Autistic Sex Reputation (NSFW)

Are autistic people known for being wild in bed and actively sought out by NTs? I saw a post on reddit where an NT said they did that and implied that it's common knowledge that some NTs do that because autistic people have that reputation. Anyone know?

  • I was actually sexually abused and it changed a lot of my opinions about sex and it became something that I used to feel connected to people.

    Woah... Maybe I'm the same way. Sex is the most connecting part of my relationships also. Thanks for the insight

    Also, the first half was hilarious lmao

  • My ex wife was a very clever subtle emotionally manipulative narcissistic abusive individual. Looking back I was bullied and subjugated

    I recently got out of 2 yr relationship with a covert narcissist that abused me to the point of severe suicidality. I was in therapy for months with a nationally renown therapist on the matter. In retrospect, my ex chose me precisely because my autistic characteristics of trust, morality, and loyalty made me the perfect candidate to be used. Imagine thinking someone is disabled, so you pick them to abuse because of that. These are the same people that would rob a person on a wheelchair or rape an unconscious person if they could socially get away with it. Those people are pure evil.

    I'm sorry you went through that. It must have been hell being married to her. I hope you're doing better now.

  • Interesting thread. I generally think we are easily manipulated and if in a relationship can be 'worked ' on. 

    My ex wife was a very clever subtle emotionally manipulative narcissistic abusive individual. Looking back I was bullied and subjugated. 

    We can have high sex drives that come and go and I suppose our emotional intensity can add spice to things.  But I think we are vulnerable ultimately 

  • Not actually engaged with this post before and, avoiding all the arguements that have been had on here, just wanted to say I have heard about that reputation but didn't really know it was a thing.
    For me personally, I have a kind of different issue. I have a very high sex drive and often feel the need for sex but, in general, I dont actually enjoy having sex. Does anyone else have this problem?
    Sometimes I envy people who either want sex and enjoy it or are completely asexual and dont feel any desire for sex. I seem to be stuck between the two 

  • I don't egregiously, maliciously and mendaciously accuse people of hateful crimes, but you do. What is your excuse?

    My wife and I have a complete and equal partnership. We do not do anything of importance without discussing it beforehand. This is obviously something you are incapable of understanding. In your world you only understand your personal imperatives and in your mind they have absolute priority over everyone else's.

  • What is being said about you is in my view defamation/libel.

  • What is going on with the moderation of this thread? It was locked, now it is unlocked! This needs to be shut down, or HP35 silenced in some way. HP35 cannot control what he writes to conform to acceptable civilised norms, or the rules of this forum.

  • Yes, definitely have a look at some info on being asexual and/or aromantic! There are lots of people who feel the way you do and a fair few of us are autistic too Slight smile

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    Clare Mod

  • Have you considered learning to understand English, how to make logical sense of someone else's argument and not take wildly inaccurate, exaggerated and hysterical inferences? Have you considered that you might be mistaken, or cruel, or abusive to others? Have you considered becoming a rational human being?

  • I haven't heard of this before. But thank you for telling me about it, I will look this up now.

    I wondered if there was a name for it as I've always been like it - at school when the other girls talked about crushes my mind was a blank as I didn't have any.

    Thanks so much!

  • That's asexuality. Welcome to the club!

    Lack of sexual attraction to anyone makes you asexual. If you don't have any kind of attraction at all, not even romantic attraction, then you might also be aromantic. This is sometimes shortened to "aroace."

    Autistic people are far more likely to be asexual than the general population.

  • I've not heard of this before. Be interesting to know what our reputation is...

    I personally don't have an attraction to anyone or anything. Everyone's the same to me, never makes me feel anything. Is anyone else like this? Or just me?

  • I'm transitioning which is helping. I'm currently having about a 50% success rate at passing as a teenage boy and the increase in respect and decrease in harassment even when I'm simply walking down the street is incredible. I'm hoping that being assessed as autistic won't negatively affect my ability to access care (as it does in parts of the US).

  • Have you considered changing your abusive behaviour and trying to make amends to your partner instead of getting upset when people call you out on it?

  • I’ve heard it said about nerds that they are better in bed but not nessicerally that they are hornyer.

    I guess some people might equate autistic with nerd.

  • Well, I think it's a very normal thing whatever normal means

  • Neither had I until I stumbled across this post the other day. Relaxed

  • I will be honest, I have never heard of an Autistic Sex reputation until now.