Is the prime minister stopping PIP for autism ????

Saw this on my phone 

DWP 'narrowing' PIP eligibility will 'directly affect' people with one condition... saying it will affect people who have autism.

  • Thanks :) in truth for most people dealing with autism they're isolated and depressed ..there's little or no help ...we're doing OK we got thru the rough and my son is starting to act more positively though he still has good and bad days. The world is struggling economy not good means even things for neuro typical people amenities like festivals or buses have been stopped or non profit community type things close down etc..only way you gonna get any help is to do it yourself ..I mean people set up things work voluntary and get each person who comes along to.chip in to cover rent of the facility etc.

  • I get it.  I mean they might as well line us up and shoot us all..but hey they can't do that because that would be considered fascist. 

  • I can make you very shocked when I tell you..and this  is true neighbours friend who has no  legs was told he wouldn't get dla because he was more than capable of dragging himself from one room to another..also on a recent documentary a woman with no arms or legs was told by one of those atos assesors that she would need the lady with no limbs to explain to her why she needed dla payments ..I mean what could possibly be the problem....don't get me started.

  • Yeah sadly there's dishonest people out there and it f@#£s it up fir those that are genuine..nah you didn't ramble.

  • it was like that under labour... as i previously mentioned my grandad couldnt even get allowed a disability parking badge because by being able to move from his lounge to his bedroom that was enough mobility to disqualify him from any aid at all, and all he wanted was a blue badge as he couldnt walk down tesco carpark from the end.

    this was always the rules.... this was way back when labour was in power, the rules have never changed, these are old rules on mobility.... the issue is people dont change them because if you change any disability rule people get concerned... and say this thing where they think they are going to stop it.. which then looks bad for their votes... so the system never changes due to this, and your movement requirements will forever remain the same, if you can walk from livingroom to bedroom you are mobile enough apparently to not need any help on pip.... thats how the rules always was.... my grandad died in the 90s to give you a example that these are not just some new rules...

  • I applied for PIP 2 years ago while at the worst of my burnout and almost unable to leave the house. Because I told them I was able to leave the house a few days a week just to feed the ducks down the road at the river they said that proved I was fit to go to work. 
    The government wants to win the election by turning people against the most vulnerable in society  and making idiots vote for them based on that. PIP is a lifesaver as are fit notes from the doctor. The rich Torys in the government dont care about autistic people at all

    Having said all that, I know NT people who are playing the system. I even knew someone who managed to get PIP by claiming she couldnt leave the house due to her legs not working despite living a full life of parties, pub dinners and socialising on the taxpayers dollar. it made me very angry because I thought of all the people like me and others on here who were denied PIP just for the crime of being honest about our condition. Sadly, decent people get screwed over by the system while dishonest people make a profit out of it. We are too honest for our own good but I wouldnt want to be anything else

    Sorry I think I rambled there

  • A man from a rich family with a billionaire wife will never understand poverty

  • I'm sorry I must have COMPLETELY misinterpreted your post as it appears below.

    It looked like you were offering an (unsupportable) argument in that post.

    CLEARLY I was mistaken...

  • i dont trust them anymore as nearly all that asked me for money turned out to be fakes.

  • Maybe Debbie's assertion (posted elsewhere) that most Autistic people are simply too disabled to do "cash in hand" work is true,

    I'd like to see where I said that Thinking

    Or perhaps there is a doppelganger...

    My actual words (if this is what you are referring to)..

    'I'm curious as 'high functioning' adults are but a proportion of us..'.

  • Life is already bad. 

    When I visit the city centre I come across  homeless beggars and many are on crutches.

  • likely so. anything that the gov can claim can make them move the distance required to so called be totally fine.

    when my grandad needed help the requirements to be totally fine and not need any help at all was the ability to move from your lounge to your bedroom.... so he couldnt get any help, all he wanted was a disabled parking badge too because he had heart conditions and couldnt walk down a long car park to the supermarket so wanted disabled badge to cut distance down, but refused because he could walk the distance from lounge to bedroom lol

  • PIP last time I looked was 64 quid a week. (A pathetically small amount that wont; even fuel your Ferrari when you get it). 

