Lonely but don't like people

Does anyone else feel like I do?
I feel lonely and desperate for friends to talk to but at the same time I don't like having to talk to people and I want to be at home with just me and my family and shut the world out and not have to see anyone or text anyone

It feels like quite a contradiction but so does much of my life

Also, I think its hard for me as I feel I can't truly be myself with most people, especially NT's 

  • Wow this discussion went in a different direction than I imagined it would!
    Yes, I have heard about what Trudeu did in Canada, I actually read about it for the first time this week.Also remember how during the banking crisis in Cyprus the government took a set amount of money, I think it was about 2,000, out of everyone's savings to keep the economy going. The Chinese government is already experimenting with social credit scores. It seems like most totalitarian things on earth, whether it be facial recognition, covid lockdowns etc come out of that regime. 

    As far as Im concerned cash is freedom.  I think its a case of use it or lose it, which is why I try to pay in cash for things whenever I can. 

    I dont think it is something we need to worry about at the moment. I think the full cashless society is a long way off, perhaps not even in our lifetimes, but it is worth being aware that it is certainly the way the world is headed

  • Wow this discussion went in a different direction than I imagined it would!
    Yes, I have heard about what Trudeu did in Canada, I actually read about it for the first time this week.Also remember how during the banking crisis in Cyprus the government took a set amount of money, I think it was about 2,000, out of everyone's savings to keep the economy going. The Chinese government is already experimenting with social credit scores. It seems like most totalitarian things on earth, whether it be facial recognition, covid lockdowns etc come out of that regime. 

    As far as Im concerned cash is freedom.  I think its a case of use it or lose it, which is why I try to pay in cash for things whenever I can. 

    I dont think it is something we need to worry about at the moment. I think the full cashless society is a long way off, perhaps not even in our lifetimes, but it is worth being aware that it is certainly the way the world is headed

  • Two Russian social hackers (AKA pranksters) have recenlty been catching out the rich and powerful by posing as Zelensky during one of their amusing phonecalls they called Christine Lagarde (IIRC) and she told them that the banks are going to decide on CDBC's on  October the 23rd This year.

    I worked for a major financial player in the late eighties and they set the date for elimination of cash at 1999, (It was posted on the internal notice board and in their newsletter.

    But it did not happen....

    So when the guys DOING the conspiring can't get it right, then please don't be so hard on those who are merely trying to follow and report the conspiracies... ;c)

  • china copied the uk on surveillance though. the uk was the surveillance state of the world with cameras everywhere, china saw that and copied. so that totalitarian thing was admittedly the uks creation.