• RE: I think I might drink myself to death

    I think that you're really intelligent, that you're aware of so many things happening within you and around you, that it can be very hard to process so much.

    Voices in your head and the emotional instability, and issue with gluten and other gut…

  • RE: GB News (New British News Network)

    i find your actually correct on that.
    all of my ideas of want of change are rather very left wing ideas..... but my ideas of civility and not being a douchebag are right wing ideas and they stop me from going out smashing peoples heads in for want of change…

  • Worried about my future

    I'm feeling worried about my future, the worry is increasing every single day. Currently I'm living with my parents and I love them to bits. I also heavily rely on them, I can't cook, do phone calls, or do money and shopping. My whole life is literally…

  • RE: Unsure of what to do?


    My names Nev, I am 26 years old and I am currently at a bit of a loss with how to proceed in certain aspects of my life. 

    Very vague! I know! I haven't been diagnosed, however I have had multiple people who are very close to me suggest that…
  • RE: How often are people here NOT autistic?


    There are so many points here that resonate with me right now. May I just pass on two things that hopefully cannot possibly hurt (just in case I do not in fact have ASD and hence am totally not in a place to be doling out advice / engaging - I want…

  • RE: Low libido - really struggling

    A person with depression is in the position to ask for support, get the help from the partner. A person in depression is already having tough time coping with life itself, to survive at all to the level of getting medcation for it. A person in depression…

  • RE: Can't cope with major decision

    Hello.Welcome. It is a long post but that's ok. If you try to carry on as you are you won't just meltdown you will burn out. So yes it is a serious decision to make. Yes I do understand that on the surface it would appear that you are competent and managing…

  • Just checking in with pre diagnosis angst and other business :)


    This forum has helped me so much over the past few months.  I've heard women and men here articulate things which haven't even been concious thoughts I've had over the last 43 years, rather have been things which are 'just me' and which I thought…

  • RE: Obesity

    Hi Desmond79.

      I have realized over the years (I'm now in my 50th year) that some foods are highly problematic for me. As an Asthmatic, I cannot tolerate Citrus and as a migraine sufferer a whole host of foods trigger migraines for me and my son, including…

  • RE: Just had my first appointment, need some help.

    As you are probably also aware, AS begins in very early childhood. You are of course born with it, but the symptoms often don't manifest themselves until age 3/4.

    My Mum observed these traits in me (yours might be different, as no two people with AS…