What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • Storms espech thunder and lightning 

    I didn't realise this until the storms from the other night :-/ 

  • Hi Caelus, thank you for replying so honestly. I don't think we're ever likely to agree on this topic (though fingers crossed that we might agree on others) as we've had entirely different experiences. Whenever I have been left out of things it has been because I don't fit in and I have never experienced racism. However, it sounds like you've had some awful experiences and your reply has definitely helped me understand your posts and background so, thank you.

    When I was at school, I was basically mute so I spent a lot of time observing people. One of the things I learned from watching people argue is that there are always two sides to a story and both of them usually have some validity behind them. I am not going to try to change your opinion as (i) that's not why I asked my question and (ii) I don't know anything about the hardships that you have been through. What I will try to do, though, is bear the above in mind when reading your future posts and read them with more understanding.

    I'm really sorry that you've had such a tough time and I do hope you find an inclusive community to support you in future.

  • Hi Caelus, I can't reply at the moment but I will have a proper read through what you have just said and reply to you.

  • every black person i have ever met has been more privileged than i have been, has jumped ques ahead of me, has been treated better, has been included in things. i have been left to the bottom of the pile, i get excluded, no one cares about me. in my perspective black people are all more privileged than i am by a very long margin, and thats allowed because i am white so you all assume i am better off or privileged. thats why i think the notion of assuming one if privileged due to their skin colour is harmful and racist. because it harms the people like me who had no advantage at all and no privilege. and yes alot of my stuff i get held back on like social stuff, not being included, being the guy left outside the bubble, alot of that can be down to autistism. but it doesnt matter, i dont get help because im white so society views me as privileged and not in need of help, which adds yet another layer of no hope and being excluded and left behind... while the claim black people are more persecuted than me really grinds me because every single black person i have met has been part of the in crowd, has been included, has all been super happy and smiling, has been the ring leaders of bully gangs they are so popular. has been the rich guy in a sports car with 10 job offers thrown at his feet and he instead decided to take the 1 single opportunity in life i had at the time just because i wanted it, then he didnt take it and didnt turn up at contract signing at told me about how he didnt  bother with it and laughed about it without realising thats my only opportunity and he had 1000s of others likely because of his skin colour as everyone wants to diversity hire, while i never get any opportunity and he stole and squandered the only one i had at the time. we need to rethink this privileged crap because its not whiteman privilege anymore, its very clearly not.

    as a white man i feel more persecuted against than anyone on this planet entirely, to the point society is pretty much telling me to kill myself and im not allowed to exist because im the big bad white guy and not allowing myself to get along. this society sucks, and everyone that defends it is a racist in my eyes. it judges people by skin colour,, judges everyone by skin colour, but people fail to see how it harms the ones that it has positive judgements of, such as white people, you have so much positive judgement of white people that we get outcast and not allowed help because everyone assumes we dont need help and we can be tossed aside and allow every other person to jump ahead of us, thats not fair, thats society racism but its racism based on a positive judgement of us but it has the most negative effect right?

    as a white man i dont have a home country of my people to go to that will treat me better anymore, because this was my home country and now its racist against me for my skin colour. anyone else of any other colour has a home country to go to that can treat them better. i now have nowhere like that on this planet. yet again another difference in privilege. not very privileged after all this skin colour isnt it? sometimes i wish i could rip my skin off so you all can stop seeing it and judging me by it so i can finally get equal opportunity and fair chance and not be left behind on everything all the time.

  • Hi Caelus, I know this is an old post and I probably shouldn't open the subject again, but I think it's an important one and it's been playing on my mind and the only way it'll leave is by replying - sorry.

    I'm trying to understand your point of view because it is not one that I agree with but you must have a reason for it.

    Have you personally been persecuted because you are white male? I imagine it can happen, although I would say that the use of the word "everyone" in the post above is extreme and possibly a more accurate phrase would be "a few people". Or have you been persecuted and have attributed it to being white male when it could possibly have been for something else (e.g. autistic interpersonal difficulties)? Or are you reacting to groups who (you're not going to like it but I do have to say it) get persecuted way more than white males trying to work towards equality - A FEW of whom, but certainly not the justified majority, take it a bit too far.

    I'm white female, so relatively privileged. I like pretty much everyone, white males included. I also have to say that if all women hated men, the species would have died out long ago... Yes, if I was walking down a dark street and I saw a man, I would be more nervous than if I saw a woman but that's not because I don't like men. It's because (i) I've seen lots of scary movies/TV programmes, (ii) men are statistically more likely to attack women than other women and (iii) men tend to be physically stronger and I would have a much harder time escaping from a man than a woman.

  • Normal people really scare me, Luckily there's not too many

  • And to think that Richard Harris called Ian Mckellen “passionless”.

  • I cried during this scene in the cinema. 

  • “PIPPIN: I didn't think it would end this way.

    GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.

    PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? See what?

    GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

    PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad.

    GANDALF: No. No, it isn't.”

  • Dying alone, poor and more negative than good memories to look back on too

  • Yes, people generally. I avoid them when possible.

  • I am TERRIFIED of Spiders! My wife has to rescue me from them.

  • all new cars will have to be non-fossil fuels. used cars can still be petrol. actually, you could buy a hydrogen car but there are virtually no hydrogen filling stations. The point is old diesel cars can be converted to hydrogen. You don’t have to change much aside from the fuel storage / injection system. You can reuse most of the existing engine, steering, gears breaks etc.

    I believe they’ve pushed it back to 2035 now?

    ... I mean say hypthetically you lived in manchester. Your nearest hydrogen filling station is either shefield or liverpool.

  • Thumbsup tone3 no charge for the extra endorphins! You are also a boom-er! thanks. 

  • It's always SO satisfying when the "resonance cannon" booms out with a "#, yea" - irrespective of whether I sit from the authorship or readership side of the noise.

    Thanks for providing a little satisfaction this morning.

  • Other people. I hate crowds. I had to go a large city recently and it was heaving. I haven't felt so stressed in a long time. 

    I plan for almost every interaction but the noise and bustle is difficult.

    The older I get the worse it seems to become. Maybe it's a conference thing. The mask used to stay put matter what, now it takes a lot of effort 

  • I have found the same dynamic. If one of the people is a trusted friend I feel ok, though. they will usually explain for me what up: my interpreter!

  • yes, yes, #! is it the self regard, learning to trust ourselves. Such a simple thing. Like flipping switch.