Foxy has four legs

Well my post diagnosis was messy and the mute shut down and rejection of alll medical assistance was the out working of a failier of response that is typical of the mental health provisions in surrey. the few people I saw were ok and the psychiatrist did get me a step along but i was wel annoyed that his paper work was nessacary to qualify what i had been bleeting on about for years anf even now the system has let me drift off because i was traumatise dby the 40 questions it takes to get an assesment to go on the 18 month waiting list for therapy. PLEASE

So how was i exumed from my silence and driven from my pyjamas and the doldrums of indifferent failier and the contemplations of my own execution that I willing ly considered and rejected to continue what I saw as fsithful but self detructive choice to live.

Well She is called Foxy anad she is the dumped dog who escaped the battersey death nell, to become my little world of sucess on a different world view of things.

You can see her baby picture here,7

I am up at 4 to keep the floor dry and when she eats I remember to, her walks and my medication go together and all in all we are a good team, I have to be the boss and eat first and have learned to shout or bark when I am not happy with realy bad behaviour, I am the one who is at the training classes she is well smart and had to go up a class.

The staff at the school responded in fine style to my iam autistic card and a few of them have first hand experience and experts in the friend and family line who would consult to help my challenges, which was overwhelming on the first day. have been exelent in their understanding and have been keen to help me keep a sfe and happy doe mostly I needed reassuring that i wass not breaking her in some way.

So I was lead out of the rock under which I crawled realy by a small bright inteligent Little Red Dog, called Foxy.


When ther are no languages to bridge the devide it is the best of us as animals that we have in common, it is sad that we despise this beauty in ourselves as base and of no value or function, for I think it is the very antidote to all that ails us as a result of the toxicity of the life we call modern.



  • Off to find nest



    Heffalumps not withstanding

  • Well the boys are back at school and Owen is miserable. Lots of shouting over the last 24hrs from my migraines are back after the respite the end of term brought us.

    I have decided that once the asd assessment process is finished, if things don't improve I will home educate. I have lots of opposition to this but what's popular isn't always right, and what's right isn't always am sticking my tongue out to the doubters.

    The new school they are at is fabulous but he still isn't coping and the thought of him (and consequently Sam ) being this unhappy until they leave is unthinkable. I'm sick of meetings, repeating myself over his difficulties and dealing with the meltdowns after and before school..I am sure there's a better way.   But the assessment process can be difficult if they are HE (don't ask me why but the asd team don't like it) so until that is done we will have to do the best we can.

    Sorry MiL is still having care issues, how frustrating! I do like the sound of her though.

    I liked the fact you have been on the war path over your rights..nice one..go girl!

    When's your first meet with the support worker?

    As for our messages I will start a new topic off with the title of Piggle made a nest.

    Find you there.

    Take care my friend



  • skin of teeth power reccommended as a fine sourse of power have used it often goes well with large doses of Bu£% sh&t when nessacary. And excuses many windswept looks and grotty trowser moments.

    Foxy and I got a 104 candle torch with dip and high beam so along with the wellies that need to be changed we are in fine form for the rest of the dark evenings. I got a snazzy pg field wax sleeveless padded coat from the edinburgh woolen mill where I go for my only, yes ! only, sales shopping each year. reduced from 90 shekels to 40 a deal. the saving are busted now.

    I had a stomp about the financial institutional efforts I was being squeesed towards by the social service peeps but I have my grubbies on the information from the NAS peeps on what I am allowed to have and what officials have to do. If anyone ever said revenge is sweet then it comes no sweeter that to be able to stop people doing to me, and demanding and blustering about what I cannot do and to tell them they cannot do this or that and have to meet me on my terms when fair.

    I even phoned my local council and asked them who their designated communicator was and had they got a management member of staff in place to meet all their new responsabilities. did they know about Autism and what will they be doing to ament the short fall as it is about to be two years past the legislated time of responsibility. Oh I was so nice about the matter but you can bet your bottom dollar I will be back to haunt the siuation and see if they are doing rether that apologising.

    Power to the people the monotropic mind set has got a crack in the fabric of society and can now be given the same rights and expectations as ethnicity. I f we all turn out to have a geneticly common factor I think we ae entitled to ethnic recognition too.

    Brain on fuggy still with no sign f full restoration after the last round of meds. Me too on the pain management thing my second course. A psycologist is appearing from nowhere some time to help with said meds issues, door-horse-bolted comes to mind.

