What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • Great idea for a thread.

    Bigotry and fundamentalism in people, simply because of the repercussions and the awful things people will say and do because of their beliefs.

    There isn't really anything else that scares me although lots of physical things can make me nauseous or dizzy.

    Lots of things people say and do can make me angry.

    A lot of people are scared of death but that has never scared me.

  • but yet the flip side is just as bad... such as how they say white people are the racist ones, and you cant be racist against white people... and we dont deserve a home, we dont deserve a place to exist, any rights, everyone has to be above us and infront of us. all because of blaming us for all the bad things that happened in history that none of us alive actually had any part of... this is racism, and yet it will never be acknowledge as racist, and we wont be protected from the repercushions of it as it will instead be seen as anti-racist, and we are in grave danger of attack and persecution now just for being this skin tone... and have no protection because it isnt the other skin tone that is seen and claimed to be the only persecuted tone. 

    but yet still i dont fear that and it isnt to fear, mainly to roll my eyes at instead at the growing awareness of the hypocrisy of it all. if they want to persecute and attack me for historic events that i was no part in then they are then treating us the exact same way people have treated that other group of people who are named after a religion. they got blamed for all the bad things that happened in history, all the bad events, they didnt have protection and it was seen ok to hate them for random things and blame them... we are letting it happen again, and yet none of us will acknowledge it and i risk being banned even mentioning it lol thats how persecuted we are and defenceless, and how we will be shut up if we point it out. but as i said, i dont fear that, i eye roll it as it just annoys me of societies double standards around these issues.

  • but yet the flip side is just as bad... such as how they say white people are the racist ones, and you cant be racist against white people... and we dont deserve a home, we dont deserve a place to exist, any rights, everyone has to be above us and infront of us. all because of blaming us for all the bad things that happened in history that none of us alive actually had any part of... this is racism, and yet it will never be acknowledge as racist, and we wont be protected from the repercushions of it as it will instead be seen as anti-racist, and we are in grave danger of attack and persecution now just for being this skin tone... and have no protection because it isnt the other skin tone that is seen and claimed to be the only persecuted tone. 

    but yet still i dont fear that and it isnt to fear, mainly to roll my eyes at instead at the growing awareness of the hypocrisy of it all. if they want to persecute and attack me for historic events that i was no part in then they are then treating us the exact same way people have treated that other group of people who are named after a religion. they got blamed for all the bad things that happened in history, all the bad events, they didnt have protection and it was seen ok to hate them for random things and blame them... we are letting it happen again, and yet none of us will acknowledge it and i risk being banned even mentioning it lol thats how persecuted we are and defenceless, and how we will be shut up if we point it out. but as i said, i dont fear that, i eye roll it as it just annoys me of societies double standards around these issues.

  • Hi Caelus, thank you for replying so honestly. I don't think we're ever likely to agree on this topic (though fingers crossed that we might agree on others) as we've had entirely different experiences. Whenever I have been left out of things it has been because I don't fit in and I have never experienced racism. However, it sounds like you've had some awful experiences and your reply has definitely helped me understand your posts and background so, thank you.

    When I was at school, I was basically mute so I spent a lot of time observing people. One of the things I learned from watching people argue is that there are always two sides to a story and both of them usually have some validity behind them. I am not going to try to change your opinion as (i) that's not why I asked my question and (ii) I don't know anything about the hardships that you have been through. What I will try to do, though, is bear the above in mind when reading your future posts and read them with more understanding.

    I'm really sorry that you've had such a tough time and I do hope you find an inclusive community to support you in future.

  • Hi Caelus, I can't reply at the moment but I will have a proper read through what you have just said and reply to you.

  • every black person i have ever met has been more privileged than i have been, has jumped ques ahead of me, has been treated better, has been included in things. i have been left to the bottom of the pile, i get excluded, no one cares about me. in my perspective black people are all more privileged than i am by a very long margin, and thats allowed because i am white so you all assume i am better off or privileged. thats why i think the notion of assuming one if privileged due to their skin colour is harmful and racist. because it harms the people like me who had no advantage at all and no privilege. and yes alot of my stuff i get held back on like social stuff, not being included, being the guy left outside the bubble, alot of that can be down to autistism. but it doesnt matter, i dont get help because im white so society views me as privileged and not in need of help, which adds yet another layer of no hope and being excluded and left behind... while the claim black people are more persecuted than me really grinds me because every single black person i have met has been part of the in crowd, has been included, has all been super happy and smiling, has been the ring leaders of bully gangs they are so popular. has been the rich guy in a sports car with 10 job offers thrown at his feet and he instead decided to take the 1 single opportunity in life i had at the time just because i wanted it, then he didnt take it and didnt turn up at contract signing at told me about how he didnt  bother with it and laughed about it without realising thats my only opportunity and he had 1000s of others likely because of his skin colour as everyone wants to diversity hire, while i never get any opportunity and he stole and squandered the only one i had at the time. we need to rethink this privileged crap because its not whiteman privilege anymore, its very clearly not.

