Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • I have become more sanguine over time.  I remain sad.......not about "politics" or "the planet"....but about the state of peoples "minds" - what they think and how they think it and how they express it.  It feels, to me, that almost everyone (and almost certainly me) is simply missing the point.

    I'd love to know what the point is !!

  • Come to the dark side and join us disillusioned people who laugh at the naivete of those who still believe that  our "poliitics"will provide the answer.

    O.K. Both sides will hate on you of course, but it's water off a ducks back because you know you are RIGHT!

    (That's why we often get called the alt/far/extreme "right" of course... Because we ARE right!) 

    Disclaimer: I was going for cynical humour, but it reads more like sad truth...

  • one things for sure though, george galloway will be happy as next election all the labour voters will want a real labour party, not this tory clone party with a tony blair clone heading it.... george galloways workers party is like real northern red wall working class labour, and voters may realise that now.

    although galloways foreign policy is totally rubbish and dangerous, but people wont care about that, they want true labour and galloways workers party is more true to labour than labour is. he will start winning votes next election.

  • It's how they seem to be shaping up re their approach to welfare  that's set alarm bells going off in my mind. It reminds me of the worst of New Labour. 

  • realise that i was right after all when i kept saying labours policies are the same as the tory ones and they are literally saying the same things and offering no difference aside from the nationalised energy company they promised?

    heres another thing.... they wont deliver the national energy company on this term.... they will hype it up this term and wait until next election to use it as a gimmick to get elected from by next election. thats how politics works. they do nothing different... the one single idea they get different they then use as their trump card and gimmick to drag it on to win them as many elections as they can by keep promising it and saying you wont get it if you dont vote them in, but you wont get it until maybe the next term, not this one, or until they have thought of another gimmick to use for the next term instead of this.

  • I think I'll become more and more disillusioned over the course of time.

  • All good points. I for one have learned that a defining characteristic of Autism is "needlessly taking offence".

    I can see clear instances of it in myself and in most, if not all others here, based on what I read.

    The question for me, is, "how do we fix this?" 

  • Funny you should say that.....I was wondering the same thing.....but I think that there were 3 or 4 threads that were all covering the same basic "arguments" at the same some of the stuff you might expect/remember seeing here is possibly in the "constitutional reform" thread or Ann Other.

    Honestly Martin, I couldn't be arssed to keep has been all so terms of the ultimate outcomes ie 1.  Nobody's mind is changed 2. People who might have been interested simply left due to the heat 3.  People who come here for more "support and exploration" socialisation simply  buggger off 4. The trenchant folk become ever more trenchant and focused on their own "rightness."

    I'm a different breed apparently.  No surprises there then!

  • Am I hallucinating or have posts in this thread been 'disappeared' in a 'Stalinesque' manner?

  • "It's nice to be nice"

    Never forget this.

  • A game of "Bait and Switch", anyone?

  • Some time ago, I performed an assessment of how far would I be prepared to go if it came to conflict with the authorities over a basic point of survival such as you describe. 

    As a Christian and general pacifist I abhor loss of life and even infliction of injury past bruises in physical conflict with the authorities, yet those baton charges MUST be resisted!

    HOW is the intelligent peaceful protester supposed to repspond when a situation which started out with people trying to make representation is met by overt violence & provocation from the authorities?   

    I suggest that a baton charge should be met not by sticks and stones but by an organised and steady retreat by people emptying their pockets of sperical objects. Childrens marbles bought in bulk are really cheap...

    I further suggest that laughter and not a good beating is what should then be applied when the inevitable result occurs. You NEED a LOT of speres in a lot of pockets to make this work... 

  • I'm not happy ... but i wouldn't have been happy with theother lot either.

  • Military dicterships are notoriusly corupt. Far more so than capitalist democracies. Best case senarior you get one good dictator who inspires everyone in a time of crisis, takes power and puts the country back on the level. But then his sucessor will be far less benevolent and before long you live in a police state.

