Traditional / Old Fashioned Thinking

As an older person with Autism, I was brought up in very different times with different thinking, values, acceptance, behaviour, etc (1970's & 80's).

The World has changed so much since then - both for better and worse.
There have been so many advancements - particularly in science and this has benefitted us ASD'ers immensely.

One thing that is troubling me is that I hold a lot of "principles" that in this day and age would be considered "Old Fashioned", "Traditional", maybe even "Bigotry" or worse.
There are things that I struggle to understand or accept which are based on my traditional attitude. I was brought up in an era when....

  • Boys had girlfriends and girls has boyfriends
  • You were born a boy and died a man
  • Men married women
  • Humour was not censored
  • People weren't "cancelled"

I openly discuss or rant about these topics along with some others that may be considered taboo with closed friends and family who have all become somewhat numb to my outrageousness / inappropriateness.

I have however managed to "behave" in public (stayed on the right side of the law), but occasionally do mutter things with a level of cowardice.
My concern is that now that I am officially autistic, the shackles of having to mask may have been broken and that has the potential of me saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  • Well a person can have a condition and be a bit of a prat as well. I was focusing on his original issue.

  • Is it possible to repeatedly post threats because of a “verbal tic”?

  • I mean I've (a) been diagnosed with it by the NHS and (b) finally made sense of and dramatically improved my life by treating myself as autistic, so yeah I would say so.

    It was an honest question. OP's last comment

    "What if I don't DECIDE or want / intend to say them, but they still come out?"

    suggested he might be dealing with uncontrollable verbal tics, which is quite a different thing to the impression given in his original post. If he has tourettes, or thinks he might, that requires an entirely different approach than if he's simply choosing to say controversial things.

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  • It would depend on the context? Was it an honest mistake and are they willing to acept that it was one and let it go? Then yes I would apologise and try to avoid it happening in the future.

    Now supose I made a mistake but their first responce was to say it was unforgivable and demand I be excomunicated (metaphoricly speaking), I'm much more likely to come out all guns blasing to argue my corner.

    And if it wasn't a mistake at all, if I said something they just didn't like (albet maybe insensativly) but that I was perfectly entitled to say that's yet again another matter.

  • If you said something and openly acknowledged it wasn’t acceptable, and then other people told you that you were offending them or making them feel unsafe would you apologise and stop, or would you threaten them with legal action?

  • aye the entire thing just doesnt work, and i believe its time to ditch it because it just seems like sketchy people using it all for their own clout and that clout isnt for anyones best interest but the person using it as a weapon. when its used that way everyone it claims to represent is then hated more... and persecuted more... 

  • LGBT is a lot less united than they seem. There are a lot of lesbian TERFs. And there a lot of lesbian transwomen who resent being treated difrently in practice by the same lesbians who pay lipservice to their femanin identity in theory. Bisexual people often get treated like imposters by the LGBT lot as well if they are in a hetro relationship.

  • but can you really expect others to try see things from others views when you may not be able to see things from their views? 

    sometimes one can be so stuck and locked into their own views they expect others to see their views but yet dont try to see things from any other view themselves.

    i honestly dont even think lgbt represents all of what they claim to.... alot of gay people wont support everything lgbt claims and stands for but then lgbt appropriates their voice and claims they stand for that when they dont... it misrepresents the individuals at times, thats why i cant support lgbt as a word or organisation myself as it goes against individuality and individual consciousness. and i consider myself asexual which is covered by lgbt... lgbt does not speak for me, i find the whole thing pretty offensive most of the times and am often opposed to it as it is just another big corpo trying to use these sensitive groupings in order to push its own political goals which may not be good for any of us at all. just another sinister political figure using buzz words and social manipulation

  • I wasnt forcing anybody to believe anything. I just want people to TRY to see things from others views

  • Yes I agree people shouldn't be called slurs. I'm not sure if people aren't accepted for jobs, the legislation around that is extremely strong and companies have to be extremely careful how they act.

    I think people around here are being somewhat disingenuous. I'm not sure what "hibernating" means but everybody who is hibernating seems to reply and vote the same way. You have to admit the discourse in the media, government and on this very forum is one-sided. People basically are not allowed to disagree. If that isn't bigoted then I don't know what is.

    Personally I think people should be able to do whatever they want as long as they do not harm others. You can describe yourself however you like and do whatever you like, I don't see why it matters. But that's just my opinion. If you want to force other people to share your opinions or beliefs, that's bigotry.

  • Please try to remove yourself from this thread.

    I'm concerned about your mental health.

  • Isn't your own behaviour and the behaviour of LGBT+ people described by this exactly?

    I have to disagree with this. Sure some LGBT+ people may do this but its not fair to suggest that LGBT+ people in general behave this way. I think most LGBT dont care if you dont agree with trans, or same sex marriage, etc, but they DO have a problem when that interferes with how they are being treated. If they are not accepted a job because of their orientation, or if someone is calling them rude slurs, then thats not okay and they have every right to stand up for themselves. If someone disagrees with queerness then that is fine so long as they disagree in a mature respectful way.

