Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • Very soon, Labour will find themselves out of their depth given the scale of problems in the U.K. and the strong possibility of serious social unrest in the U.K. taking into account other problems outside of the U.K. - they will find themselves in a position where they will have no other option but to hand over all power to a provisional milltary government which will involve a national state of emergency, police state, martial law and curfews - the timescale for this is roughly 12-18 months from now, unless something really significant happens at the last moment behind the scenes to avert this from happening 

  • Very soon, Labour will find themselves out of their depth given the scale of problems in the U.K. and the strong possibility of serious social unrest in the U.K. taking into account other problems outside of the U.K. - they will find themselves in a position where they will have no other option but to hand over all power to a provisional milltary government which will involve a national state of emergency, police state, martial law and curfews - the timescale for this is roughly 12-18 months from now, unless something really significant happens at the last moment behind the scenes to avert this from happening 

  • Have you got a thing about men in uniform or something? Military rule seems to be your answer to everything!


    I pleased that the Tories are gone, I'm not happy at Reform getting seats, I'm happy that Galloway lost his. I think Starmer has hit the ground running and he needs too, I wonder if he's under-promised, so as he can dole out bits of help, like liftiing the 2 child benefit cap that will be seen as a success.

    I think after two terms in office most governments run out of steam and need to be pushed aside, although I didn't like him, I though Blair did some good stuff in his first term in office, it was after that and his *** swinging with Presdident Bush was were it all went wrong.

    I didn't vote Labour for several reasons and I'm waiting to see what they do for the next 4 or 5 years before deciding if they're  a good or bad thing.

  • yeah i think we will be getting ww3 and looking at ww2 in a state of world war our government forms a coalition with every single party to create a national government anyway. so all parties will be coalitioned together under ww3 if that breaks out... this is to stop political backstabbing and bickering and to not use deaths in war to cause protests and political instability which will harm and ruin our war effort. 

  • Wow, that's dark. Do you believe this would have happened whoever won? I'm curious that you think Labour are "out of their depth", are you saying they are incapable of governing because of lack of experience? The PM is an experienced lawyer and former head of the CPS, far more capable than any of the last 4 PMs