    Did you notice we are being chopped off at page eight, ...............cheek some moddy bummble is on page 37 and they are going to do the dirty on us. Any ideas for the next spot to start yakking do you think they would notice if we coded the conversation under your dogs names for a bit, rotters; just when we were getting going again with new polish and the new year for subject matter.

    Foxy had balls and a big turkey toy along with a new bowel and a posh wax jacket Mil got her after she dreamed it. Mil is still here beating the odds, getting well shakey and loosing a grip on time and events but we went to the cinema, i think she saw most of it. We had xmas day on the following tusday with our presents etc, and did the dutiful for the rest of the time sharing Mil between the family.

    I am not impressed with socialservice care in the home it is all about cost so much that I am amazed they keep people alive at all, I am no way having that on my watch it will be live wild or out in the frost for one last sundown if I get that much in need, do you know the carers do not even know how to put on support stockings properly. Wow we are in trouble when it comes to todays 13-19 year olds doing the care thing in a decade or two; no such thing as common sence they have been told for the last ten years HELP. and they think I am without feeling and full mental faculty,........... yea right.

    Good to be at it again oats me old cocker. buckets of best wishes, the canadiand use chinese white flower oil which is manufactured ans a pure product in  hong Kong, be careful of imitations, the Pak Fah yow company is the real deal and it can work wi=onders as a steam respiratory soother, but go through all the slow and small personal tests and precautions you would for your lovlies, we dropped off a years worth of our asthma medication in a homeless shelter in sydney after road testing this stuff and the family we got the education from had a child that was doing the going blue as a child thig till they used this stuff. pluss all the no dairy yada yada !

    Take cae


    Tomorrow is an unwritten space in time you have yet to pass through.

  • Ah the new year awaits us and I am feeling very positive about it as being a better one.

    Owen starts is asd assessment process in January YAH. I am on a holistic pain management course in throughout february, and looking forward to what that may bring.

    I will be very interested to hear how you get along with your new support worker, should be a bit of an adventure for you.

    Well keep writing and speak to you soon.


  • Seasonal turn, the sun is on it's way we are at the beginning of spring, I have been thinking about my time with a support worker, its a real challenge and still a blank in my mind. I have not had a budddy to connect with ever before as people dissapear always. But there has only one exeption to that and that is my lovely, who will celebrate 16 years together this month.

    But that is the only connection to a human close up I have ever kept.

    So I think i will be asking the support worker to help me start, this journey.

    I have also been looking at the second real tree we have had this xmas season which has had me thinking about the notion of settlement and a sense of safety. To be safe ! is rather a new state to be in and one that is taking me a good while to reconcile as permenant or to trust.

    I have realised that it has never been part of my thinking to be stopped or to be safe and i am et to trust it as a reasonable state to consider, this is not a trial but a matter of propper assesment, and part of the journey I have agreed to since returning to this country 4 ears ago.

    So my Oaty friend it is good to share the journey with you.

    Good to be talking. have a great new year.


    NEW is a state of mind. REnew is the revisit to that state.

  • good news about Foxy..all sounds to be going so much better for you.

    Try and think of a few suggestions about what you would like to do with your allocated time. It could be a fun thing or help doing something you find more challenging..whatever you would find most helpful.

    Am counting the days until school ends and I can get my little ones home for a while and chill out.

    Have a lovely time whatever you do and I am glad you are feeling better.



  • Foxy is doing great, she has settled in after her house arrest durring her season. And was patient when I waas a bit immobile. her chracter is deeloping well ans she is a delight . Talking with a musical variety of whimps, whines and squeeks is well established now. I have tried to listen to my own talking to see which words she is imitating and I think we will have a fair understanding before too long. 

    Walking now requires wellies, I have non so that is a santa mission coming up I think. I get my social work fund sorted next year allegedly, that will mean two hours a week with an NAS support worker. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what to do I have no idea what two hours feels like but if I am having a good time it wil go fast.

    I hope you can anchor some firm traditions in to your xmas so they are settled a bit more, I hear outter mongolia is a quiet venue durring the season if you need ideas for a place to go alternatively build a beouine tent in the biggest room in the house, shut out the world and have a picnic.

    Merry xmas Oaty to you and all yours from your pal Wolfster.


    The return of the sun is due to begin in 10 days and I will celebrate its return with pleasure.

  • Nice to hear things are on the up. I had a major bout of anxiety and depression but like you I got sick of the miseries and am on the up now.