  • This is in no way your fault paper, however, GPK26's behaviour since I posted this comment has resulted in a decline in my mental health. Simply put, I'm in no position to be able to continue to debate this topic any further as my mental wellbeing is far too important. I hope you can both understand and respect this. 

  • The definition of a bigot as I understand it is a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group

    Isn't your own behaviour and the behaviour of LGBT+ people described by this exactly? You want to force your world view on others, censor anyone who disagrees, won't allow anyone to think in a different way - that's what being a bigot is.

    I don't know if GPK26 forces his views on others, but that isn't the impression I got. He seemed afraid. Everything has changed and there are serious consequences for saying a word wrong nowadays, which he may do unintentionally because he struggles with change.

    Everything has changed very quickly in the last 5 years alone, you don't have to be brought up in the 70s to notice the rapid changes. We all pretend that it's totally normal when actually it's extremely radical and often goes against the basic reality around us, but we all do our best to lie and say the emperor's new clothes look wonderful. For someone with autism this can be infuriating and exhausting.

  • Hmmmm, I'm not 100% sure that we are on the same page here, let me try to explain.

    I grew up in the 70s and 80's, but in an armed forces environment (lots of moving around the country and postings to other countries).

    Back then racism, homophobia, etc existed, but they weren't challenged anywhere near the level that they would [rightfully] be challenged - in fact illegal in today's society.

    My OP was not about wanting to speak my own mind - let me break that down for all....
    I have not expressed a want or desire to speak in any way that would be considered unacceptable or illegal.
    I do not believe that my mind is such that I habour racist of homophobic beliefs - I may not necessarily agree with some things that are considered quite normal today, but I do not castigate those who are living their lives that way.

    I'm not sure exactly who or what groups you are referring to when you say that "there are many like us when you dig down". I would feel extremely uncomfortable to align myself to "us" without knowing exactly who "us" is/are.,

    On the other hand, I have a dislike (hate is a very strong and provocative word used in certain context) of what has been termed "woke agenda".
    I'm not comfortable with using the word "woke", instead I just see those that are typically targeted with that label as being different to me and my life experiences.

    I see a lot of things that I do not agree with and that just don't make [logical] sense to me, a couple of examples being

    • Just Stop Oil protesters who sit in the road, delaying traffic, antagonising the general public and [this is the big one]....are causing more pollution / damage to the environment because engines are sat there running longer than they would had there not been the disruption. That then leads to more fuel being needed, so they're effectively damaging their own cause. Not to mention the potential threat to life when emergency service vehicles are delayed.
    • The Pro Palestinian marches this weekend. Whilst people are free to protest (as long as they stay on the right side of the law), this weekend was probably not the best timing to conduct the protest. There is no surprise that the far right showed up (not that I am condoning the far right). Some of the protesters seemed to be there just for the sake of protesting and not having even basic knowledge of what has happened recently in Israel & Gaza. Shockingly, one young lady was not even aware of the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7th October.  

  • anyone supporting those marches in london need to really do their research more. especially as its calling for a ceasefire....  they had a cease fire... the issue was gaza broke that ceasefire and attacked and murdered civilians under the cover of the ceasefire... i dont see how people support that side based on that info. it seems unethical.

  • Although I don't see eye to eye with you on all things Debbie, I've found you to be a thoughtful and considerate poster when confronted with opposing ideology. 

    I noted with some dismay, but perhaps a little understanding, that when your rejoined you did not elect to rejoin my unfeasibly large "friends" list, I'm hoping you'll (however briefly) reconsider that decision when I do my upcoming "celebrity" thread which should be a bit of harmless fun, as well as instructive as to how the "awards system" works here.

    Thank you.

    We are friends - you sent a request a few months back, I accepted, and we corresponded.

    If It's any consolation, I experience that "Your thinking is beyond my grasp" sensation at some point with most of the other humans I meet and interact with

    Yes, people are conundrums a lot of the time... there are often chasms between us and sometimes we try to bridge the gap, sometimes we give up.

    Looking forward to the 'celebrity' thread Blush

  • Former Member I'm confused - your profile says "hibernating" yet you're still here reading and replying to posts.

    Now, I'm certainly not in any position to say whether you should or shouldn't be reading or replying to posts, but it does seems a bit odd.

    The extent of my knowledge is that hibernation is when something like a hedgehog goes into an extended period of deep sleep (although actually it is not sleep). During that period, the hibernating creature is in a dormant state. It's not like it pops out for a bite to eat or some fresh air when suits.

  • Okay, I’m done with you.

    This is a forum designed for people to provide each other with support and you have come here and insulted people then make idiotic threats of legal action when they respond. You are frightening people and making a safe place for them into a place where they feel threatened and undermined.

    You are taking away a support network from vulnerable people. Can you not grasp that?

    You should be utterly ashamed of yourself. I’m sure your family is.

    I won’t respond to or acknowledge you again. Mailing the community manager now.