What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • Grockles and rubbernecks come in all shapes and sizes.......it's only when they are (supposedly) in control of a car as well that I become scared of them!

  • I just walked the Norfolk coast path from Great Yarmouth to Hunstanton, about 80 miles, on my own over four days, camping wild on the way. Only when I saw your question about what makes me scared did I realise that it wasn't spending the night all alone on some deserted coastline miles from anywhere, but during the daytime when I had to go into towns and villages for food that I was most scared. There is a local legend called 'Black Shuck', a big, shaggy, black dog with burning red eyes that is supposed to haunt the East Anglia coastline. I think I'd rather have bumped into him than all the grockles I encountered in the more inhabited areas. Laughing

  • Perhaps it was a "knee jerk" reaction towards witnessing many many past injustices, but nevertheless worthy of truths we do not have to agree with but should respect. There is enough oppositional polarities at most social levels.

  • You have the guts to stick your head above the parapet verbalising what many may think. I respect that!

  • Go carefully out there!

  • Actually they were more like a ponzi / pyramid scheme than a cult.

  • Donald Rumsfeld although I had heard it before from a cult - sorry, personal transformation organisation - I was briefly involved with before I was diagnosed 

  • Some ex-US politician said  "There are known knowns, known unknowns, etc., etc. The majority of fears seem to be centred with "known unknows" or what might be lurking around every corner. I have a very fearful wife like that with what is an apparent  "broken amygdala".

  • You forgot about TOXIC MASCULINITY !!!

  • My wife detests clowns because they ar so false.

  • Reminder of Rule 7:

    This is a hate-free zone for autistic people, their families and friends, and professionals working in the field. We do not permit sexism, homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, transphobia, disability hate speech, hate speech, obscenities or pornography to be posted or linked to here. 

  • Your post was a diatribe on how it's the poor old white people who are the real victims. If that's actually your worldview and you really haven't noticed that on the whole white people are the perpetrators and not the victims of racism, I think "really??" is an appropriate response. 

    Also there's a big difference between colonisation and immigration. The fact that you can't see that explains a lot of your fairly ignorant-seeming views on few topic. 

  • also i kinda have been silenced too much recently on the internet so im bursting with alot of paragraphs to say lol

    so i also want to point out how i was born in this country and havent really moved from it in my entire life... and yet we get people coming all over the world, and just because im white they call me the coloniser and blame me for colonial past... while they are the ones who came to this country from another lol while i have always been here and never moved... yet im the big bad coloniser??? .... yeah i find this world backwards and stupid and people have no sense or brains. they say things and accuse others but yet the people they accuse this stuff of they have never done it, while they who accuse are doing it right now.

    i can say alot about this, i think the main trigger for me in this type of topic is infact the hypocrisy... i dont honestly care where people go, i just get annoyed by hypocrisy and double standards and lies... i have never moved in my entire life, how am i the coloniser? lol how are people from other countries come here and insult me by saying that when they have moved from another country and displaced themselves, that is colonising....im ok with that, i just hate the hypocrisy of it, if they think its so bad why are they doing it? ...you point that out then they accept it and often say its revenge or we deserve it... but then again we are not the same people they desire revenge against, i have never moved, we are poor, we are worse off, we are not the same people from 1000 years ago and by alot of spiritual standards those people could have died and been reincarnated as any ethnicity anyway, they could be them in a past life, which could explain why they do this in this life too. but whatever, i often have alot to say when i get silenced too much and i really do chirp up and run with a topic when i see blunt hypocrisy that i wanna call out lol calling it out as i say can make other side see it and then agree if they see sense in it.

    also i dont understand the whole coloniser argument anyway as we all came from africa did we not? therefore we are all african colonists and africa is the coloniser of which humanity came from and colonised from...  

    this is probably all a big set of other topics lol and i guess topics that are banable in this censored age of restricted speach despite the fact this type of sensitive topic discussion is key to actual real progressive culture, as if we live in a timeline where the germans won ww2 at some times isnt it when you think on that lol.... but anyways im rambling now, hypocrisy gets me going i guess, combined with being shut down too much which gets me wanting to text wall everywhere. i like blunt unashamed truth and respect that, i dont like hypocrisy so i tend to stick my foot in topic types where i see hypocrisy i think. i think its a asd thing perhaps, the obsession with truth and the heavy handed calling out hypocrisy or double standards or lies.. i dont like the term lie so much as often the ones repeating the lies dont know its a lie, so to say lie is to accuse a person of something they are not doing, to lie they must know its false, most people spreading or repeating lies think its true. so im not sure if i like using the word lie much which is why they instead i see hypocrisy in their arguments rather than lies. a thing they accuse others of which others are not doing but yet they themselves are actively doing.

    i should probably shut up i do know that lol but yolo, rambling is good info dumping is good, although not to the reader, i imagine this is tldr.

  • precisely.  moreover, my response wouldn't change whether you are mother terresa or gengis kahn and whether Mrs Brinley is hitler or a pit snake.

  • you should see how i write on facebook, i use my mobile phone and it keeps changing my words all the time so that my entire paragraphs are a entirely different thing when i click post. and some of the changes dont make sense as it changes words into scrambled words that are not words lol

  • I can't help indulge in word poetry.  punctuation isn't all that........you've seen how I write! 

  • Opps !  Hello Bimmer Lady.

    You've met Caelus and Debbie, I'm Number.

    Clear and direct opinions are often expressed here - so I would like to do that with just one word.

    W E L C O M E 

  • one word that shows opposition to what i said, with disbelief. 2 question marks to show enragement and disbelief. a downvote of my comment. no explanation of what parts or why so i could see her view on it, so no constructive side from her... i find that a bit rude and insulting personally when they do that. 

    i prefer a long rambling picking apart constructive opposition... not a single word opposition with no construction, it is just a insult when they do that...at that point i believe they should say nothing at all, come in with propper constructive opposition and explanation, or dont say anything at all... its pretty easy. but a single word opposition is basically like just swearing at someone 

    i have been on the internet a long time, so i know to spot certain things and i can tell this person has almost definately reported me aswel combined with that. i have dealt with this lots of times and i know how to spot this. so when you consider that you begin to perhaps understand my frustration with this situation and this type of person if thats the case.

  • They only said one word.


    Ouch !

  • i have to though.... because from that one word i know their hateful view on me already and i know they likely would have reported me for it and ill be silenced soon.

    so its my goal in that time to go in and put my opinion across and perhaps give them a chance to think and change their mind. even if i get banned if i make them see the error of their ways and see logic and sense just before i get shut down then i have done good in the world and corrected someones corrupted thought patterns.

    if i say nothing, then it works out exactly as i said... the person will have reported me, id get silenced, then they will go on thinking they was right, when they are not and theirs would be the side that enforces racism rather than stops it. never go silently into the night, thats a top tip you learn when you have witnessed this thousands of times. always get facts out there before people use their institutional power to silence you. if you get words out, you can make the person realise they overreacted themselves and was wrong.

    like i said, i know already the copy paste ideas that person would be thinking and that they likely would think im racist instead and have pressed the report button.... thats always how it goes. so im putting my stuff out there to make them have a chance at redemption and understanding how they was wrong if thats the case. 

    also if they had a issue with what i say why not challenge that rather than do a single word type of thing that seemingly shows opposition to it but yet no reason or picking apart at bits that we can work off? perhaps they have a logical reason behind it and could have pointed it out and perhaps could have instead won me over on a part... this is why conversation, and lengthy responses matter, and why the whole modern day report and silencing game is counterproductive to society and progression. progression stops when the conversation stops, when debate stops and no side can try to think on the others.