Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • lifting the 2 child benefit cap would be aweful and contradictory to alot of labour policies anyway. if you care about the environment youd want people to have less children and so you wouldnt want to pay them to have more and incentivise having more.... instead the way to go if you claim to care about the environment is instead do away with child benefit all together then perhaps offer payments to pregnant people to have abortions to incentivise abortions lol that way youd "save" the environment truly...

  • The Labour party as it is now is a mix  mainly,not exclusively, of the socially liberal-economically centrist  middle class, and a more socially conservative but economically left wing working class. Increasingly over the years the former have dominated Labour's political direction of travel. It's not so much that they don't care about the working class, it's more that they're out of tune with what working class Labour supporters want. Under PR I think that sooner or later  they'd go their separate ways.

  • Starmer is a WEF puppet, as most politicians are, of all parties - democracy and the democratic process will never work as it’s too corrupt and riddled with corruption, across all parties, as there is no political solution - no one in politics really has the best interests of the people at heart, all of them are only in politics for personal gain and they simply do not really care about the concerns of ordinary people - the destruction of the west and of western nations is all by design by the globalist elites right throughout history 

  • Have you got a thing about men in uniform or something? Military rule seems to be your answer to everything!


    I pleased that the Tories are gone, I'm not happy at Reform getting seats, I'm happy that Galloway lost his. I think Starmer has hit the ground running and he needs too, I wonder if he's under-promised, so as he can dole out bits of help, like liftiing the 2 child benefit cap that will be seen as a success.

    I think after two terms in office most governments run out of steam and need to be pushed aside, although I didn't like him, I though Blair did some good stuff in his first term in office, it was after that and his *** swinging with Presdident Bush was were it all went wrong.

    I didn't vote Labour for several reasons and I'm waiting to see what they do for the next 4 or 5 years before deciding if they're  a good or bad thing.

  • yeah i think we will be getting ww3 and looking at ww2 in a state of world war our government forms a coalition with every single party to create a national government anyway. so all parties will be coalitioned together under ww3 if that breaks out... this is to stop political backstabbing and bickering and to not use deaths in war to cause protests and political instability which will harm and ruin our war effort. 

  • We see the same thing happening in my native Ireland too - in the last 23 years of my living in the U.K., my home village in Rural Ireland has become ever more built up less than 50 miles from Dublin as in recent years the Irish government has gone totally woke leftist and even marxist for its globalist masters - when I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s we had at least 5 working farms on the Main Street and now it’s full of motorways, houses and factories within 5 miles of the village, the motorway has worsened the traffic congestion through the village when it used to be open fields and now its right on the commuter belt into Dublin with a promised (re-opened) rail line from the nearest town into Dublin - we have both a Lidl and an Aldi in our village on top of others less than 12 miles away and the existing supermarket is struggling - yet they still want to take away our bank and our post office away from us without even giving us improved broadband services, the only good thing being good mobile coverage - although the police station was rebuilt beside the courthouse, it’s nearly always unoccupied and connected via the “green man” intercom radio to other stations in the area 

  • aside from the destroying green belt protection laws in order to spam more housing estates

    The irony of a party obsessed with environmental issues destroying the environment. The self contradictory nature of the left never ceases to amaze me. 

    As for the new energy company, I fear it will be so called "green" energy so will probably raise our bills rather than reduce them. Again I hope Im wrong 

  • From what I've read it sounds promising but I won't make my mind up straight away, it's still early days. 

    I guess we'll have to wait and see where it goes from here. I'm hoping for a better result than the last time.

  • I think many of the Labour Party have academic learning true, but from what I've seen most of them seem to lack common sense to an extraordinary degree. Starmers first few policies include banning oil drilling and coal mining which, given that we won't be able to rely fully on green energy till 2050 (and probably never) makes us fully reliant on Putin and other despots for our energy needs despite being perfectly capable of producing it ourselves. He also wants to let violent criminals out of prison early at a time when violent crime is at an all time high on our streets, he can't define what a woman is, he refuses to stand up for his own MPs when they are threatened by militant groups and his front bench is full of people like Dawn Butler who seem to have become almost megalomaniacal in their own self importance since the election, witness her "I will no longer be afraid to proclaim my own greatness" tweet for instance. 

