Lonely but don't like people

Does anyone else feel like I do?
I feel lonely and desperate for friends to talk to but at the same time I don't like having to talk to people and I want to be at home with just me and my family and shut the world out and not have to see anyone or text anyone

It feels like quite a contradiction but so does much of my life

Also, I think its hard for me as I feel I can't truly be myself with most people, especially NT's 

  • Defame the Critics.

    That's their objective.

  • china copied the uk on surveillance though. the uk was the surveillance state of the world with cameras everywhere, china saw that and copied. so that totalitarian thing was admittedly the uks creation.

  • Wow this discussion went in a different direction than I imagined it would!
    Yes, I have heard about what Trudeu did in Canada, I actually read about it for the first time this week.Also remember how during the banking crisis in Cyprus the government took a set amount of money, I think it was about 2,000, out of everyone's savings to keep the economy going. The Chinese government is already experimenting with social credit scores. It seems like most totalitarian things on earth, whether it be facial recognition, covid lockdowns etc come out of that regime. 

    As far as Im concerned cash is freedom.  I think its a case of use it or lose it, which is why I try to pay in cash for things whenever I can. 

    I dont think it is something we need to worry about at the moment. I think the full cashless society is a long way off, perhaps not even in our lifetimes, but it is worth being aware that it is certainly the way the world is headed

  • yeah, as canada has shown us they can do that already.

    do you know during covid lockdown and strikes, justin trudeau the president of canada, faced trucker strikes and anti mask strikes... and what he did was threaten to shut peoples banks down if they keep striking, and he did do that, he started debanking strikers and people that refuse to be vaccinated. he forced all canadians to be vaccinated and if they didnt he debanked them, cutting them off from their money, making it so they cant be paid, so they cant pay their rent or bills. he ruined peoples lives by debanking them just because he wanted to force them to take the vaccine or stop striking. so canada has shown they can already do that.

  • digital currency will allow for the sort of tyranny the world has never seen. Criticize a government policy and at the push of a button you cannot make any financial transaction - no mortgage, rent, cannot buy food, medicines or even water.

    Digital currency will give the state absolute control over a slave population - that is why the politicians want it! 

  • the CBDC will kill crypto... because that is government monopolised owned crypto that they intend to basically replace money with and get rid of the current money system with , basically we wont notice any different as it still works the same way as debit cards and money in the bank anyway aside from you wont have physical notes and change anymore which will then stop cash in hand tax dodgers. the cbdc will also transact and move faster, no more waiting months for money to move or a cheque to clear.

    but the problem with it, is that crypto as we know it, bitcoin, ethereum, all the 100000s of other scam coins, that will all go. because a cbdc is centralised and government control, for one crypto supposed to be decentralised so a cbdc would instantly destroy the whole meaning of crypto currency. and another being government controlled is that governments when they control things they ban anyone else from doing it as governments want the monopoly on anything... such as how canabis growing and selling is banned, but yet the uk government is the largest grower seller and exporter or canabis in the world. 

  • NVM I just looked it up, and just wanted to put your mind at ease because I know in some ways you are an old head like me, don't worry, crypto will come come and go like a fad, physical assests like gold are always where it is at, since the Ukraine - Russian war the price of my inherited gold has gone up several times over though ofc I wouldn't sell unless I absolutely had to.
    Oh btw

    it was make new "Family" or be a hermit.

    you just described my marriage lol. Nah I'm kiding, I do have friends, but like other than that yeah it's not more folks than I can count on both hands tbh.

  • Aw I didn't know you had cats. I share one with my neighbour: Very cuddly, not been declawed (I checked) but never stratches anything.

  • Sorry to hear that you lacked meaningful family ties. But what do you mean by CBDC? From your approximate description I don't think it will ever be implemented as a lot of top scientific jobs do not allow for the most vibrant social lives.

  • With "Social Credit Scoring" looming on all our horizons as soon as they can get that CBDC thing off the ground, then the number and quality of friends you have may well be part of the calculus applied to determine your income...

    Friends have been essential to me, in the past. Lacking meaningfull family ties, it was make new "Family" or be a hermit.

  • I dunno, I think I relate at least somewhat to that. I don't need friends, but I still want them, friends are still nice to have even if they aren't essential to me.

  • Finding people you don't need to filter what you say and how you behave with is the thing. Otherwise its too much like putting on sn act. Thst can generate a lot of feelings of loneliness. This is not my culture or language here either, which can also be difficult.

  • That might be your experience, both of ours, judge me...

    (And the fluffy one sheds a weird sort of very fine fluffy/spiderwebby shite that I have to keep vaccuming off my trousers, & the furniture which is a really raw deal, because she doesn't actually ever sit on me). 

    But I am never lonely, and it's hard to be sad around cats....

  • God does make hypo-allergenic cats, I am told.

  • Great suggestion. It is very much to my regret, that i am allergic.

  • Cats make the best friends and pets. They are loving, listen to you, don't judge and are one of the cleanest animals.

  • loneliness?

    Get yerself a cat.

    And that's that.

    (I think I managed a haiku!)

  • yeah thats one thing that ended up pushing me into getting a job. felt lonely to a breaking point that i just ended up getting a job for the sake of feeling like im hanging with friends lol

    it kinda works. your work colleagues fill that gap, and are not super close though so you can go back home and still have a quiet life in your own private space.

  • The story of my life. Lol. I'm deaf anyway but I still really want friends but the idea of trying to get to know people is terrifying to me, especially as I would need to go out to, I don't know like a coffee shop or something to meet people and that's difficult in itself because of my disabilities.

    I'm like that as well, people rarely get to see the real me. It's like being an actress in a play, they see the character I put on, but not the real me.

  • Can you find a group that deals with your special interests? like a meetup group for example say your interests was trains there are lots of train groups, that means you would be able to just talk about trains and less small talk, so why not see if there is a group based on whatever special interests you have.