Traditional / Old Fashioned Thinking

As an older person with Autism, I was brought up in very different times with different thinking, values, acceptance, behaviour, etc (1970's & 80's).

The World has changed so much since then - both for better and worse.
There have been so many advancements - particularly in science and this has benefitted us ASD'ers immensely.

One thing that is troubling me is that I hold a lot of "principles" that in this day and age would be considered "Old Fashioned", "Traditional", maybe even "Bigotry" or worse.
There are things that I struggle to understand or accept which are based on my traditional attitude. I was brought up in an era when....

  • Boys had girlfriends and girls has boyfriends
  • You were born a boy and died a man
  • Men married women
  • Humour was not censored
  • People weren't "cancelled"

I openly discuss or rant about these topics along with some others that may be considered taboo with closed friends and family who have all become somewhat numb to my outrageousness / inappropriateness.

I have however managed to "behave" in public (stayed on the right side of the law), but occasionally do mutter things with a level of cowardice.
My concern is that now that I am officially autistic, the shackles of having to mask may have been broken and that has the potential of me saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  • GPK26 clearly knows what he has done as he's spoke about it an awful lot which is free for the reading without my quoting it. Also, pls don't make false equivalences. It feels nonsequitur at best and makes exactly zero points I can give any consideration.

    Anyway I only popped in to offer some friendly advice hence my post is written with the "royal you". So I'm not going to engage in a manufactured argument as the facts of the thread are there for all to read no matter what the differing opinions and as what needed to be said seems to have been already there is nothing to discuss further here as far as I'm concerned.

  • but what has he done?

    all he has said here is that he thinks a man is a man.... hes ok to have that view even if you disagree with it... theres no evil committed here unless im missing something?

    and yes i understand trans exist and they disagree with that... but, so what? ... i like chocolate, there are people out there who dont like chocolate, i do not consider them evil for that...

    i think galloways is better than greggs.... some people might say greggs is better, i dont take offence or consider them evil for a difference of opinion or view. and it doesnt change my view or effect my view... so i fail to see what bad hes done, unless as i said there is more context thats not on this thread?

  • and why can you say what you want?

    what if i said your words right there are majorly offensive and requires police action but you didnt know that because you wasnt aware of the every tightening social restrictions in society?

    who is to be judge jury and executioner? dictator of all words said or thought?

  • is it bad that most people in society disagree with your views?

    or if everyone agrees with your views does that make your neurotypical?

    this leaves alot of questions open...

  • yeah, i see that all the time, that you cant use it as a excuse... its never a excuse though its a explanation.... the people claiming your using it as a excuse are the people who want to attack you for it.

    imagine telling a person whos legs were amputated that they cant use their condition as a excuse to not walk lol

  • i dunno, wouldnt his parents hold more traditional views than that though? and thats where he got his views? but his views will be more progressive than his parents.... so your kinda wrong on the family part anyway as his family if anything would think he is too progressive if anything and not traditional enough no?

  • autism is actually often to blame for saying the wrong thing... or for not saying something when something is expected to be said... or not knowing very strict social rules which are more draconian and super strict these days that even normies now feel like everything is too sensitive and they are treading barefoot on broken glass everytime they open their mouths. it doesnt create a nice society when its like that.

    and the term biggot is misused as it means intolerance of others views.... this guy said nothing bigoted as he only stated his own views, of which if i didnt tolerate his views that he stated then id be a bigot for not tolerating his views. bigot is a term used too often by people who want to silence views they dont tolerate themselves. it gets tricky when its used that way as thats a double edged sword.

  • If it were really THAT controversial, provocative, hateful, etc then I would have expected that the mods would have jumped all over it at some point during the past 10 hours - especially as I have reported the thread to mods and emailed the community manager.

    The mods on this site have the most laissez-faire attitude I've ever seen so I wouldn't take it as much of a blessing. Enoch Powell could be on here posting about rivers of blood and he'd get a copy and pasted reminder of the rules and a "be nice to each other".

    There are multiple people in this thread who've posted racist, sexist and homophobic things in the past with no consequence and several nice people have left the site because of it. Would it be so hard to listen to what people are saying and be kind instead of just constantly doubling down? 

  • I was raised among hard core extreme branch of the John Birch Society*

    who thought in such bigoted terms as to be unsuitable to site examples of

    in this, our AS(not-a)D sanctuary.

    Thank  you for sharing that.

    That must have been quite tough for you as you come across as an open-minded well rounded person.

    I thought I had enough to contend with at home with my mum's mental illness and extreme anti-gay position and my dad's racism, but at least these views weren't 'institutionalised'.

  • Getting "cancelled" isn't really a thing, if you say or do things that make you about as welcome as fart at a funeral people are simply going to treat you as such.
    The only difference is now it's not just limited to your deeds being known only to you, your victim, and a handful of witnesses, people have always talked about your misdeeds but now they talk about it publically online for all and sundry to find out. And if anyone thinks for a second they are exempt from that then they're the "snowflake", not the folk they've offended.
    Rather than demand people stop holding you accountable for what you say and do you'd have an easier time just not saying or doing anything that you need be held accountable for in the first place.
    You're an adult, nobody is denying anyone is a product of their generation but we live in the age of information now, and you are online you can find out what is and isn't acceptable, so the ignorance is wilful and a choice being made. There are plenty here who have lived an learned. We've all had to grow to some degree or another.
    That is why you will find the youngsters have a hard time forgiving you, because you should know better by now not to say things that are hateful. Wisdom is suposed to come with age.

  • You'll likely get bored in the end, GPK26.

