Lonely but don't like people

Does anyone else feel like I do?
I feel lonely and desperate for friends to talk to but at the same time I don't like having to talk to people and I want to be at home with just me and my family and shut the world out and not have to see anyone or text anyone

It feels like quite a contradiction but so does much of my life

Also, I think its hard for me as I feel I can't truly be myself with most people, especially NT's 

Parents Reply
  • That might be your experience, both of ours, judge me...

    (And the fluffy one sheds a weird sort of very fine fluffy/spiderwebby shite that I have to keep vaccuming off my trousers, & the furniture which is a really raw deal, because she doesn't actually ever sit on me). 

    But I am never lonely, and it's hard to be sad around cats....
