Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • SMI = severe mental illness or serious mental illness

  • It's when it happens unwittingly, and someone just blows up in my face out of the blue without even asking "Did you really say that?" then I can get close to despair... 

    What's SMI? I bet it isn't alng the lines of what just popped into my head as soon as I tried a guess. 

    (Runs off stage to perfom purification ritual) 

  • I can do both too. Even if I'd stayed free of SMI  there's no way I could've joined the Foreign office,like my late father did.

  • I do both!

    you are ambi-insulterous!


  • For me the best time was after winning an election. Doing it from a position of strength.

    It would be like turkeys voting for Chirstmas though. They probably would not be able to win outright ever again so they just punt it down the line until the next election then repeat ad infinitum.

  • I have my doubts about PR. It was wise of Starmer and Labour not to come out in support for it pre election.The r/w press would've relentlessly  pushed that Labour wasn't capable of running the country on its own. For me the best time was after winning an election. Doing it from a position of strength.

  • No....thank you.  Your ability to clearly express balance, here, is a comfort to me.

  • I see calm and measured wisdom in your words sir, and not for the first time.

  • "needlessly taking offence".

    " unwittingly causing offence'

  • Climate Change is very real, as is insect depletion. The CAUSES are teh only thing a sane man who has lved over a half century can legitimately argue about.

    The weather ain't the same as when I was a kid, and my visor hardly ever llooks like an insect cemetary after a run through the town or even the country most days. 

    But "Climate Change"(tm) is indeed being used as a lever to make vast social changes which do not appear entirely benevolent or a techncially correct and meaningful solution. 

    May I offer a very simple climate model for your consideration, which as far as I can determien is backed up by longterm historical facts and science 'n stuff?  

    It assumes nature is "in balance" CO2 wise to start with:

    1. A big fecking volcano erupts dumping more CO2 into the atmosphere than we have managed over the last fifty years. (Apparenlty that happens form time to time)

    2. Temperatures rise. 

    3. Plantlife gets more CO2 and Heat so it grows more abundantly. 

    4. The plants consume the excess co2, thus the system regualtes itself. (As god designed it to do, unitl teh appointed hour!)  

    Ahh! Cry the climate mentalists, we are adding co2 that was not in the cycle because of fossil fuels!

    The you just use vegetation as fuel, I'd suggest a variation of the woods gas process, put teh enrgy int teh grid, and sequester the resutant charcoal instead of making racing cars, pencils or laser toner out of it as we would now... 

    There really are different and I suggest equally valuable ways of approaching a problem. BUt you ahev to actually be able to get to the real issue and stop "arguing over how many angels can dance on a pin".

    Well that's what I think (FWIW) and now I really MUST go and do some work..

  • 'People need strong leadership', so that automatically equates to a military dictatorship does it? What does strong leadership mean? Does it mean never admitting you've got something wrong and continuing to makes the same mistakes? Does it mean no disagreement allowed? Does it mean punishment for disagreement? Who chooses which military person become leader and from which branch of the military do you think they should come from?

    I disagree with you profoundly about choice, we always have choices, even refusing to decide os a choice.

    I notice that you've not answered my previous points as is your right, but it does weaken your case when answers are not given. I doubt if you'll answer the questions above either, weakening any case you had still further. 

  • Climate change is a lie - it’s all about control by the globalist deep state - notice how long after the threat from 9/11 passed the security restrictions at airports were never lifted 

  • We no longer have a choice - all other options have been tried and have been proven to not work - this is what the globalist deep state have planned for us all anyway, so by our side mounting something similar on our terms, at least we have some degree of control 

  • People need strong leadership 

  • We no longer have a choice 

  • The point is to mock the badness, and celebrate the goodness. 

    If you believe you know a truth that others do not, if you are feeling brave you can offer it for other peoples consdieration, but you have no right to do it forcibly or expect the other person to accept it, and if they don't you DEFINITELY don't have the right to call them "stupid" or fix any other label on them.

    When I wrote "you" I should have selected the word "I". What right do I have to tell you what you should do?

    Only any right that you assign to me. 

  • I self label as a 'pragmatic socialist' . I firmly believe that the left should make its case re the worthiness of socialism from within the party.  I have no time for the pseudo-socialist Corbynites  who place ideological purity above winning elections, and given half a chance would turn Labour into a perpetual protest party. I'm not disillusioned to the degree you are, but  sense that Labour will not be as forward looking and progressive as I hoped it would be if it won the election. Labour just gets less of a minus rating than the other parties.

  • NO and no further comments from me.