How To Stop...

Hi everyone, Matthew again.

When i'm worrying I'm usually at a loose end (can't find anything to do), have stomach pains or a bit of a headache. The problem is this usually lasts for a while. Yesterday I recieved plenty of good advice on how to stop worrying but how do I stop when I am worrying?

What do you suggest? Should I lie on my bed, should I read a book or should I come on the forum and ask for advice? I don't want to chat on the forum to much, I have been known to just come on for a chat and not to discuss my worries - basically I don't want to annoy anybody.

Please get back to me with any advice you may have. Thanks Smile

Kindest regards,


  • They should be able to help. I think lots of ASD people struggle with eating well so I expect they will have some ideas of what to do to help you.

  • Recombinantsocks,

    I will be going to see a ASD support group soon. Maybe I could bring it up there, would they allow that and would they help me there?

    Kindest regards,


  • Coke is very acidic. It will attack the lining of your stomach. 

    It contains lots of sugar which can give you diabetes.

    it contains lots of caffeine which is addictive.

    i'm not sure what to advise at this point. Stopping suddenly will be very difficult because of the sugar and caffeine. If you did stop suddenly you will get massive headaches as your body won't cope with the sudden change in caffeine levels. 

    Do you have a support worker or another health professional that can help you with this?

  • Hi again Recombinantsocks,

    What happens if I drink to much coke? Can I become ill or something like that?

    Thanks for the reply,

    Kindest regards,


  • Your stomach does not want that much Coke!


  • Hi Recombinantsocks,

    I'm ashamed to say this but I usually drink five or six coke cans a day Undecided I'm not impressed with that and I am trying to cut down, but the taste of them is just so good!

    I don't eat my five a day, I might start having an apple daily or something like that. If it keeps my worrying at bay then it is worth it. You're so right, Hope's diet is simply amazing.

    She sounds like a very healthy person.

    This next part isn't for you Recombinantsocks as you already donated to my page. This next part is for people who haven't seen my page yet:

    September the 20th 2014 I'll be doing a walk to help fight Alzhimers. This walk is to raise as much money as I possibly can before September, I reached my goal to raise £100.00 and now I just need to raise as much as I can. This is all for my very ill gran, so please help her and others who have the disease.

    Please ask your mum, dad or friends to donate on my sponsorship page. It's totally safe and secure, as soon as you donate your money is straight at the charity. Feel free to donate as little or as much as you like - a huge thanks from Matthew.

    Here's the link to my page -

    Thank you.

    Sorry about that Recombinantsocks. Thanks for your reply, sorry about all the coke I drink...

    Kindest regards,


  • Hi Matthew,

    a few more questions...

    How much coke do you drink every day. What else do you drink?

    you didn't mention any fruit or veg. Do you eat your "5 a day". What fruit or veg do you eat most days?

    Hope's diet sounds really good, she is clearly looking after herself properly.

  • I couldn't agree more Hope. I really should cut out the fizzy drinks, they don't help my worrying and they certainly don't help my teeth.

    Do you drink fizzy drinks, or are you healthier than me? Wink

    Kindest regards,


  • I would beg to differ about cutting out fruit. Certain fruits, such as grapes  and apples, contain protective properties that can help prevent type 2 diabetes. Fruit is also a rich source of vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants.  But I agree that cutting out fizzy drinks and refined sugars is a sensible move.

  • Hey again Recombinantsocks,

    At the moment I am mainly eating rolls and sandwiches, mainly due to the very hot weather. Sometimes we have a roast though, it all depends to be honest.

    My diet isn't to good at the moment. I'm not fat don't get me wrong, but I do drink a lot of Coca Cola. I think that's due to stress, though I may be wrong?

    What do you think?

    Kindest regards,


  • Thanks Hope for catching that mix-up. Yes, i was suggesting a special balanced diet rather than a slimming diet.

    your mention of tummy ache and headache prompted my question.

    I've been trying the ideas of Sue Dengate who has food intolerance website in Australia. Firstly you get rid of a lot of E number additives (cut out fizzy drinks with colours and other additives) and then you try avoiding most fruit! You have to keep up the balance by having more vegetables.

    Matthew, what are your favourite foods and do you think you have a good diet at the moment?

  • Thanks Hope.

    Thanks for clearing that out for me. I was a little confused but now that you've said that I get it now. I will have to try that out and see if my worry's happen less.

    Thanks for helping me out there. Laughing

    Kindest regards,


  • I think, but am not sure, that recombinantsocks was referring to a healthy balanced diet, as opposed to a fad diet that cuts out key food groups. For example, consuming lots of fruit and veg; wholegrains (wholemeal bread, oats, brown rice and pasta); fish (especially oily fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel); nuts and seeds; free range egg, etc; and trying to limit processed and refined food. A healthy diet can make you feel better, mentally and physically, but it cannot cure all problems. I try and eat healthily but still suffer from severe anxiety. However, if I ate a refined and unhealthy diet, I think my symptoms would be 10 times worse.

  • Hi Recombinantsocks,

    Yeah you can ask. No I haven't tried any sort of diet, I heard dieting can cause some nasty illnesses - including Cancer!

    This might not be true but I don't want to take the chance Smile

    Thanks for commenting mate.

    Kindest regards,


  • Matthew

    Can i ask whether you have tried any of the diet ideas that some people believe can help with ASD?

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Yeah I think all of those you named were really good ideas. I'm going to be getting a pen pal soon so that should take my mind of worries and stress.

    Thank you for the reply Hope.

    Kindest regards,


  • I find distraction can help, such as listening to music, watching TV, or just pacing my back garden. The Internet and cyberspace also distracts me from my worries.

  • Hi crystal12.

    Thanks for the quick reply. Physical exercise you say, hmm, that sounds awesome to me Laughing

    My brother goes out to play with the football of an evening so I might start joining him. I appreciate the reply, thank you.

    Kindest regards,


  • Hi Matthew, it can be very difficult to stop worrying once you've started.  I suppose it also depends on how "big" the worry is.  Some people who worry can have a disproportionate view about how serious something really is, so their worry just keeps getting bigger + bigger.  Other people sometimes don't take things seriously enough, even when things indicate that they should.  Physical exercise is supposed to help with worry/anxiety so if there is a physical activity you enjoy, try doing that instead of worrying.  Also an activity that needs all your concentration, second-second, minute-minute, will also take your mind off your worries.  You should feel comfortable about posting about worries you have on here. Smile