What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • am i going to agree with that persons blunt racism and say racism is ok just to be welcoming to them?

    They only said one word!

    I think this is a really OTT reaction and sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if the person never returns here.

    You have extrapolated from that one word into a diatribe and made assumptions from nothing about the person.

  • thats a change of topic. whatever responses they get is based on how they act.

    am i going to agree with that persons blunt racism and say racism is ok just to be welcoming to them?
    i think not...but also perhaps they just also dont see the point and can be enlightened by giving them examples and information then they change their mind.

    either way i think avoiding topics and ... i dunno.... falling over for the other persons racist views or whatever you want me to do? ... is kinda the wrong option and engrains the wrong type of attitude in society. if we are to be anti-racist good society then we shouldnt sway from that should we? you say yourself you fear racism, i am here trying to correct a racism and prevent that snowballing into really bad stuff... racism starts "acceptable" then snowballs and only gets seen as bad when attrocities about it take place. we should stop it before it gets to a attrocity should we not?

  • your response kinda proves me right as i bet you hate me now and have reported my comment and want me silenced? ... this proves my point, im not even allowed to speak against the racism directed towards my people, i get shut up and banned and institutionally silenced. proving my people are not protected and are openly discriminated against and its ok to be racist against my people and if i say anything against it i am the one that gets attacked and banned lol you proved my point in your response... you should think on that..

    The person you are addressing only joined the forum yesterday - or at least that's when they introduced themselves.

    Do you think that this is welcoming?

    They only said one word.

  • Agreed it is more complicated I follow a diet based on my blood group and although there aren’t races there are blood types (and I don’t mean o,a,b,ab) which you could divide the world’s population by which would provide groups somewhere between tribes / ethnicities and ‘races’ 

  • agreed sorta.... there is a such thing as race.... we are the human race.... human is our race. so we are all one anyway. but yet we use the term racism to more describe.... i dunno, ethnicism? but ethnicism is probably something else and doesnt sound right lol tribalism.... but youd all accept tribalism and different tribes sticking together benefiting their own in group of tribes while disadvantaging and being against other tribes so that one doesnt work as tribalism is accepted by people despite it still being a in group advantage and a outgroup disadvantage.

  • You do realise that scientifically there is no such thing as race. Apparently there is more genetic variation between people of the same ‘race’ than there are genetic differences between ‘races’. Race is therefore entirely a social construct to explain people’s fear and ignorance.

  • explain? why really? is racism against anyone not bad or is racism a selective thing where its ok against some but only bad against your chosen few?

    your response kinda proves me right as i bet you hate me now and have reported my comment and want me silenced? ... this proves my point, im not even allowed to speak against the racism directed towards my people, i get shut up and banned and institutionally silenced. proving my people are not protected and are openly discriminated against and its ok to be racist against my people and if i say anything against it i am the one that gets attacked and banned lol you proved my point in your response... you should think on that... i reccomend you watch a video this asian lad made that covers this very topic and it shows other ethnicities are seeing this hate on my people and are calling it out for us even if we participate in our own peoples silencing... forgot the video title but its out there on youtube somewhere, guy that made it is called charlie cheon if that makes it easier to find.

  • I hadn't even considered the possibility of it being an autistic thing but now that I think about it, in my case it might be that- I already find it quite hard to read facial expressions so it's possible I'm having some sort of uncanny valley experience or just feeling really anxious about not being able to read the real face with the painted face on top.

  • Common sense, moral sense, a sense of direction.......all seem to be eroding dangerously fast.

  • I hate travel sickness makes going out in the car really scary

  • Sorry to hear that.

    Yes, it is horrid.

    Travel sickness is the pits.

    I thought I'd 'grow out of it' but I never did Thermometer face

  • I saw a T shirt that said common sense is so rare now it should be a superpower ^^

  • I get nausea and dizziness most days it's horrible isn't it.

  • I was worried if not scared about where I was going to live long term but I was very lucky and managed to get a social (retirement) housing flat 2 years ago. Having said that I think I definitely would be scared if I didn’t have the flat in the current housing market.

  • Wow, not just me then! I can 3rd that!

  • but yet the flip side is just as bad... such as how they say white people are the racist ones, and you cant be racist against white people... and we dont deserve a home, we dont deserve a place to exist, any rights, everyone has to be above us and infront of us. all because of blaming us for all the bad things that happened in history that none of us alive actually had any part of... this is racism, and yet it will never be acknowledge as racist, and we wont be protected from the repercushions of it as it will instead be seen as anti-racist, and we are in grave danger of attack and persecution now just for being this skin tone... and have no protection because it isnt the other skin tone that is seen and claimed to be the only persecuted tone. 

    but yet still i dont fear that and it isnt to fear, mainly to roll my eyes at instead at the growing awareness of the hypocrisy of it all. if they want to persecute and attack me for historic events that i was no part in then they are then treating us the exact same way people have treated that other group of people who are named after a religion. they got blamed for all the bad things that happened in history, all the bad events, they didnt have protection and it was seen ok to hate them for random things and blame them... we are letting it happen again, and yet none of us will acknowledge it and i risk being banned even mentioning it lol thats how persecuted we are and defenceless, and how we will be shut up if we point it out. but as i said, i dont fear that, i eye roll it as it just annoys me of societies double standards around these issues.

  • i think being tinier than the tiniest thing you can imagine is actually the opposite of scary.... if anything, id be scared if i was a massive thing because then existance would be tiny in my perspective, like a jail. and youd be more targeted and at risk from everything.

    being tinier than the tiniest grain of sand on the largest beach, you dont stick out, you dont get targeted, and you have a massive limitless existance that you cant even see 0.0000000001% of. its better being smaller in scope.

    i dont think there is anything scary in reality. i think perhaps scary and terror is just a disorder perhaps... the only time i felt fear and terror are times when i question whether it was some sort of mental hallucination or panic attack or perhaps schizophrenia of some form or a illness of the mind i cant know yet. but weird stuff happening, usually at times when you have been asleep and are vulnerable and you awake with a sense of panic and fear and a feeling that your in danger somehow. and then you hear or see strange things that could be anything from a ghost to a alien in your limited human mind at time, but could be anything, could be some mental illness or hallucination. that is scary as you dont have a choice, your body has chosen already to signal fear and terror for no reason and to make you see strange things or hear them if they are real or perhaps not real who can really know. this is perhaps where people come up with the idea that we fear the unknown, but yet i dont fear the unknown, i want to know the unknown and id feel id be open to knowing what others dont, the fear you feel in these occasions is out of control, a chemical reaction perhaps, not logical, a illness then. therefore it is not real fear despite it being really deep terror, but yet because its perhaps chemical reaction and not rational its not really a true fear. just a false signal being tripped in your body that makes you feel the worst terror.

    but yeah, other than false signals, i have never truly felt fear. i suppose because i have felt the worst fear and terror from a false signal any real fear is only mild to me perhaps... and more perceived as a slight nuisance in comparison to the irrational strange false terror i felt from time to time in the night when awoken by strange feelings.

  • Making and receiving phone calls

    Absolutely, terrifying...