    as a white man i feel more persecuted against than anyone on this planet entirely, to the point society is pretty much telling me to kill myself and im not allowed to exist because im the big bad white guy and not allowing myself to get along. this society sucks, and everyone that defends it is a racist in my eyes. it judges people by skin colour,, judges everyone by skin colour, but people fail to see how it harms the ones that it has positive judgements of, such as white people, you have so much positive judgement of white people that we get outcast and not allowed help because everyone assumes we dont need help and we can be tossed aside and allow every other person to jump ahead of us, thats not fair, thats society racism but its racism based on a positive judgement of us but it has the most negative effect right?

    as a white man i dont have a home country of my people to go to that will treat me better anymore, because this was my home country and now its racist against me for my skin colour. anyone else of any other colour has a home country to go to that can treat them better. i now have nowhere like that on this planet. yet again another difference in privilege. not very privileged after all this skin colour isnt it? sometimes i wish i could rip my skin off so you all can stop seeing it and judging me by it so i can finally get equal opportunity and fair chance and not be left behind on everything all the time.

  • Hi Caelus, I know this is an old post and I probably shouldn't open the subject again, but I think it's an important one and it's been playing on my mind and the only way it'll leave is by replying - sorry.

    I'm trying to understand your point of view because it is not one that I agree with but you must have a reason for it.

    Have you personally been persecuted because you are white male? I imagine it can happen, although I would say that the use of the word "everyone" in the post above is extreme and possibly a more accurate phrase would be "a few people". Or have you been persecuted and have attributed it to being white male when it could possibly have been for something else (e.g. autistic interpersonal difficulties)? Or are you reacting to groups who (you're not going to like it but I do have to say it) get persecuted way more than white males trying to work towards equality - A FEW of whom, but certainly not the justified majority, take it a bit too far.

    I'm white female, so relatively privileged. I like pretty much everyone, white males included. I also have to say that if all women hated men, the species would have died out long ago... Yes, if I was walking down a dark street and I saw a man, I would be more nervous than if I saw a woman but that's not because I don't like men. It's because (i) I've seen lots of scary movies/TV programmes, (ii) men are statistically more likely to attack women than other women and (iii) men tend to be physically stronger and I would have a much harder time escaping from a man than a woman.

  • Caelus wrote; "..because from that one word i know their hateful view on me already.."

    geez.. paranoid much?

  • im going to retract the latter part - there have been many people who have reached out or tried to reason with one individual, for which I am grateful. shoutout also to those who wanted to say something or get involved and held back - ive learnt my lesson!

  • are you saying that only chattel slavery is bad and that every other form of slavery is ok and good then?

    because in my view all forms of slavery is bad and i dont discriminate between each form... so i dunno this looks bad for you really, or selective.... im going to hold onto hope that your just selective here and you agree that all forms of slavery is bad...

  • yes Dr, youve nailed it. lol reaching much?

  • if it was a reflection of society youd be paying to enter here and paying per hour in a tax to be here too.
    your calling for others to group up and help you like a clique and attack me and do all the work for you in them words you just called out there and i see it because im used to that all through life. it kinda solidifies my diagnosis of you, your just a standard person, a school bully that had social groups of friends to attack others for you. but thats ok, there has to be people like you as you are the norm in society.

    id advise you ignore the people teaching you to hate entire people just for one cherry picked thing a minority of them did in ancient history. one day you will see and realise your teachers are nothing but hate preachers.

  • oh wow, we need primary school level education here! first google for you, is the concept of "chattel slavery". I gave you book titles, if you are genuinely passionate about the topic, they are a very good starting point.

    Secondly who HATES you? Lol, very telling. The irony is Im half Jewish...soo whos "people" exactly?

    Oh and everyone check out Caelus diagnosis on the other thread for me.

    These are your community members? WOW! As a community youre supposed to support. Feeling like a lone solider out here, but story of my life, Im reverting back to type i guess, which was not the idea of joining this forum. But i guess this forum is a reflection of society, so....

  • the slave trade was bad, i agree, thats why we english banned it and enforced a global ban on slavery which was normal in the world for all human history before england normalised the banning of it no? .... well it was normal in most recorded history, the romans has it as a basic class of citisensry and 90% of romes population was slaves, people were afraid of being freemen in those times as they lost protections.

    slavery still goes on to this day despite england changing the world by normalising its absence.... there is millions of slaves in africa right now, and yet thats ok is it? are you going to hate on africa for them continuing the slave trade? or is it only ok to hate me, a englishman, for the slave trade long past in history, which i didnt partake in? .... is this just racism? is it because im white? i want to understand your hatred against my people because it isnt due to slavery and hating everyone of a people that had a part in slavery because if that was the case youd hate africans too right now wouldnt you given they are currently doing modern day slave trade?

