

  • As indicated earlier, you will get lazy good for nothing police officers who tell you they cannot do anything, because they want to avoid the paperwork. They can and must act to protect you.

    The council's attitude is shocking. I suspect it is a read across from their employment policy (which wont be great on this either) but the interpretration of autism is irrelevant in terms of their having to respond.

    NAS will probably advise otherwise, but there are times when a local autrhority needs to be named. The idea that if you are working you cannot have autism, besides being ludicrous, goes against the grain of what our silly coalition Government is trying to do over disability and employment. But then there are thoroughly bad councils around, and the fact this is happening to you suggests that may be the case.

    Councils which provide social services have to comply with the Autism Act, so this council's failure to support you, if it is meant to provide social sdervices, is probably one that is failing to comply. Look on the NAS website for ways to notify if your council is not upholding the Autism act.

    One of the mods has provided a link for neighbour bullying on the thread about a teenage daughter, under parents and Carers, that might have been meant for this thread.

    I think the duty moderator needs to offer to intervene.

  • The police most certainly can do something, harassment is illegal whether there is physical violence or not.  I would make a complaint to the chief of police at the station.

    As for the council, send them this:


    Autism and anxiety are both listed there (sadly they have it in the wrong category as they have it in mental disorders rather than neurological disorders, but it is legally classed as a disability either way).

    You could get an advocate to help you from MIND: http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/legal-rights/disability-discrimination/

    I know it's horrendous, but don't give up, they are wrong.  I would also ask the NAS to contact the council and send them information as they are clearly clueless.

  • Thank you for support still very scared of the situation the community have put me in

    One example I left to go to work in the morning and I noticed the neighbor across the road standing watching me. As I approached my car to get in he called me a name so I told him to stop his harassment and to leave me alone then I noticed his wife by her front door filming me so I got in my car and drove of. There is a group of them and they normally wait for me and harass me outside my house.

    The next door neighbor called me a retard and waved her fist under my chin. One day they were out there with there cars and I could not cross the road they were racing past me and finally when I did go to cross he accelerated towards me. I have a partner and she also helps me and she tried to stop the bulling got in touch with the police and they put it down as information only, this way the bulling just continues. My partner accused them of been insensitive and working with the culprits in some kind of operation of brutality. My partner she works from home raising money for a well known charity she did her best to stop the bulling but they were to clever for her  because the bullies turned there attention on her and she had a nervous breakdown and the police said they were sorry to hear this. Also the community bullies reported me for antisocial behavior to the council who said they had film on me. I demanded to see the film because this will prove that they were out there harassing me and I was defending myself and children. They have not shown me the film because it was taken by the culprits who prepared beforehand to snare me. They lied to the council because they were reported to the police who have always been reluctant to help they keep saying if they use physical violence then they will arrest them. The council HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED OF MY CONDITION AND THE HORRIFIC THINGS THE NEIGHBORS HAVE DONE. 


    council said that a person has a disability if 

    a) has a physical or mental impairment

    b) the impairment has a substantial and long term adverse effect  ability to carry out normal day to day activities. 

    Also because am able to run a business.

    I do house repairs and handyman jobs and I work alone because of my autism I have never been successful working for other people I found it hard and I always picked on and badly treated and pushed around and felt uncomfortable been around a lot of people.

    One thing I do understand now is that I have been targeted by the community and members of the community who are abusing there power and authority. This puts me and my children in a dangerous position and am very scared. They are doing things behind my back to stop any help getting through to me.

    Please advise me and continue your support because they will know that I have exposed there bad unacceptable behavior and they will look for ways to victimize me thats what they did when we started to report them to the police. They are clever and have experience in what they do.  


  • The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) in response to a request by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) drew up a set of guidelines for use nationally with regards to Disability Harrassment.

    Your local police force will have drawn up a force guideline based around the ACPO guidelines on how officers must deal with hate crime and harrassment against the disabled, and how they must respond to disabled victims.