    Sadly, I fear this government will be even more out of touch with the concerns and values of ordinary people than the last lot. One only has to witness the machete wielding anarchy that many parts of London have descended into in the last 8 years of Labour rule to see what the rest of the country has to look forward to 

  • we had a Catholic Parish Priest in Ireland who was always banging on about how bad and evil socialists, Marxists, leftists and communists are and how it was a mortal sin for any Catholic to vote for left-wing parties 

    That does not surprise me, with the notable exception of some Latin American and African priests, the Roman Catholic clergy have always been on the side of the rich and powerful. In the Spanish Civil War the clergy rallied behind the Fascist Falange Party, led by Franco, in its rebellion against the democratically elected Leftist Spanish government. Priests hurled hatred against the “Reds” from their pulpits, blessed the troops and flags before battle and adopted the fascist salute. In Ireland, the bishops abused their political influence for many decades after independence to stifle progressive social, educational and economic development. Only in the 1960's did their stultifying grip on power start to wane.

  • Starmer is highly intellectual and his team are very capable. Not sure why you think otherwise. 

  • This sounds like an extreme position to me. Blair moved Labour towards the centre ground and embraced soft capitalism, that's true. But it was still a progressive party that gave ua the Human Rights Act and lifted 2 million people out of poverty. I'd rather a centre left party in power than an ideologically pure socialist party in opposition. So do the people of the UK, witness the last three GEs.

  • Wow, that's dark. Do you believe this would have happened whoever won? I'm curious that you think Labour are "out of their depth", are you saying they are incapable of governing because of lack of experience? The PM is an experienced lawyer and former head of the CPS, far more capable than any of the last 4 PMs 

  • It's happening. Just keep watching the news. Not BBC, they are still run by a Tory. Watch C4 News and read the Guardian. You'll see reasonable, progressive government. 

  • I agree - Kier knows that we're all unbelievers these days, with little faith in the political class to deliver on promises they make - not surprising after the last 14 years, especially the last 5. 

    It's only by doing what they say they will that people will get that belief back. I'm not necessarily inclined towards Labour first and foremost, I'd rather Green or LibDem, but I like this lot. Many of them come from working class backgrounds and have experienced the sort of life that most people do. That puts them in touch with the problems of everyday life, something the Tories didn't care about at all. 

    It's early days, we'll see what happens.

  • I expected to be neither happy nor unhappy, but I did not enjoy finding out that George Galloway lost his seat. I like him, he had teh temrity to make himself a human target during a gulf war which shows a nice mix of altruistic insanity and "character".

    I did notice that in addition to the 4million "protest votes" an unusually large amount of people held the process and/or candidates on offer (correctly) in contempt and stayed at home. TAht did gladdenmy heart, only another 40% of the electorate need to "wake up" then the sham will finally be be universally seen as invalid. I wonder what game they will use next to conceal the identity of those who really run things...  

    I'd love to be optimistic like some of you are, (even some of the oldies!) but in truth, I've watched too many governments and lately been exposed to too much "modern history", to manage that. 

    Private Frazer I think says it best:

  • Labour here in the U.K. have betrayed and decieved working class people for decades, as all leftists and socialists do - and this deception is because they really support the establishment and the globalists, coming from a position of privilege - when I was growing up, we had a Catholic Parish Priest in Ireland who was always banging on about how bad and evil socialists, Marxists, leftists and communists are and how it was a mortal sin for any Catholic to vote for left-wing parties 

  • Indeed. Btw it's very refreshing to hear that phrase again, I thought it had died out in the era of social media :-)

  • We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.