  • ok i going to start a new thread to "deal" with you. Just for the record, where are your figures and facts in a single paragraph? Unfortunately for you, my specialism is Transatlantic Slavery and its legacy, you are about to be educated to another level! This knowledge is clearly lacking from not just your post but mindset. im not here to silence you, I actually encourage such views - you show who you are and your mentality. The fact you are trolling me, at the expense of someones post about their struggle with their health condition - speaks volumes. Safe space on here.. as a new member? disgraceful, but i dont shy away its a magnetic pull as its my specialist area. For those interested please have a look at "Capitalism and Slavery" Eric Willams, "Britains Black Debt" by Prof Sir Hilary Beckles and perhaps "White Fragility" would be more appropriate to cover these "sentiments" or psychological mindsets.

    quick fact: Britain only paid off the £20m slave owners compensation (paid out in 1838), through taxes in 2015 - source HMRC.

  • we literally have a indian prime minister, and have you been to amny work place? white people cant even get jobs anymore, we only had a chance at a job after brexit, but since then they patched that and we have been kicked from jobs and trust me when i say theres becoming less white people in work again, were not allowed work... and without work we die in poverty... that is suppression.... and let me tell you this, those foreigners i work with, do you think they are nice and inclusive? ...they are not.... they hate you, they hate me, they speak their own language to exclude us and when we try to talk to them they tell us to shut up and that they are speaking in their language and they dont want anything to do with white people...

  • Considering how India's current ruling party is of the extreme Hindu nationalist variety, I don't think "there's racism in India so why shouldn't there be here?" is a great case to make. And your repeated claims that non-white people have more rights and power in Britain than white British people are just standard rhetoric used to inflame racist sentiment and not based in fact.

    And again, at no point did I say that all (or most) white people are evil, and certainly not because of actions committed before their birth. No one can help things done by their people in the past, what we can do (and what a lot of people, white or otherwise, refuse to do) is acknowledge those actions, condemn those responsible and try to make good when those actions are still having an effect all this time later. I really wish you would read up on colonialism and the experiences of minorities in Britain and see if you find any areas where you've been misinformed. 

  • oh yeah, how hate against gender is ok when the hate is against men...

    but if you said "toxic feminism" youd get called sexist and be banned from any site for sexism lol
    all double standards in this hypocrisy society.

  • yeah that other comment you was replying to was my response to someone else, so this is gonna be tricky. although near my name at the top there it usually says "in reply to" so that can make it easier to see which comment the response was to.

    i was asking tris to think on it as she has seemingly the mindset that "all white people are evil because one white guy did a bad thing 1000 years ago" its the same mindset that racists used against muslims

    and as for you being jew, i believe i see a similarity in your peoples treatment and the direction the world is going against mine... they used historical bad to blame your people for everything which in turn they used to justify bad treatment against your people, which snowballed to a tragic conclusion. thats what we see here, justifying hate against a entire peoples based on some history, then demonising and taking their rights away, saying its ok to be hateful against them as they are infact the only ones capable of hate as they are so bad apparently... its the same stuff going over again. i like to challenge it when i see it.

  • can i achieve equal rights in india? where is my representation in bollywood? what if i went there and demanded my people be the majority in all power structures and work environments and be the majority representation in bollywood? im sure theyd have something to say about that and tell me to bog off no? and would they be racist for doing that? ... because wed be racist ones for doing that here lol

  • and that is the cost we must pay for fighting for social reform and bettering this world.... everyone that thinks im the big bad guy just for "being white" and you all hate ALL white people for the bad that a tiny minority of us did thousands of years ago and justify raciusm against my group of people over it when the world has literally moved thousands of years on from it, if i have to be banned to point this stuff out and make you all realise that your enacting racism yourselves then so be it... one day society will learn though and will acknowledge that this mindset of all of yours is racist... just like how the media flipped from posting hate stories about islam to saying that was racist now... it only takes a few years for that to change too so in your lifetime you could look back on this and admit i was right lol

  • I am a Jew, so you are barking up the wrong tree and I cetainly do not have to think on this more owing to my own peoples history. You seem prone to jumping to conclusions. 

    Perhaps it was a "knee jerk" reaction towards witnessing many many past injustices

    I am actually in agreement with you, but have attempted to smooth out the caustic flavour of some of your comments by taking a more "relaxed approach"

    As a Jew I do not hate the German people as many of my orthodox brethren do to the point of not purchasing ANYTHING made in Germany. I consider the German people victims of their own crazy times casting aside their morality, blinded by their own dire conditions, and allowing themselves to be lead by a madman leader who found scape goats.

    Do not jump to conclusions my friend.

  • Whether you posted racism or anti-racism you will almost certainly still be banned from the site if you continue to post on the subject.