Traditional / Old Fashioned Thinking

As an older person with Autism, I was brought up in very different times with different thinking, values, acceptance, behaviour, etc (1970's & 80's).

The World has changed so much since then - both for better and worse.
There have been so many advancements - particularly in science and this has benefitted us ASD'ers immensely.

One thing that is troubling me is that I hold a lot of "principles" that in this day and age would be considered "Old Fashioned", "Traditional", maybe even "Bigotry" or worse.
There are things that I struggle to understand or accept which are based on my traditional attitude. I was brought up in an era when....

  • Boys had girlfriends and girls has boyfriends
  • You were born a boy and died a man
  • Men married women
  • Humour was not censored
  • People weren't "cancelled"

I openly discuss or rant about these topics along with some others that may be considered taboo with closed friends and family who have all become somewhat numb to my outrageousness / inappropriateness.

I have however managed to "behave" in public (stayed on the right side of the law), but occasionally do mutter things with a level of cowardice.
My concern is that now that I am officially autistic, the shackles of having to mask may have been broken and that has the potential of me saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  • Who exactly do you think you are to say "enough".

    I have not threatened people on here, instead I have tried to stop (to say ENOUGH) tp the insults that have been directed at ME. Quote me where I have categorically threatened members, I look forward to seeing that.

    Exactly what part do you believe that I "don't have a clue what you're talking about"?
    If I really don't have a clue, then please enlighten me. Guide me to your factual sources.

    Maybe I should be saying , enough!
    But I respect the right of people to put their point forward, so long as it is not factually flawed (in which case I would try to help them better understand), or worse still where it is verging on defamation of character. 

  • My thinking quality is variable. Sometimes good and inciteful sometimes wooly and based on preconceptions.

    If It's any consolation, I experience that "Your thinking is beyond my grasp" sensation at some point with most of the other humans I meet and interact with. IF it's ALWAYS like that I give up on people quite quickly, and when it felt like that with everyone in my youth, I decided that was MY problem and have done my best (with some measurable) success to fix it.

    Although I don't see eye to eye with you on all things Debbie, I've found you to be a thoughtful and considerate poster when confronted with opposing ideology. 

    I noted with some dismay, but perhaps a little understanding, that when your rejoined you did not elect to rejoin my unfeasibly large "friends" list, I'm hoping you'll (however briefly) reconsider that decision when I do my upcoming "celebrity" thread which should be a bit of harmless fun, as well as instructive as to how the "awards system" works here.

  • GPK26 I am in the exact same situation. I grew up on a council estate in the 70'sand 80's, an estate full of white people like me. If I spoke my mind I would be considered a racist , bigoted, homaphobe, there are many like us when you dig down. I hate the woke agenda,  I have been made very angry by the pro Gaza marches this weekend, they do not reflect my values at all. You are not alone

  • GPK, enough. You need to stop poisoning this forum and threatening people.

    You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, you know you are upsetting people and ruining a forum designed for mutual support and yet you continue with infantile and idiotic threats.


  • @Callum is exactly correct in terms anonyminity in both of his recent posts above. Hopefully forum members will take heed / learn something that they simply would not believe or claim they have more knowledge or experience in that particular area of technology.

    Yes, at the moment nobody knows me from "Jack" (or Jill) - all they know me as is GPK26 which could mean absolutely anything. However, if push came to shove, and legal actions were to be pursued, please be in no way thinking that you cannot be found.

    It is extremely difficult, maybe even nigh on impossible to remain completely anonymous in IoT age.
    Where there is an incentive and a determined will, you can be found.

    With this in mind, I ask / advise all community members to post with considered caution.

    There are examples out there where people have assumed that they were anonymous, yet were tracked down and held to account for their online behaviour. 

  • Some do. Some have very good "finding skills" too. Some like me have considerable "capability" in that area, I use mine for good and honourable (or at least harmless) ends, so at least no-one need worry about me. 

    I was about to 'sperg out, and detail how a bad actor can manipulate the rules to get someones personal details, but fortunately stopped myself in time...

    Not all of you are as sane as me, and that's not a high bar. Best shut up, now.

  • The voting patters seem to suggest otherwise Debbie.

    They suggest that there is there is co-ordination when I look at them.

    What do you mean by co-ordination?

    I find that extraordinary.

    We are just individuals agreeing or disagreeing with something from our own devices, whereever we may be at the time.

    How on earth would we 'co-ordinate' that?

    Do you think, for example, we are a group of people in contact with each other all agreeing to vote at the same time on the same subjects?

    Your thinking is well beyond my grasp.