    The Christmassy disruptions are playing havoc with Owen but we are coping. He had an admittance this wee too with his asthma...which was...'interesting'...but we coped and he's back to school tomorrow.

    Am doing positive thinking, crossing everything in the hope that if we don't romp to wards the term finishline then at the very least we will power slide over it by the skin of our teeth...laughs out loud at mental image.

    Glad you are starting to come back to us..hang in there Wolfster!



  • Yo oats is it time to be on an even keel yet. I am just about in sight of ok. The Icas complaint is just about done and will get posted after christmas, so thats one thing out the way.

    I am still not right after the pregabalin and Have had an epidural a couple of weeks again, I have had a romping headache and am not sure what the cause is but the migraines, blindness, double vision sicky stoomach are all a bit of a mystery but fit the side effects of coming off the mucky tablets.

    My partner ha been so wonderful this last couple of weeks and is exhausted herself with her work and all. but Xmas will have us together and I hope to be in better shape by then.

    Oh oats do we sound like a couple of rag dolls or what ?

    I don't know about you but I am about fed up with this point of view and keep looking for a new attitude to hold so I can see things from a different perspective but the aches do intrude for sure.

    My hobby room looks like it will be ready to use in the new year. and I am picking up bits and pieces to make stuff from freecycle.

    I have got the makings of some library shelves for the front room from the local saw mill, the bits are slowly coming together and I hope to have the boxes that have been in the corner since we moved in two years ago. Things are looking up, oats small victories, small steps and small smiles with it.

    Hope the holiday season is a good afair for you and we can share some good news. Take care my friend and chin up.


    Our own goals are different and in the fog of expectation are easy to loose, Small is beautiful takes on a different aspect of triumph and celebration as a goal is a worthy aim but will produce a very different journey to the common expression of achievement.

  • Sorry I am just catching up..blimey you sound so like it did when I was on those meds! I was all over the poor thing you won't know which way is up until it all settles.

    I did feel relieved when I got to the 2nd post that you sounded so much better.

    Been a week for it as like you my depression has returned this week. I am managing but the exhaustion and constant physical pain in my head and stomach are really becoming a complete drag now. I have had many tears this week whilst the boys have been at school. 

    Despite this I have 'done' parents evening and a quiz night..I just don't want to be with anyone at the moment and feel uncomfortable about every conversation I have...I am sure you'll understand.

    So it looks like we are both just trying to plod on until things settle more. I think meds aside we have both had a lot on our plates recently and eventually these things take their toll.

    I am glad you feel you can talk to me at these times, and yes the online thing works because it is so less threatening for us both..'real people' scare the heck out of me at present.

    Speak soon and take care..please be careful at t his vulnerable time and soon you will feel better.



  • Oh oaty ive had a whopper of a week/night, AGAIN !, I am here, over here i have come in to land over here me me me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    I am not sure which part of the fourth road bridge i was hanging from last night but all the sweats has got most of that rotten gunk out of me and 50 mg maintainance to stave off the worst has done the trick, "I can see clearly now the rain has gone" unless this euphoria is the massive counterbalance and i have a way to go before i even out. but it is as if i have been away and just got back.

    What part of not suitable for people with behavioural problems do you think they did not mean when it comes to Autism do you think. This medication should have a big do not use warning on it, oh yes it does der!

    Oaty i am so glad you have been there to do the highs and lows with i rely can talk to you. I have wondered if we will ever meet one day and then i realise that for now this all works because we dont meet and we are the voice in the computer. till that day dawns, i am for ever your friend in the computer. Which is where we found each other, iam  so pleased the school thing is plodding in a manner to inspire hope and I look forward to the next chat, but it will not be fueled by that outragous muck and i will be in love again with my lady who has missed me.

    Please take care of yourself Oats and i will see you on the morrow.


    The pit of despair is lit well in the morning light and even if rain soaked, breathes new life on the night of our souls greatest torment.

  • Foxy still got a sock, i took off the sweaty sock and the wonders of her new foot were revealed, only for the cleaning that ensued ffor her to remove the nice scab and then clean non sttop till it was all red and sore so i rescued the foot andshe is back in the bandage. she will certainly have the halo of shame for her snip and I will get some rescue remedy for her and myself at the same time. I think i am done with the conventional lot for a bit.

