What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • ...just be grateful, I nearly included the sections and details by "Mr & Mrs West".....but didn't want to get into copyright deep water..there are also all sorts of WW2 underwater caverns and systems in the Portland stone just around the corner of the beach on the Bill itself too.  Like I say, all sorts of wrong.

  • With that very detailed description,  I just might!

  • The beach at Chesil at high tide freaks me out because I know just how sharply the shingle/pebble (impossible to climb up) land disappears into a very steep drop-off into a very deep "face" of ocean.  The beach sits at a 40 degree slope and descends for about 70 linear meters (to an overall depth of about 50m.)  That's really steep, the sea is often highly tempestuous at this spot.......and frankly, the whole space feels all-sorts of wrong!

    Don't have nightmares please.

  • oh yeah, how hate against gender is ok when the hate is against men...

    but if you said "toxic feminism" youd get called sexist and be banned from any site for sexism lol
    all double standards in this hypocrisy society.

  • One has to be deep in rem sleep to dream nightmares--that's not me as I can never remember my dreams, nor my wife who sleeps with one eye open (or so it seems)

  • Dedicated to all you clown haters.( Dont have Nightmares Folks )

  • And clowns.

    Oh yes, I've never liked them.


  • Sudden expanses of deep water. Llyn Cau appeared about 20m in front of me through the mist.

    The dam at Derwent Reservoir scared the *** out of me.

  • yeah that other comment you was replying to was my response to someone else, so this is gonna be tricky. although near my name at the top there it usually says "in reply to" so that can make it easier to see which comment the response was to.

    i was asking tris to think on it as she has seemingly the mindset that "all white people are evil because one white guy did a bad thing 1000 years ago" its the same mindset that racists used against muslims

    and as for you being jew, i believe i see a similarity in your peoples treatment and the direction the world is going against mine... they used historical bad to blame your people for everything which in turn they used to justify bad treatment against your people, which snowballed to a tragic conclusion. thats what we see here, justifying hate against a entire peoples based on some history, then demonising and taking their rights away, saying its ok to be hateful against them as they are infact the only ones capable of hate as they are so bad apparently... its the same stuff going over again. i like to challenge it when i see it.

  • can i achieve equal rights in india? where is my representation in bollywood? what if i went there and demanded my people be the majority in all power structures and work environments and be the majority representation in bollywood? im sure theyd have something to say about that and tell me to bog off no? and would they be racist for doing that? ... because wed be racist ones for doing that here lol

  • Stray strong.
    You will be fine.
    Take it Day by Day.

  • and that is the cost we must pay for fighting for social reform and bettering this world.... everyone that thinks im the big bad guy just for "being white" and you all hate ALL white people for the bad that a tiny minority of us did thousands of years ago and justify raciusm against my group of people over it when the world has literally moved thousands of years on from it, if i have to be banned to point this stuff out and make you all realise that your enacting racism yourselves then so be it... one day society will learn though and will acknowledge that this mindset of all of yours is racist... just like how the media flipped from posting hate stories about islam to saying that was racist now... it only takes a few years for that to change too so in your lifetime you could look back on this and admit i was right lol

  • I am a Jew, so you are barking up the wrong tree and I cetainly do not have to think on this more owing to my own peoples history. You seem prone to jumping to conclusions. 

    Perhaps it was a "knee jerk" reaction towards witnessing many many past injustices

    I am actually in agreement with you, but have attempted to smooth out the caustic flavour of some of your comments by taking a more "relaxed approach"

    As a Jew I do not hate the German people as many of my orthodox brethren do to the point of not purchasing ANYTHING made in Germany. I consider the German people victims of their own crazy times casting aside their morality, blinded by their own dire conditions, and allowing themselves to be lead by a madman leader who found scape goats.

    Do not jump to conclusions my friend.

  • Whether you posted racism or anti-racism you will almost certainly still be banned from the site if you continue to post on the subject.

  • Where did I say that all white people are evil? That and the idea that white British people have less rights than ethic minorities is just incredibly misinformed. 

    And this isn't the first time you've compared minorities trying to achieve equal rights to that German political party. The fact that you see parallels in that direction rather than a white majority spreading conspiracy theories about minorities undermining their culture is kind of mindblowing. 

  • Dont't be scared of being scared.
    It will scare you.

  • point to me where i posted racism please?

    if you read my posts i posted anti-racism lol

    the fact you come in to attack me and claim im racist has proven my point, as if you read my post youd see i covered this already and covered the fact that if i spoke out against racism towards me or my people, youd all come in and attack me and ban me and silence me and say its ok to be racist against me because youd call me subhuman and not worthy of being listened to and you judge me as the evil one for the colour of my skin because as tiny minorioty of my people 1 thousand years ago did a bad thing.. so because of that you paint us all as evil and racist... which in turn is you being racist, and by attacking me and claiming im racist and shutting me up you proved my point that i already set out.... congratulations, you have given me this win... you have proven my point....

    but heres another point... no one will care, because your society is so racist against my people and people who look like me that no one cares, you can be openly racist against me and then claim im the bad racist one when i point out or speak against your racism against me, and if i pointed out that will happen and it happened like it did people still wont care.. because you all racially hate me and my kind... you are the racists... and with institutional racism, it doesnt even matter because you hold the institution so you can say it doesnt count and then instead say i am the racist one for existing. you hold the institutional power and so this is real racism, you can be racist against me and it will be ok, you can say its ok and society will say its ok. and then ill be silenced and called the racist one instead... this is true institutional power based racism....and none of you will fight it or take notice of it because you all go with the power, you all stick to the institutional lines...

  • oof your mindset is really outdated... white people were the perpetrators thousands of years ago.... and not all of them... mainly the rich elite 0.1% .. so is it ok to say all white people are evil for the actions of the few? ... no it sounds racist doesnt it?

    think on it, i dare you to think on it..

    do you say all muslims are terrorists? ... because the most modern attrocities came from islamic terror attacks? .... so by your logic youd paint all muslims with that brush and call them evil and then take away their protections and say you cant be racist against them because some of them did bad things so they are all bad? ... is that right? ... does that sound right to you? ... as i said, think on this...

    who has their own country focused on their own people and has full rights there? we dont.,... everyone else does.... were not allowed... our rights in the only place we can have rights are being secondary to others, while they get first in their own country and in ours... we are being pushed aside in the world. and youd say thats ok because thousands of years ago a few of us did something bad... that is the same justification everyone hated jews for and pushed them out of their homes and banned them from countries then did attrocities to them for and yet here you are repeating the same path, repeating the same mistakes... humanity never learns, i beg you.. i honestly beg you to think on this more... 

  • Over a 20+ year period I did a great deal of work all along that coastal span.--- some great villages and happy memories.

  • My blood son was sofa surfing for over a year until he was fortunate to get his own flat 5 years ago and he's a skilled plasterer.  Now my step son was turfed out of his furnished rented room, except now the rental market is broken and he is trying to run a small used car part business.