Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • Yes. 

    Most of them are just ordinary folk who have gone into politics to make a difference. A world away from the last lot and their excessive privilege. 

    The PM is a man of integrity, who will do.his best. 

    That's all. 

  • Hmm, I respect your opinion but I disagree that Starmer is a man of integrity. Throughout his career he seems to have constantly changed his mind and opinions to reflect what is most likely to win him votes and power. It's difficult to know what he actually believes

  • H did what he had to do to move Labour away from being an ideology obsessed perpetual protest party. Is he perfect? No. I have doubts re Labour's welfare policy. Whilst I have doubts I'm glad that an intellectually and morally bankrupt Tory party is no longer in power.

  • I think many of the Labour Party have academic learning true, but from what I've seen most of them seem to lack common sense to an extraordinary degree. Starmers first few policies include banning oil drilling and coal mining which, given that we won't be able to rely fully on green energy till 2050 (and probably never) makes us fully reliant on Putin and other despots for our energy needs despite being perfectly capable of producing it ourselves. He also wants to let violent criminals out of prison early at a time when violent crime is at an all time high on our streets, he can't define what a woman is, he refuses to stand up for his own MPs when they are threatened by militant groups and his front bench is full of people like Dawn Butler who seem to have become almost megalomaniacal in their own self importance since the election, witness her "I will no longer be afraid to proclaim my own greatness" tweet for instance. 

    Sadly, I fear this government will be even more out of touch with the concerns and values of ordinary people than the last lot. One only has to witness the machete wielding anarchy that many parts of London have descended into in the last 8 years of Labour rule to see what the rest of the country has to look forward to 

  • Starmer is highly intellectual and his team are very capable. Not sure why you think otherwise. 

  • Indeed. Btw it's very refreshing to hear that phrase again, I thought it had died out in the era of social media :-)

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