    The shrink it worked out is not a regular clinitian and is filling in til march as it turnes out she was posing a question, all that stress for an inexperienced question, I started the session all full of sharps but was soon softened as it turnes out she genuinly wants to help, no clinical help but she will see if she can do battle on my behalf, this is such a revolution i am a bit stunned, but if the diagnosing shrink does not know the \\asd pathway and surrey is avoiding the issue like the plague If icas does not win the day I am through trying to improve on what i have now.

    This mucky medication pregabalin i should come with an asd warning. YES i have come off it way to fast and the head aches sweats and chest feeling like i hve a brick on it will all be part of that, My partner persuaded me to take 50mgs as a maintainance dose till i settle and I am off it as soon as possible, the suicidals are realy bad at the moment but usually i can manage these, i have for years, but not so well this last week or so. I have decided after a call to the brain and spine foundation that I am being used ignorantly and i cannot trust the presant consultant to understand the combination of pain and mental faculty needs so i am canceling the fourth epidural booked for next week and coming off all the newfangeled head meds, the amitriptaline will go soona s i can get some advice from the internet doctor.

    I have realy had enough of trying to better my lot the social worker made a proposal that has evapourated into thin air.

    Oats don't go all panicky on me because one good decission and i will change my point of view, but I have had a good run at this life lark and whilst married so to speak my partner often has to say that I am abusing her which is about as gutting as it gets from my point of view.

    Foxy iss the sourse of great comfprt but has also been the centre of jealousy and power struggle, M, has her own stuff to deal with and I am moer than tired of the merrigo round of debt credit cards and averice that is the centre of her life and love. We were notified of a pention wined up that means we have the chance to pay off the bills, but no more shackles required, I was loathed to accept that the glasses, shoes and clothes were to max the card and then some, but i am still in the bras that we traveled in from 2006, I used to love trawling the charity shops for good hand me downs that cost a few quid but there is little triumph in what I have to do now even if \i am well heeled.

    I heard the birds as I started this computer stint, they have been absent int the rush fron town to town I was so relieved to hand the car back to MiL yesterday. M has become intransigent and built a life of her own ever since the now redundant nas family support worker visited and advised her to build a life outside Our little world, that I have a parttime partner now who has mere time at work amd play and the " i miss you quotes is no longer welcome, I have been doing this relationshio thing forever it seems and the love of it is fading with her wanting "other" things. I am in no doubt that she vvalues us and all that but I am much more akin to putting my money where my mouth is and creating what i love not winging about it and doing something else, Being told that foxy was not mone and that she is just the pet was really gutting all because i complained when she broke and agreed feeding pattern.

    So while I work out whhich way is up try to clear the for from my brain, cancel the fourth epidural because I amnot recieving the best or fullest care from my bancrupt csh strapped hospital I will wait untill the dust settles, the \i exist campaine I signrd was a foolish notion of empty hope when it comes to grsss roots living and when I can get back to thinking without this trittering in my head as a reality \i will decide what I am to do next and leaving by way of permenance is on the list this time but I am aware it is driven by that single and foolish notion.

    On a brighter note you and the biys sound as if things are on the up with the swingometer, forest schools sounds like the best and as for coping with the hours that Owen seems to struggle with may be a half hour late start or ne that skips the playing and registration stuff, or an extra long lunch that includes a knapp in the day ? have you thought about getting O a crush vest, well let me hastily rephrase that, the tight vests that reduce anxiety because they hug all the time, an invention from temple grandin I believe.

    So oaty I am off for now with a day on the sofa booked tomorrow, the thoughts of owels flying in the school are a real whiz in my plauged mind just now and I will be here for the next chats, just getting this muck out of my mind I am sure will help. And stopping asking for help as well too, will settle things a lot i am sure.


    Life or death if it is clear and with the full power of choice is welcome and as true a friend as can be found any where.

  • Oh poor girl she's had a rough ride with that foot and a season to cope wonder she's shedding. Sometimes we find BAch's rescue remedy helpful for the dogs if they are having a stressy time.

    Think I'll ring the ASD team next week for some indication of waiting times. 

    The head at school has started a Forest school instead of PE on Friday afternoons. Owen initially worried as he thought we were sending him to another school! BUT after spending the time building fires and tents both children realised how fab this forest school malarky really was. :) I think I am beginning to love our new head teacher, she's so open to new ideas and activities..they are having a load of owls brought in next week and having them fly all around the school hall..I wish I'd gone to that school. They are doing all the stuff I would have done with them at home.

