bullied and discriminated by neighbours

 Hi am an adult with high functioning autism

Am been bullied by the neighbors they also tried to use physical violence they have been telling lies about me and incited hatred  they have invaded my space. I have children and they displayed aggression towards them. They vandalized my car and van costing thousands of pounds. They keep on provoking me and then they start to film me. Although I have told the Authorities and they know I have been diagnosed with Autism they have shown no interest at all I have had  no help at all so these bullies are now very confident. I have found lots of web sites with information about autism and bulling but there does not seem to be any direct intervention to stop the discrimination and persecution and bulling. Does any one have any ideas

  • You can find out how your local police force is performing via the HM Inspectorate of Constabularies (HMIC) website. Some police forces are constantly at the bottom of the league table.

    It may be worth pursuing the lack of police response to your difficulties with HMIC.

    As to Local Authorities, the worst performers by far are in the South Midlands - perhaps not what you would expect. Particularly bad being Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire. Of more northerly authorities Staffordshire is a poor performer.

    Northamptonshire has been hitting the headlines because of its truly appalling record over children in care - sometimes children are being held in police cells for want of accommodation.

    If you are unlucky enough to live in an area with a poor performing police force or council it will be hard to get resolution. They just seem to revel in being bad.

  • You can find out how your local police force is performing via the HM Inspectorate of Constabularies (HMIC) website. Some police forces are constantly at the bottom of the league table.

    It may be worth pursuing the lack of police response to your difficulties with HMIC.

    As to Local Authorities, the worst performers by far are in the South Midlands - perhaps not what you would expect. Particularly bad being Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire. Of more northerly authorities Staffordshire is a poor performer.

    Northamptonshire has been hitting the headlines because of its truly appalling record over children in care - sometimes children are being held in police cells for want of accommodation.

    If you are unlucky enough to live in an area with a poor performing police force or council it will be hard to get resolution. They just seem to revel in being bad.

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