  • Do you even have Autism?

    (A rhetorical and annoying question, designed to illustrate the nature and delivery of your own "tourettes" question) 

    Ask honest questions and you'll get a bit closer to rapproachment if the other person isn't too far gone..

  • That is true, but if someone was reported to the police for doing something illegal and the police had proof of that. The police can simply request some data from the forums I:E their IP address and other information connecting them to this forum like an email address.

    Just because you don't have their name & address doesn't mean they can't do anything, I have personally reported someone online without having any info about them and they did get in contact with the person I reported. A few days later. We live in a digital age, my friend.

  • The voting patters seem to suggest otherwise Debbie.

    They suggest that there is there is co-ordination when I look at them.

    The old proverb "Birds of a feather , flock together" is appropriate to both sides of any argument. 

    To explain my own point of view a little better I consider "normal" to be "the average majority" and recognise that many people have a mix of normal traits and abnormal traits. 

    Setting aside for the moment the undelivered promises of the transhumanists, we still need one woman and one man to make a child, and having produced the child we then need that couple to stay together to raise that child to maturity, and hopefully teach the child some moral values which in order for the human race to continue, needs to include a respect for the primacy & power of heterosexual intercourse. 

    So whilst many might seek to cast doubt on the "normalcy" of 

    straight Christian married heterosexual couples with children.

    they are biologically and culturally speaking representative of optimal human performance and useful for the species. I would not be so arrogant as to suggest that the group that includes me is the only exemplar when it comes to human species behaviour, I believe there is plenty of choice, but I'm reasonably happy with the culture I was born into. 

    That some people here step up to challenge those values every time they are mentioned is a basic human right, just as it is a basic human right to select and hold values whatever they are. It's not however a basic human right to vilify those who hold different values to you. THAT is a temptation not a right.

    IN a well balanced society, opposing factions get to take the mickey out of each other, either good naturedly, or with rancour, depending upon the individual. But everyone knows that it stops there.

    In an unbalanced society people start plotting to kill each other over the differences... 

  • technically no one is subject to legal action at all on here either way.

    because to take legal action you not only need to know the persons name you also need to know their address so they can receive legal notice.

    none of any side here knows names or addresses lol 

  • I don't understand why so many people are getting so upset with this post. Yes, It does verge slightly to the offensive side of LGBTQ+ members and some other people's beliefs. Yes, @GPK26 shouldn't have said something including that he is Opposed to same-sex marriage. 

    Which would break the forums, to be exact "Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated."

    You also say you're opposed to same-sex marriage, Would also break this rule "Content must not be graphic, obscene, defamatory or libellous. It must not encourage, promote or glorify any forms of self-harm of self- neglect. Please do not use the forum to identify other individuals, whether in passing or when making complaints. Please use alternative websites or resources if you wish to make a complaint about an individual or third-party service."

    I wouldn't say people are being Slanderous within this post, they're simply saying their opinions, about your post which is public: threatening legal re-course wouldn't exactly work in this scenario. We're all anonymous on this forum and you're simply known as "GPK26" for their comments to be "slanderous" as you call it. They would need to slander you off with your personal information I: E your name and other such in a public fashion.

    You haven't had a loss of earnings, nor have their comments impacted your personal life and your Public reputation hasn't been damaged.

    On the other hand threatening legal action on people causing them emotional stress and other such things, that has impacted their life and made them leave this forum. By emotional manipulation could actually have legal recourse. 

    You were brought up in the '70s & 80's which yes was a totally different time. But by your own post, you have even expressed that your opinions on some topics are "taboo" and your family & friends are so somewhat numb to my "outrageousness/inappropriateness.". You know your opinions can be quite controversial yourself as you have even stated it yourself. 

    My only advice for anyone reading this is don't even bother commenting on this post until the Community Manager has given his view on this post. It has made some forum members leave which is sad. I joined this forum to ask about how people cope and get advice from fellow ASD suffers.

    I wish all the best to everyone in this post.

  • maybe not agreeing on things is good though right?

    if everyone just agreed with 1 single thing.... well, wed have dictators like a certain german dude just rising to power without a single bit of resistance. its very good that people dont just agree with each other really. just how we portray that is the issue, we shouldnt get mad or offended at people having different views or disagreeing with their view. there was one guy on here who was like that, i forgot who it was but that guy had it right, when everyone was arguing and getting their knickers in a twist with me this one guy just disagreed with me reasonably and said he respects my view but he disagrees with it himself and holds a different view. was no need to arguments ever based on different views. everyone has them lol its ok.