    I find Owen is struggling after about Wednesdays. He was anxious and 'melting' last night and we found out the older girls have been picking him up and cuddling him. I am sure we can sort this out and it is all meant in a loving way but it completely overwhelmed the poor kid. We will persevere until Spring and reassess whether he can cope full time or not then. If not I could have the flexible option of part time school without him losing out on being with his sibling or the good influence of Mrs H who he adores. 

    Yes I am considering being a parent volunteer (a lot of the parents do this) but I want to give the boys chance to settle first. I am currently helping out on weekly swimming trips and the odd visit..and I have enjoyed it. 

    I too have a shrink appointment... on Monday. My anxiety has been off the scale lately and I want to try another type of medication..but I suspect resistance from him and will have to gird my loins. What does your shrink think you may have if not and ASD? 

    Good luck with the PCT, we are currently battling the DLA people and are awaiting a tribunal hearing date. The boys both have the same respiratory disorder but they only awarded the benefit for one kid and disallowed the other???? Go figure..numerous appeals and letters from consultants have got us nowhere so Tribunal it is. I am terrified!

    Ah well party this afternoon and a fun fair this evening..yah (not) but the kids like it (to an extent)..wish me luck I'll need ear defenders!

    Take good care of yourself and speak soon.



  • Foxy has three legs, kinda nearly, with all the driving over the last few weeks Foxy's needs have been amazing in that she got to run in what I now think might be one of her favourite places, the bleed on her foot bacam a bump and then a mytohistoma, for benin tumor but it had tto come off as she was in pain with it and like any other tumor it grew and bled as it went, so the running stopped and then when she was going to be spayed at the same time mother nature took over and she came into her first season, probably the oestrogen driving the growth of the tumor, so for the last two weeks we have been through many repeated dressings and sox that she chose from the draw. pink ones every time.


    so she has a boot and her last dressing on this week and is ready to stand yesterday and today. no puppies on the horizon though we promised when we got her, she will be done in march. the equinox seems ot be her thing, and she is true to the moon so i will choose that for her when she is done.

    The meds thing is going well and as i was wwierder than usual on themm I am looking well sorted on the climb down, I got fat on these things and what with not walking I look like i ate all the pies at the moment.

    Just found foxy's lost pink ball to her delight, and i wish to announce at the tender age of 48 that after decades of effort and tears that the impossible has been breached and i am enjoying the elements of PLAY, yes after loads of affirmations to the contrary i can play it seems foxy is not the only one to secum to the power of the BALL.

    The bandages come off next week if i can keep the dressing on that long, i go to see a shrink who can see i have been sent from pillar to post and should not again be in her department but wants to help, slight catch - she does'nt think I am autistic.mmmmmmmmmmm no accounting for who they will gice a degree to these days or an advanced post in regional mental health, so in to the lions den on monday and i know she has not contacted mt partner or support worker, go figure.


    My complaint to ICAS is on the go and i am hoping to achieve an awareness that there is no adult pathway in the system for adults with mental health needs but they already know that and I am trying to get blood out of the PCT that is afraid of the avalance to follow, I am pleased that I have done my utmost at this point. I did ask which bit of myself i would have to cut off this time to get their attention if they were only moved by such things. But they are all men in suits full of the corperate fear that freazes the soul and turns compassion cold, so we shall see, soon enough.

    I am looking forward to giving the loaned car back this week end and walking with foxy in full form after next weekend.

    The house is full of oestral dog hair shed in the season phase and we have not had the heating on enough for that to be the reason.

    I am gradually dumping all meds and going for a referal to the national hospital if i can as the surgeons around here are very happy for my active life to be a thing of the passed but i am no sure they are anything than budget minded and i have an appointment with a marathon to keep. rage is a wonderful thing when used to fire and engine of adrenaline. I have never been more willing to readjust to pain againg in a long time and I know that the autistic ability to bar pain is well well off the consideration charts, but i am buggered if i will take the *** that they say is good and leave off the stuff i say works.

    what a bunch of pratts. Angry doesn't cover it but i have rediverted and channeled a whole lot more in my time and I do know how to play with the mind without the drugs. will revert to a few of my own options as go for the freedom and autonomy.

    Diagnosis is a real important issue if you are on an ordinary pay check, the rest is just the lottery of a passable gp fair consultant and if they exist a good psychiatrist, but i am more than sure they are the ones mowing grass for a living in the west country or painting windows in rhyl and plumbing in wales, for a living the corperate spin round on funcionality and time has reached the shrinks schedule and productivity measures have to be met one way or another or bust, the carpenters are in the bust group too.

