• RE: Fav Quotes

    "There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come…

  • RE: Having a wild imagination is ruining my life

    I can totally relate to that. And after years of intensive hard work and introspection, I got rid of the dark thoughts, but all they did, is they went extreme in the opposite direction! Lol! My god, I thought the only person I can talk to is Einstein…

  • Validating sources of diagnosis and support


    I was receiving counselling for burn out and some ca. 2 years into this process my counsellor came out with 'I think you are on the spectrum, but then in my view all men are on the spectrum'.  This didn't seem like the best way to pass on this…

  • RE: Processing emotions

    Yes, I have started to get a little better at this, too; in part, simply by knowing now that it is there and what it is, and also thanks to a lot of help from a therapist. She was trained to counsel autistic people, which made a huge difference from previous…

  • College

    Hi I'm just coming in for some advice I've sent back to college for the 4 time I'm 20 and recently homless I'm in temporary accommodation and trying to do full time college it's burning me out I cant eat or think in the in between of trying to sort out…

  • RE: Masking

    Masking was the hardest concept for me to bend my head around and still is.  As I understand it, it can be either deliberate or unconsciously learned behaviour to fit in.  To some extent NTs mask to, but for us it can hide the autism.

    Examples of a deliberate…

  • RE: Diagnosis refusal

    He's over the age for the Gillick Competency but it could be argued that his ASD means he's not competent to make any decision like that.    Messy.

    Also - was this a throwaway comment made to him that he's clinging to?     Like "You don't have to…

  • RE: Confused

    You can expect people to get you, if you like feeling upset, angry and stupid, because that seems to be how you feel when you expect people to get you and they don’t. 

    If you don’t want to feel upset, angry or stupid etc then simply face reality…

  • RE: My son has failed his second year of uni twice

    I went through a very similar experience. I was undiagnosed at the time so there was no form of support. But I did exactly the same thing. I masked and pretended everything was fine despite the fact that I had all but given up. I was in my fourth year…

  • RE: How do you cope with exhaustion?

    Check with a GP your levels are ok such as b12, iron etc. I don't know your age or if you are female but I think menopause can contribute to exhaustion. Have you had any viruses such as covid? That could make you fatigued as well. These things which can…