Autistic Sex Reputation (NSFW)

Are autistic people known for being wild in bed and actively sought out by NTs? I saw a post on reddit where an NT said they did that and implied that it's common knowledge that some NTs do that because autistic people have that reputation. Anyone know?

  • Maybe PDA has saved my backside a few times then because my response to people coming on heavy handed has always been a stern "eff off" even where alcohol was involved.

  • If you don't recognise melancholy as painful I don't think you truly understand it. Why do you think there are so many people who turn to physical pain (often in the form of self harm) to cope with their melancholy? You know there are people who self harm because they can't make these connections and have these sexual experiences right? Do you deny their pain?

  • I would say that I may have done things because I was trying to work out what Ii was supposed to be doing, and only afterwards reviewing it to work out if I actually enjoyed it. It's difficult as typically you don't get an instant review of your performance, and people discuss you when you aren't there to hear it.  I don't know if I was wile or not, as I was trying to do things I hear were pleasurable, or that people like.  Because of not knowing where I stand I sort of went off the whole thing in the end. If I ever do it again, it will be with someone who's is prepared to talk about it properly so it doesn't feel like I'm tying to change a tire in the rain with no experience.

  • I desire romantic relationships too, but no, it's not pain to not be in one. It's melancholy and perhaps a little sadness. Pain is physical agony that makes you scream and cry and beg for it to stop.

  • I'm sorry that's been your experience. Your choice not to have sex is valid and should be respected ... However I ask you to entertain the possibility that for those who do desire romantic and sexual relationships the inability to attain them is also a form of pain.

  • Pain is right, sex is much worse physical agony than any injury or illness I've ever experienced.

  • One man’s pain is another’s pleasure they say.

  • I would cancel my assessment appointment if this became a commonly held belief. I have enough trouble as it is trying to convince people I'm asexual and not interested.

  • Im so sorry you went through this, it does leave a scar, 40+ years on, there’s never really a day when I don’t regress. It ends up as just another scar. We often just wanted to be loved but couldn’t understand love from manipulation.

  • It's me. I'm the problem. 

    You can all blame me and my long list of conquests for this rumour.  I can't help it, I'm a sensory seeker. 

    Although I have calmed down now that I'm a parent with responsibilities.

    (This is a half joking comment.  I was actually sexually abused and it changed a lot of my opinions about sex and it became something that I used to feel connected to people.)

  • I’ve read through a lot of the comments and agree with some of them. It’s not only women who can be groomed and abused, take it from me young males are abused as well. I’ve mentioned this recently, I spoke to a professional also recently, I just said that I didn’t know the rules and felt special. I was told, “yes you didn’t know the rules, they did!

  • the post under this one was titled "earplugs" Made me laugh!

  • We're starting the rumor right here, right now. The autistic revolution starts with sexuality lmao Joy

  • This was enlightening. Thank you very much.

  • This is 100% my ex. I went through therapy for narcissistic abuse after that relationship. I don't understand how some people can be so evil.

  • I had no idea that we had such a reputation.  Wow!

  • People love stereotypes. It makes me angry. People are individuals. Each person has their own understanding of sex and some don't like it all together!. Also, searching for a person on the spectrum because they are easier to manipulate and used for sex is just something I can't respect or understand, like wtf?!. Even being interested in hanging out with a person on the spectrum just because they have a certain "reputation" (whatever that means), and because there's a possibility that at some point a "wild sex" might happen makes me just reaaally angry. 

  • Thank you for that giggle Grinning

  • For the record I wish this were true. If collectively as autistic people we can spread the roumer that autistic people are incredible in bed we should totally do this.

  • I’ve never heard that be something that NT say. I have heard some autistic people, and I believe there maybe some credence to this, suggest that autistic people may be more kinky on average. This kind of makes sense because if you’re autistic arguably you’re less susceptible to being affected by social taboos which are of course what most kinks go against.

    i’ve also heard it said that some autistic women might be having a lot more casual sex than their non-autistic peers. Not because autistic women are more or less interested in casual sex but because they may be less affected by concerns that their social standing and a reputation might be reduced by engaging in it.

    but then I’ve equally heard it said that autistic people are more likely to be manipulated for sexual purposes particularly autistic women and that because of those bad experiences statistically they’re more likely to be disinterested in sex altogether.

    As I’ve said before I think autistic people tend to gravitate towards extremes. In part because we’ve had extreme life experiences compared to Neurotypicals. people who are extremely sex adverse probably aren’t very notable or obvious amoung The general population. people who are extremely prone to sexual activity and casual sex are probably a bit more obvious and kind of hit the confirmation bias more.

    i’ve often heard it suggesting that autistic men are a good deal more sexual than they’re non-autistic peers. but again I think this is likely to be them being less subtle about concealing their sexual intentions and also more open about their sexual interests than there autistic peers.

    in my general experience Neurotypicals almost never view any variation of autistic sexuality with any kind of positive light.