    Sooooooooooo good luck with the yellow brick road that is the journey of the tin man and let me know how it goes i do suggsst you phone the pct and ask them what the pathway is for assesment for a child of ? age etc, just so you can save youself the run around. They may keep you on hold for a couple of weeks but do the diary i spoke to blah on, at, etc. and you will get bast the panick and sand bags and remind them that the minister for health has stated that the decissions for these things are to be made by pct's, If there was one, god help us !

    Let me know if i can provide any pearls, and hold on to your hat as you go.

    So the soggy is creeping in wiht the morning dose but at least i can remember sane and amy clear autistic mind when the stuff wears off in between doses. vile stuff; i feel sorry for the poor buggers who HAVE to take this crap, to stop life being aone fit after another, no suprise that the ticking that had become a feature of my thought process has gone for a bit but that is no exchange and as evr another consultant bites the dust.

    What is ait about stay away from the brain that they seem to miss when i speak, is ther some neon light that turnes on in them that some how the idea that monotropic is an aberation, that we are faulty no notion that an be an ok state in its own right. dont get me started. bloody froid.

    So foxy has had me playing ball while this is composed so it will be interesting to see how it turned out.

    Glad the school is getting smart mat be ask the help line if ther are some in line tools the school can access to the benifit of the whole school community. Putting a gold star in you and moving you from sandbagging to a pro active place, go on oats you can do it rise above the tantrums and judgements and the fears thse have bestowed over the years. You do after al have an expertise. Thought of becoming a teachers assiistant ? ask the head what she thinkds of the idea of specialising, a small school is perfect and it would take you where you want to go with a force to balance the distance of the run, you never did like ironing and the washing did you ? Part time home for a change ?

    Love you lots had you on my mind the whole time and just for giggles MODDy's do any of you follow this one are we on the leader board or what.

    Take care oats


    It is how we percieve ourselves that matters, but to effect change; it is how many share that view that matters.

  • Hi my friend.

    Oh you are on one ! I can totally relate to what you are saying as I had a a few 'goes' on different anti seizure drugs for neuro pain and I was terrible on all of them. The worst was Topomax (or Dopeymax as we called it). I had very similar probs to how you describe. I lost weight, mainly because I couldn't remember where the kitchen was, cried ALL the time and lost the ability to describe or say what things were for. In the end I decided I preferred the pain *laughs*. They others at best gave me a terrible personality and I lost loads of friends due to my erratic behaviour.

    I am having good dealings with our new school. Owen is still having many issues and we have been contacted by the ASD team..with another form. All the same questions I have answered a dozen times but hey. So we are on the waiting idea of time scales for assessment still *looks glum*. Owen's routine was disrupted today (road blocked to school, Brian's van broke down), so he had a meltdown in the school car park at some perceived injustice I had bestowed on him. Managed to get him in school and the head took him under her wing and found the ideal activity (computer) to settle him. I was exhausted as I walked away. I do truly believe he is at the best school he could be now but it's still hard. 

    The head is going to start a flexi school scheme there too and that maybe another angle for us to look at if things become too problematic. I have  a meeting there in a couple of weeks to discuss how things are going. I do suspect school aren't going to see Owen's issues because he masks them well in class and is very bright. However I know the other children are finding his behaviour unusual (although they are very tolerant). If only they would speak to the children more or observe him in queues, outside more...I maybe wrong but we need that diagnosis inorder to get him what he needs to take his anxiety down.

    Does that makes sense?

    How's Foxy coped with you 'going to the moon and back' on anti epileptics?  I have been having a tricky time with my partner lately but I can see we are making some progress again now. I just have to keep trying and hope I find a better way.

    Go easy on yourself if you are going completely off the drugs that maybe a bumpy ride. I would have come off them steadily so the brain could have a slow readjustment period but I do understand it's been difficult. Just be really careful and if people are showing concern be prepared to reassess the weaning off process..please..your brain chemicals will be all over the place do take care and re consider doing it more slowly if possible.

    I will be thinking of you (hug)



  • OATS WE DID IT we are back at the top of the leader board over to you my poridgey friend I will add more to the yak later

    va va voom


    Missing lost, never just not sure where i am some times

  • Hey OATY! OATY Oats its time to wake before we are old news. Well if you have been as busy as me we have had a right old ding dong at life. I have more fish to fry in the pan than me old gran had hot cakes.