    In order to qualify, you have to assure people in an interveiew situation and on paper that you are effectively fairly useless to society. 


    Yep, every single interaction you have with "govenrment" these days, diminishes you in some way, either psychologicaly or financially or morally.

    In my case I found it easier to buy a cheap mower and a cheap strimmer, and I get that £64.00 from doing something useful to others, and which gives me a sense of satisfaction and empowerment. O.K. it means I have to stir myself out of the house and geenrally make slightly more effort than qualifying for state bennies.

    I could do a higher paid thing, but that would get me into dealing with all that tax and paperwork crap that IS my personal disabilty, so sustainabilty for me involves a very low money sort of life. When I make more than 64 quid in a week, I put it by for the weeks when I don't. I only garden for people I like, or don't yet know well enough to dislike. I use my actual techncial skills just for my own stuff and "free of charge" voluntary work. 

    Maybe Debbie's assertion (posted elsewhere) that most Autistic people are simply too disabled to do "cash in hand" work is true, in which case, I suppose getting a government hand out is "peak possibilty", but I guess that's where a "difference" becomes a "disabilty".  

  • likely pip for one legged people will be hit too, they will only be given rails in their homes and free prostehtics....

    Free prosthetics?, Never! too expensive.  How about a £5 wooden walking stick.

  • lol you assume you can get pip with one leg?
    i have heard tales of people who got kicked off pip despite having only one leg, because they attempted to walk with prosthetic and then could move on their own with prosthetic and do things to help themselves.

    likely pip for one legged people will be hit too, they will only be given rails in their homes and free prostehtics.... by the sound of the changes....

  • He means Business.
    Today i read in the papers that He is giving us a 3 Month warning that pip is going to hit us hard.
    Personaly i give up.
    Am going to chop one of my legs off so i can still claim mobility allowance.
    It would also mean that i can't keep saving up for my Ferrari.
    Sad Days indeed.

  • but statistics works where you cherry pick the numbers that you like, and ignore the rest doesn't it?) 

    'Lies, damned lies, and statistics'...


  • Actually a quick perusal of the internet does find me a statistic that says up to 80% of us are "high functioning..

    (Of course it beng the internet I can also find other stats that show lower figures, but statistics works where you cherry pick the numbers that you like, and ignore the rest doesn't it?) 

  • I've got us through some tough he was suicidal and alcohol fueled but I got him through that but now am so worried they will take his pip and my carers away as its the one thing that enables us and him to slowly build his confidence in having any kind  of a life...etc and myself am waiting on results to see if I have cancer..

    I'm so sorry to read your story.

    You are doing a brilliant job.

    I dearly hope that this works out OK for you and please return if you need support as we will help if we can.

    The regular posters of this forum tend to be more often autistic people than parents or carers, sometimes a combination of both, but we can at least try to help by signposting if we don't have the personal experience.

    With that in mind, if you haven't, I'd suggest either talking to someone at an autism charity (where you can call in, if there is one in your area - if not, using a phone help line) or the Citizens Advice Bureau can be very helpful.

    I will keep everything crossed for you and hope that a new government is able to scrap this change.

  • Thank you for all your replies. My son has autism was diagnosed at 18 he is basically house bound and is very vulnerable which is difficult as he is now a grown man so it has been very upsetting for him as he see on Internet people his own age doing all these different things that he just can't do..he receives pip which has helped give much stability to his life and with help from me.his mum I've got us through some tough he was suicidal and alcohol fueled but I got him through that but now am so worried they will take his pip and my carers away as its the one thing that enables us and him to slowly build his confidence in having any kind  of a life...etc and myself am waiting on results to see if I have cancer..there is only so far you can push people I'm not freaking wonder woman...I think I will loose the plot...and I don't want to do that as I have to be strong for my son plus an an orphan have no family we are very vulnerable people  and need this support.