    There's an old proverb which involves "wrestling with pigs" that comes to mind in threads like this...   

    It's a pity people aren't as passionate and moved to action about opposing war, or improving the lot of the elderly sick and poor people as they are about gender issues.

    ALL the individual branches of the US military are at Defcon 2 now, although the overall status is still weirdly reported as Defcon 3, and an actual eschatological war has broken out between two nuclear armed adversaries in the middle east and all people are really bothered about is who is putting their wingwang wherever and what is the correct way to describe it!!

    AND STILL NO ONE is protesting against WAR! NO one cares that the U.S. is in the process of returning it's nuclear weapons to our little island and Russia put a battallion of Yars missiles (presumably aimed at us).

    Why aren't they out there campaigning for our SURVIVAL if they want to make the world a better place? 

    Probably because few of them want to reproduce, and the fate of future generations is simply of no interest compared to how one should properly address a homosexual.  

  • I can, but it's too controversial a concept, and I'm not going to spend enough time here providing evidence and counter argument to support the proposition I'd be making.

    GPK26 seems to be holding his own against multiple adversaries well enough.

    The mods will step in and regulate the thread in what seems to be a very considered and even handed manner if it gets outright nasty. 

    But there definitely is a reason why in the real world, considered as a totality with all points of view represented, GPK26 is (thankfully) still a member of a vast majority known as right thinking human beings.

  • You are arguing against the historical evidence.

    Great civilisations END in a free for all of ideas and chaotic actions, in  a way that many people see being repeated now.

    JUST MY LUCK!! Why couldn't I have been born in a stable and benevolent society at it's nice stable period?

    Those who won't learn from history are destined to repeat it.

    I KNOW you don't like my perspective about some things (although I believe when you get past hating me for it, you'll start to see how similar we are, and in harmony about other things) and if your new identity finds me just as aggravating, I'll quickly stop providing my perspective to you out of simple courtesy. I'd like us as people who hold fairly strong conflicting opinions to find a way to co-exist on the same forum, and find the points we have in common.

    I'm just providing you with an argument on a forum, based on my own perspective & experiences and definitely not hating on anyone. I've learned al lot from some of the more patient posters here about the trials and tribulations that a group of people of which I am not a member have gone through, and as a result have more understanding of them, but nothing I've read or seen makes me want to join them and apparently to some people that constitutes "bigotry". 

    Honestly, I read threads like this, and am reminded of Jack Nickolson in "Mars Attacks" spreading his hands and saying "why can't we just get along?" 

    Props to you for retaining your identity, shows "a bit of backbone" as us older people used to hear said. Maybe even "character". If I might say, honestly, and with an increased level of respect.

  • Theres a difference between accidentally saying something offensive due to your autism vs feeling like you can say what ever you want because "oh I have autism so I cant control it"

  • Because those are the values that BUILT our civilisations and the current values we are being fed are making us either a laughing stock or worse in the wider world as they openly marvel at our self hatred and destructiveness. 

    Fortunately, it's a CHOICE for me whether I need to know about LGBTQPNB issues, and I choose not to. Just as most of you choose not to learn how to fix your own stuff, not out of "bigotry", (at least I can spell the word!) but simple lack of interest. 

    I do find some of the ideas unworkable in practice, and idealism misplaced or even downright irritating when some strident person gets bent out of shape about my lack of interest in what is clearly a major obsession for many, but it used to be "football" that you had to like and that never engaged my interest either, and I fond the people who were able to fight in the streets about what team they support, just as ridiculous as some of what I see and read these days. 

    I wish they'd leave the poor kids out of it though, My generation didn't have anything like as many teenage suicides as my kids generation appear (definitely form observation, and also by repute) have..  

    I have a thread in my discord called "The other side of trans" and some of the testimony and imagery, is both horrific and heartbreaking. Many victims (I can't think of a more apt word) testify that they were encouraged in what they now feel was a life destroying or at least changing MISTAKE. At least that's how THEY see it, apparently that's wrong think these days, but it's their testimony.  

    But of course, it's all doubleplus good, comrade. Just so long as they don't reduce my chocolate rations..

    What's more important I guess it to remember who we are at war with today.

    Being accused of being a traitor is even worse than being accused of bigotry,and I do like my chocolate ration..

  • Here are somethings to think about as you are troubled by your own principles.

    Have you thought about how the adoption of these principles might be itself a layer of masking so old it feels familiar natural?

    The public mask another whole persona?

    Do you now want to find release to see, to know yourself more fully?

    Some of the things you have said in this thread indicate you are going back and forth on the subject.

    1 - If you want to peel away the masking layer by layer:

    Do you feel your own values, second hand and inherited as they are

    by your own account, define who you are?

    If not, try to tease apart where you begin and these principles end.

    Who are you without them, just you?

    Can you see your self apart from your principles?

    You may experience a great liberation and see the world differently.

    2 - If you are going to double down on your "principles":

    Would you seek to determine for others what is of value and importance for them?

    "TOO FAR", for whom?

    Are they to stay where you can't see them?

    Where would that be if it is you who has rested your gaze upon them, not they upon you?

    If your principles are what and who you identify as your "self" and not a mask, consequently,

    do you feel existentially threatened or fearful of these "others" for simply existing? 

  • I, for one was relieved when '70s "humor" was canceled.

    Having felt an outcast myself, it always made me squirm or angry,

    and I was raised among hard core extreme branch of the John Birch Society*

    who thought in such bigoted terms as to be unsuitable to site examples of

    in this, our AS(not-a)D sanctuary.


  • What "views" are you actually referring to?
    Can you please point to (quote) where I have categorically stated such views?