    So in brief

    MiL is ok but care UK have to have more attention than an asd toddler on blue smarties. missed me yet ? Mil lent us the car as it make quite a secure ornament on the fron drive at the mo.

    i have had anti eppileptic meds that sent me to the moon and back. I have driven 1500 miles on them in the last two and a half weeks before i quit, when the lady I Love found objects in strange places in the home and I was getting very iff on the manners front when the mask haylo was slipping as the drugs turned my brain to sponge and i could not name a cup or define the door. my mind as it was left as i pealed it off the ceiling.

    I have no idea what is real and they want me to spend two months coming off the things, I should coco a trip to a A&E is a far better better then this caper, so i am off on the slippery slope as we speak while i get my right autistic mind back and then give this loverly and i do mean loverly! consultant a reminder to LEAVE THE BRAIN ALONE ! it is the last basstion of self I have left and in the name of pain management they think it is ok to slip on psycotropic drug after another passed me, PAH. I consented to the 10mg od amytriptaline, that is like a good smoke without inhaling but pregabalin is the biscuit for me.

    Clothes shopping hs become a must and you know the story of that and it is shoes next weekend, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm we will see how that little diamond ets cut.

    Am taking surrey nhs to complaint, in process now cos i am at my whits end and all bets are nearly off. I will be a true sepeartist if this fails.

    Lovely got a propotion and no pay increase so the job gets 6 months to do or die, no more wishful thinking any more it will be a thunderbirds job in the end i think.

    Chaufer duties call bak in a jiff

     I thought this was post 63 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm not what's expected. Have we bust the system and got to the end of the streem


    Always on my time is a musical ring that i wish was mine.

  • Hey OATY! OATY Oats its time to wake before we are old news. Well if you have been as busy as me we have had a right old ding dong at life. I have more fish to fry in the pan than me old gran had hot cakes.

    So in brief

    MiL is ok but care UK have to have more attention than an asd toddler on blue smarties. missed me yet ? Mil lent us the car as it make quite a secure ornament on the fron drive at the mo.

    i have had anti eppileptic meds that sent me to the moon and back.                                    I have driven 1500 miles on them in the last two and a half weeks before i quit, when the lady I Love found objects in strange places in the home and I was getting very iff on the manners front when the mask haylo was slipping as the drugs turned my brain to sponge and i could not name a cup or define the door. my mind as it was left as i pealed it off the ceiling.

     I have no idea what is real and they want me to spend two months coming off the things, I should coco a trip to a A&E is a far better better then this caper, so i am off on the slippery slope as we speak while i get my right autistic mind back and then give this loverly and i do mean loverly! consultant a reminder to LEAVE THE BRAIN ALONE ! it is the last basstion of self I have left and in the name of pain management they think it is ok to slip on psycotropic drug after another passed me, PAH. I consented to the 10mg od amytriptaline, that is like a good smoke without inhaling but pregabalin is the biscuit for me.

    Clothes shopping hs become a must and you know the story of that and it is shoes next weekend, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm we will see how that little diamond ets cut.

    Am taking surrey nhs to complaint, in process now cos i am at my whits end and all bets are nearly off. I will be a true sepeartist if this fails.

    Lovely got a propotion and no pay increase so the job gets 6 months to do or die, no more wishful thinking any more it will be a thunderbirds job in the end i think.

    Chaufer duties call bak in a jiff



    Always on my time is a musical ring that i wish was mine.

  • No Problems Wolfster..take care of yourself and do what's necessary to get you fully functioning again.

    I'll keep an eye out for your reply when you are ready.

    O's struggling a bit after school but much improved generally. It seems a good place and he 'LOVES' his new teacher as she is really fair and loving..never raises her voice ;).

    If he can't manage this school he won't cope in any is my feeling..but it's no biggies as I have made my mind about plan B.


    Get rested and spill all the beans another time.

    Cyber hugs to all as ever.




  • No Problems Wolfster..take care of yourself and do what's necessary to get you fully functioning again.

    I'll keep an eye out for your reply when you are ready.

    O's struggling a bit after school but much improved generally. It seems a good place and he 'LOVES' his new teacher as she is really fair and loving..never raises her voice ;).

    If he can't manage this school he won't cope in any is my feeling..but it's no biggies as I have made my mind about plan B.


    Get rested and spill all the beans another time.

    Cyber hugs to all as ever.
