Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week?

    My rather jaded view is that it is just a different bunch of incompetent clowns in power now but with the same sloth like civil service behind them keeping things together.

    Im my opinion any career politicians should be treated with extreme distrust. Their whole life is about getting into power and implies a strong egotistical bent.

    Time and again modern politics shows that power corrupts and these politicians are scrambling at the feeding dish now.

    The policies now are not unlike the conservative party with their policies of 20 years ago in many areas as Labour now are nothing like their original "party of the workers". To me this reflects how they are shifting their focus in order to get into power rather than to reflect the modern needs of the working class people.

    They would have a hard time to be worse than the conservative party of late so this has been a positive change.

    The shift in voting showed that only 2% more voters went for Labour this time compared the the last election so it is more a condemnation of the conservatives that gave them power with 34% of the vote. They reflect barely a third of voters you hold a supermajority in power - a pretty damning reflection of how flawed out electorial process is.

    Next election will probably end up in a coalition government if history has taught us anything - the government have inherited a terrible economic situation (shared by most of Europe and western world so not all blame is on the previous bunch) and chances are people will not feel the positive effects within 4 years.

    If the conservatives make some sort of purge and comeback and tie up with the likes of the Lib Dems then there will be a good opposition next time round. Not that I expect them to be worth a damn, but the electorate have short memories.

    Here endeth todays cynicism from me.

  • Indeed, most of the modern Labour party are middle class, career politicians, completely out of touch with the concerns and values of working class people. Its a world away from the miners and workers like Kier Hardie who actually started the Labour Party. 

  • There are far fewer "career politicians" in the Labour Party than in the Tories, and from what I've seen this week alone, they are very much in touch with the concerns of the people. Nationalising the railways, water Co's on notice, Rwanda scrapped, wind farms legalised, coal mine scrapped, a commission set up to recover our COVID money, doing a deal with the junior Dr's and showing teachers respect. It's all bloody brilliant. 

  • Nope. Blair/Brown's Labour lifted millions out of poverty, implemented the Human Rights Act, funded schools properly and cut NHS waiting lists to a maximum 18 weeks. 18 WEEKS for ANYTHING, can you imagine that now? The waiting list for child mental health services in my area now is SEVEN YEARS. Cancer survival rates in 2010 were the highest on record, and they have gone to *** now. So don't tell me they are all the same.

  • The problem with teh water companies Billy, is that the government privatised them at the point where the infrastructure was collapsing, to pass on the problem to the private sector... 

    At least according to a leaflet I read at Glastonbury Fayre back in 1984 (ish)...  

  • Last 14 years?? Try "last half century".

    As a kid all I heard was "they aren't doing what they said they would" 

    Yet STILL 60% of you still vote as if it will make a difference!! 

  • It's happening. Just keep watching the news. Not BBC, they are still run by a Tory. Watch C4 News and read the Guardian. You'll see reasonable, progressive government. 

  • I agree - Kier knows that we're all unbelievers these days, with little faith in the political class to deliver on promises they make - not surprising after the last 14 years, especially the last 5. 

    It's only by doing what they say they will that people will get that belief back. I'm not necessarily inclined towards Labour first and foremost, I'd rather Green or LibDem, but I like this lot. Many of them come from working class backgrounds and have experienced the sort of life that most people do. That puts them in touch with the problems of everyday life, something the Tories didn't care about at all. 

    It's early days, we'll see what happens.

  • I wish I could be as optimistic as you. I hope you are right, although I don't agree with their energy policies among other things. 
    Something needs to be done about the water companies though, the state of our beautiful rivers is a disgrace

  • I wish I could be as optimistic as you. I hope you are right, although I don't agree with their energy policies among other things. 
    Something needs to be done about the water companies though, the state of our beautiful rivers is a disgrace

  • The problem with teh water companies Billy, is that the government privatised them at the point where the infrastructure was collapsing, to pass on the problem to the private sector... 

    At least according to a leaflet I read at Glastonbury Fayre back in 1984 (ish)...  

  • It's happening. Just keep watching the news. Not BBC, they are still run by a Tory. Watch C4 News and read the Guardian. You'll see reasonable, progressive government.