  • no your misunderstanding the thread again, thats not autistic trait itself as he states awareness of it being inappropriate thats true.... but that is a generation gap and a change in ethics over generations. although it could still be autistic in a way though as autism is related to upbringing and this generational ideas and ethics are based on your upbringing so this could be up for debate too to be honest

    the future generations will think your ideas are evil and unethical... but you will still hold them because you was brought up with them being ethical... i believe thats more what this guy was on about. but yeah thats normal generation gap thing and time leaving behind older gens behind... you cant just wave a magic wand and thanos snap a persons upbringing and change it to suit yours.... and that upbringing shapes a person.

    he was aware of his ideas being not ethical by todays standards, i believe the convo was more meant to be about that, about the generation thing, the change in ethics. how its impossible to superimpose new generation ethics on old generation when they have been raised and taught differently...

    i personally dont see a issue with discussing this type of thing as it raises awareness and understanding between generations.... the younger gens getting upset and shutting this down just shows the younger gens are less tolerant than the older gens values anyway lol ....which is true, i like older people better because they are more patient with me.... all the abuse i ever got was off people my age. younger generations they have no chill and always want to bully and dogpile someone. older gens they are patient with people and more considerate and tolerant despite their views being old fashioned and unethical now.. that tolerance they have allows them to get along with newer gens who have these different views... while you newer gens attack the old gens for their views, while the old gens just try to comprehend that and still politely speak to you about it 

    already i believe theres a ethical switch as theres many tell tale signs of a new switch that doesnt favour the one you currently are of, this generation that screams in peoples faces and takes offence... i believe that generation is over and a new generation of youth is here that thinks that is immoral and unethical so i believe your ideas are about to be outdated soon too anyway just like the ops so its worth a talk on as we all get there and face this

  • The naked intolerance of the O/P's right to express his point of view, and mobbing behaviour of a certain subgroup of posters on this site is once again on display for all to see. 

    It's the intolerance and bullying behaviour and claims of victimhood that are vomited forth if you move an inch away from open worship of these minorities that gets up my nose, and the breathtaking levels of hypocrisy and double think that suddenly appears to make all parties look as bad as one another.

    There isn't a 'certain subgroup of posters' on this site.

    There are just individuals who are often vulnerable and who have received persecution in these sensitive areas, as I have.

    This thread was a fire waiting to happen and if people respond, individually, as they have here, in calm, intelligent ways explaining their points of view, that isn't 'mobbing behaviour'.

    From my memory, more threads and comments are made that could be conceived as critical of what you describe as 'minorities' (?) than there have been of what you probably consider 'normal' ie straight Christian married heterosexual couples with children.

    There are no 'breathtaking levels of hypocrisy' - just people trying to go about their lives with a lot of adversity that doesn't need the addition of conflict here.

  • in your OP you say that you hold views that are taboo.  Are you now saying that the views are taboo but that the majority hold them?  If the majority hold the views then what are you complaining about?

  • Stop The War Coalition have protested the war in Ukraine and there was huge march in favour of a ceasefire in the Israel/ Palestine war in London earlier today.

    So your claims that no one opposes war are false.  And i suspect you know them to be false.

  • Checked, and you are right, he did.

    In my judgement (FWIW) it still doesn't justify the accusations assumptions and general "Pile on" that anyone who who expresses any cognitive dissonance between their early life training and the world they find themselves living in seems to experience here sometimes.

    BUT this particular "bun fight" is being conducted in a much more adult manner than some we've seen, so maybe we ARE making a bit of progress, when it comes to the difficult conversations. Almost gives me hope..

  • i believe the OP was the first to mention bigotry.  And i also believe i know the OP's identity.

  • I was just trying to point out you can’t pick and choose when your autism or your inability to change suits you and you use it as an excuse for your beliefs,

    I would hope that none of us need to give excuses for our beliefs. We may wish to but I don’t believe we ought to need to. A world in which people need to give excuses for their beliefs sounds very Orwellian.

    The issue is whether he needs to give an excuse for his words. Lots of people share the belief that gay marriage is wrong. For example almost all sects of Islam, many Christian dominations and Orthodox Judaism as I understand it, and I don’t claim to be an expert, reject gay marriage.

    it would be a troubling world in which they were persecuted for their beliefs. or for that matter for expressing their beliefs. however prominent figures in these religions tend to express their opinions on gay marriage extremely carefully and sensitively.

    The question is not whether autism is an excuse for his beliefs on gay marriage, he doesn’t need one. The question is whether it is an excuse for expressing those beliefs in an insensitive way, and it absolutely must be in my view.