    If you get any silly excuses for not acting on your concerns about hate, bullying or harrassment on the grounds of disability, ask them whether their excuse is covered by the ACPO Documentation on hate crime.

    In other words, show you know this exists. If necessary contact ACPO and tell them your local police force isn't acting on duisabled hate crime.

    Sadly there are some really pathetic apologies for police officers who'll wriggle out of doing anything when asked. Under the current ACPO agreement with EHRC they have to act.

  • Are there any factors making the situation harder to address?

    I've sat on both equality and local community groups and even chaired one for some years. On these I've heard the different points of view of police, social workers and councillors about problem areas.

    So first of all are you living on an estate to which difficult tenants are moved, or where there are regular issues of crime, anti-social behaviour, or high unemployment or large numbers of malcontents etc.?  Because in those areas protection of vulnerable people seems to fall down badly.

    It is quite common for special needs housing to be inside problem housing areas - simply because if councils try to put special needs housing in better residential areas the NIMBY (not in my back yard) lobby makes it impossible. So you often get flats or small unit housing for disabled in the worst possible of locations.

    It depends really on the character of the council and social services and police in your area. 

    As IntenseWorld has suggested, the police hate crimes unit is your first port of call. However they vary, and some forces really do not address this properly. What you are describing is hate crime, within the letter of the law the police must prevent it and prosecute offenders, but the grim reality is some will make endless excuses for not doing so. The usual one is that the perpetrators are not committing a crime the police can act on, or they cannot act without witnesses, or various other fibs.

    Kep a record of what is going on. You may need the detailed case history to get this resolved. You will then need to give times, dates, details of what happened and what was said. If there are witnesses record who these were. They may not be willing to be winesses but if they turned a blind eye, and it comes to court action that could be to your advantage.

    Even if the local hate crimes officer is useless, report every incident and get an incident number every time (an official reference number including the date which the police are obliged in law to provide, whether or not they think a crime has been committed). Report the incidents to the hate crimes division rather than the general incident line. Also if there is a disability action group in your area, report the incidents to them - they may have an advocacy officer who can act.

    Is there an autism group (parents group, NAS group etc) in your area? Involve them. It gives them ammunition as well.

    Is there a community action group, neighbourhood watch, or something of the sort in your locality. The local library will know. They might not be being helpful, but involving them puts them on the spot. Find your local councillors, both district and county (they will be listed with contact details on your council's website). Get them involved.

    How do these neighbours know you have autism? In situations like this you sometimes find that social services or police have been indiscrete, or even quite openly gossipy - you know there's a weirdo two doors down..... It might sound horrific, but it really does happen.

    This has cropped up many times when problem families are rehoused in a new area for a fresh start. Invariably some official in the system will pass the word round. This really does happen - a lot. It is not a nice world out there.

    On the other hand you must try to avoid drawing attention to the fact yourself. The feebler police forces will try to use it against you that you "asked for" the attention. It isn't so in law, but if you have a rubbish police force in your area, that's one of the excuses they'll come up with.

    This business of filming you worries me. Are they filming you when your children are present? You cannot actually photograph or film people without their consent, and this has been an issues when communities have tried to deal with antisocial elements by filming it, because it is a contravention of the rights of the individual filmed - this despite the fact the police often instigate this directly by saying people need proof. You can have security cameras on your property but they must not intrude on other people's privacy.

    So I do need to ask why they are filming you? It might be to intimidate, but it might be that your reactions give them ammunition against you.  So do be careful they aren't getting something they think they can use against you on film.

    However if they are filming you without your consent, and especially if your children are present, they are the ones breaking the law.

    The last point is that communities will try to remove any undesirables. If the community you are in thinks your autism is a threat, they will try to remove you and your family.

    It is what this government seems not to understand regarding disabled people not working and claiming benefits - its not whether or not people are willing to work, but whether they are allowed to work, or their jobs made difficult, by bullying and ostracisation that the Disability Discrimination Act doesn't cover. It is the same with residential neighbourhoods. They will react against having anyone living near them with any kind of mental health issue.

    It may be appalling, but its the nature of "our" society.