Traditional / Old Fashioned Thinking

As an older person with Autism, I was brought up in very different times with different thinking, values, acceptance, behaviour, etc (1970's & 80's).

The World has changed so much since then - both for better and worse.
There have been so many advancements - particularly in science and this has benefitted us ASD'ers immensely.

One thing that is troubling me is that I hold a lot of "principles" that in this day and age would be considered "Old Fashioned", "Traditional", maybe even "Bigotry" or worse.
There are things that I struggle to understand or accept which are based on my traditional attitude. I was brought up in an era when....

  • Boys had girlfriends and girls has boyfriends
  • You were born a boy and died a man
  • Men married women
  • Humour was not censored
  • People weren't "cancelled"

I openly discuss or rant about these topics along with some others that may be considered taboo with closed friends and family who have all become somewhat numb to my outrageousness / inappropriateness.

I have however managed to "behave" in public (stayed on the right side of the law), but occasionally do mutter things with a level of cowardice.
My concern is that now that I am officially autistic, the shackles of having to mask may have been broken and that has the potential of me saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  • Im not sure if this conversation is homophobic but just incase it is, rule 7 in the community rules says "This is a hate-free zone for autistic people, their families and friends, and professionals working in the field. We do not permit sexism, homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, transphobia, disability hate speech, hate speech, obscenities or pornography to be posted or linked to here. " Again im not sure if this discussion is homophobic but I thought id just make sure everyone knew about this rule

  • I think some of the remarks made on here are homophobic and racist, which is concerning me greatly especially as autism is being used for the reason why. 

  • Former Member and Former Member

    Your comments are verging on slander for which there are severe legal implications.
    You have clearly interpreted my posts in completely the wrong way and I feel very sad at what seem like accusations you have made towards me.

    You've probably already reported this post, but I can assure you that I will also be referring it to the mods / admin.  

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