    The thing is once you take power its hard to give it back. Most dictators end up dismanteling or undermining the democratic institutions because they keep getting in the way of their agendas. So when the dictator dies the country really needs another dictator because goverment can't function without one. And inevitably once you get one bad apple with near absolute authority everything goes pair shaped from then on.

  • A Chara, thank you very much for your support - Go Raibh Mile Maith Agait - the local people in the working class and socially deprived area of Coolock in Dublin in my beloved native Ireland, because they peacefully and reasonably object to mass inward migration of unvetted migrant males of Milltary age being forced into their community, are being attacked by Gardai (police) in riot gear and these same Gardai are high on drugs - the Irish government started this attack and are trying to use it as an excuse to impose a police state and martial law in Ireland, a repeat of the Black & Tans after the Easter Rising of 1916, but this is much worse now because it is our own government that is doing it to the Irish people - they are trying to tear our beloved homeland apart and it is truly heartbreaking to witness and even though my extended family are largely indoctrinated and brainwashed as to what is really going on, I am now really concerned for their safety at the hands of the Irish government and the Gardai who do not serve the Irish people but their deep state globalist masters and where the MSM are only covering one side of the story, painting the protesters as violent when this is simply not the case 

  • Looking at the current situation in my beloved native Ireland with the Coolock Protests, in a working class and socially deprived area of Dublin, the Irish government and the Gardai (police) in forcing the local people to accept without question unlimited numbers of unvetted male migrants of Milltary age into their areas, by having Garda riot squad who are high on drugs, attacking peaceful protesters, are trying to look for any excuse to impose a police state and martial law in Ireland, by making it look that the protesters are “violent” when the only ones that are using both violence and excessive force are the Gardai - I have extended family in Rural Ireland and even though they are “brainwashed” and “indoctrinated” as to the truth of what is really going on in Ireland, I am very concerned for their safety at the hands of the Irish government and the Gardai, whose corruption and criminality are well known for decades since 1922 when the Irish free state was founded - the modern day Gardai are based on the previous RIC but in recent years with the Northern Ireland peace process, both the IRA, marxist Sinn Fein and the criminal underworld, along with many TD’s in Dáil Éireann have added to Garda corruption - as an Irish patriot myself, this situation is truly heartbreaking as I witness my beloved homeland being ripped apart by corruption and greed 

  • I don't know what you are watching, GB News maybe?

    I follow no newsfeed from the UK and lack the right wing leaning you are implying.

    My point is not just about Labour but all politicians. Labour are just the flavour of the day because they highlight the case so clearly.

  • Conference motions are non-binding and that one didn't make it into the manifesto two years later

    My uderstanding is that the rank and file voted for it but the manifesto created by the leaders left it out - then they refused to talk about it until after they got into power again (and guess it it won't be kicked down the line again if that happens).

    My point here is that the leaders are effectively ignoring what their own party voted on because it is inconvenient for them - they have been corrupted by power already hence the snouts in the trough description.

    It is the same every election for as long as I can remember and I'm, like, prehistoric. Never trust a career politician.

  • Conference motions are non-binding and that one didn't make it into the manifesto two years later. So it's a bit rich to claim it's "their own policy" because lots of conference resolutions didn't make it in. And "supermajority" is not a thing in the UK, it's just a majority. If you can look at the first two weeks of Labour's raft of progressive policies and call them pigs with "snouts in the trough" then I don't know what you are watching, GB News maybe?

  • I can LIVE with that... 

    Edit, or if it goes full "pol pot" at least I can die giving someone some lip or other form of pushback...

    Being vapourised instantly along with my cats, O/H and the local airfield, and everything else inside the fireballs radius without being able to do anything, simply because instead of doing business with the Russians, our leaders chose to do more "coldwar" after the USSR collapsed, is just bloody pathetic and annoying...  

    I was hoping that we'd take advantage of their economic and organisational problems to trade our political help and freindship for hordes of URAL 650 motorcycle outfits at dirt cheap prices, and some of the other truly awesome and weird stuff the soviets produced, but nah, we, (by way of the "leaders" we "vote for" I am told) chose more conflict...