Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • Can I choose a different prize to thermo-nuclear destruction?

    congratulations contestant - you get the alternative prize of living in a police state where the slightest inappropriate statement will result in cancellation of your human rights. Wink

  • I DID!!

    Can I choose a different prize to thermo-nuclear destruction?

  • I see that after voting to implement Proportional Representation in 2022, Labour have now pushed the idea off until after the next election

    his [Starmers[ leadership team have dismissed any chance of action [on implementing PR], saying people would be “kidding themselves” if they believed it would find any bandwidth within a first term of government.

    It sounds like they are not even supporting their own policies now they have a supermajority.

    Snouts are firmly in the trough with their curly tails waving at the electorate. Who could have predicted it?

  • Nope. Blair/Brown's Labour lifted millions out of poverty, implemented the Human Rights Act, funded schools properly and cut NHS waiting lists to a maximum 18 weeks. 18 WEEKS for ANYTHING, can you imagine that now? The waiting list for child mental health services in my area now is SEVEN YEARS. Cancer survival rates in 2010 were the highest on record, and they have gone to *** now. So don't tell me they are all the same.

  • This is a terrible take, where is the evidence that having children is a net deficit to the environment? And why do you think punishing people for having children and incentivising abortion (ugh) is remotely compatible with a liberal democracy?

  • "WEF", COVID conspiracies, "globalist", "deep state" and the sentiment that "all parties are the same" and we should "reject politics" are all popular positions in the dangerous alt-right community that brought us QAnon and MAGA, so I for one will not respond any more.

  • Yes, how can you be sure that a dictatorship would be better, the evidence for them being less corrupt isn't there, if anything they're even more prone to corruption.

    If people didn't agree with a military diktat what do you think should hap[pen to them? Will they be let off with a slapped wrist, or will they be disapeared or arrested and put in a gulag somewhere?

    Military dictatorships usually have enemies in mind when they take over governments, and some of the first they go for are gay people, then that often follows with religious groups, as a gay Catholic how's this potential military dictatorship working out for you so far? Do you think the Vatican would repeat the shameful episodes of over looking the Nazi's killing Jews, gays, Gypsies and the disabled in exchange for having its wealth largely left alone?

  • I'm worried that they haven't thrown away the proposed changes to PIP. Switching to a voucher scheme and paying things back if you have a receipt sounds like an awful system. People voted for change. Not for Labour to carry on with Tory policies

  • We tried monarchy...

  • Democracy may not be perfect, but how can you be so sure that a dictatorship would be any better? As I understand it, dictatorships aren't immune to corruption and deception either.

    If your vision for society became a reality, who would get to decide who the absolute ruler would be? Also, what would happen if they were found to be corrupt? Who would overthrow them?

    As things stand, I think it highly unlikely that the UK would ever be governed by a dictatorship. In addition, I think the majority of the UK population would consider a dictatorship to be the stuff of nightmares.

  • How do you work out that because according to you democracy isn't working that the ony way to fix things is to have a military dictatorship? Why a military one, why not a monarch or something?

  • I simply believe that there is no longer any political nor democratic solution, given the harsh truths and lessons of reality taught to us during Covid, which itself was a watershed moment - we now know that democracy itself and the democratic process is too vulnerable to and is riddled with infiltration, hijacking and corruption of all kinds and at every level - we can never vote our way out of our current situation (and by voting we are allowing a criminal cartel to succeed) nor can we ever reform nor change an inherently corrupt and rotten system from within, regardless of how pure our intentions are and by those who we give our votes to, even if they are independent or non-party, which rotten and corrupt system needs to be allowed to collapse under the weight of its own corruption right down to its rotten foundations - we now know that regardless of the democratically expressed wishes of the people, political leaders are “selected not elected” - all of us need to simply walk away from the whole corrupt system that democracy and the democratic process has become because it only serves its globalist deep state masters, not the interests of ordinary people like us and simply uses “divide and rule” tactics to control all of us, if we allow it by playing any part in that circus of corruption that it has become - I truly believe that the best and most transparent form of government is by and under an absolute ruler, martinet, dictator or failing that, a provisional military government, because democracy and the democratic process is sustained by deception and corruption of all kinds and at every level 

  • "destruction of the west and of western nations is all by design by the globalist elites" is an extremist position. You might agree or disagree, but it's not a mainstream view and requires rejection of a large body of evidence to the contrary. But I think we know where we all stand now. Have a nice day.

  • All of these terms you put in parentheses, are now used by any and all parties, or groupings, in every conceivable context to any number of potential meanings.

    Accordingly, to my mind, none of these terms have any meaningful definition or use these days.

    Just my opinion.

  • You use the word "extremist" when the word "informed" is a much better fit..

    "Awake" rather than "woke", mate. 

  • These are extremist views, mate. I've heard "The WEF" blamed for everything before, it's held up as a bogeyman by extremists on both left and right, without evidence. I don't think we can have a conversation anyway because you didn't even answer my questions. Have a nice evening. 

  • technically, insinuating that someone isnt being nice isnt nice in itself as its subjective and so it shows you take a side and that then enforces a clique bully culture. and you cant force anyone to enjoy anything too lol

    so rule 5 is a bit daft if we analyse it.

  • The problem with teh water companies Billy, is that the government privatised them at the point where the infrastructure was collapsing, to pass on the problem to the private sector... 

    At least according to a leaflet I read at Glastonbury Fayre back in 1984 (ish)...  

  • Last 14 years?? Try "last half century".

    As a kid all I heard was "they aren't doing what they said they would" 

    Yet STILL 60% of you still vote as if it will make a difference!! 

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    '5. Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated. '

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