Is the prime minister stopping PIP for autism ????

Saw this on my phone 

DWP 'narrowing' PIP eligibility will 'directly affect' people with one condition... saying it will affect people who have autism.

  • Thank you for your reply

  • ah i see engaging with other people and verbalising on your list counts.

    the questions i saw i dont think had any allowance for that though, it mainly was giving points for stuff like needing help to go toilet and go around town and cross the road and plan journeys.... questions i saw seemed to have no question based on engaging with people or verbalising, unless i didnt see the full questions.... or the questions are different to what i saw. 

    but yeah it was very mobility focussed.... and care worker requiring focused...  from what i saw anyway. perhaps the questions are like i said, but that means then the questions are purposely avoiding the autism traits of lack of engaging with others or verbalising. 

  • from what im aware of the pip questions exclude autism anyway.
    you only get it if you lie and say you need someone to help you on the toilet or someone to help you cross the road and so on and cant do anything yourself...


    See below the actual criteria:

    Daily living

    • preparing food (including needing prompting or supervision to cook) taking nutrition (which means eating, including needing prompting or supervision)
    • managing therapy or monitoring a health condition (including needing reminding to take medication)
    • washing and bathing (including needing prompting or supervision to wash)
    • managing toilet needs or incontinence (including needing prompting or supervision)
    • dressing and undressing (including needing prompting)
    • communicating verbally (including needing communication support)
    • reading and understanding signs, symbols, and words (including needing prompting to read or understand written information)
    • engaging with other people face-to-face (which means being able to interact in an appropriate manner, understand body language and establish relationships)
    • making budgeting decisions (which includes the need for assistance when planning a budget or managing and paying bills).


    • planning and following a journey (including needing prompting or assistance to make a journey)
    • moving around (this looks at physical ability to move around).
    autism isnt like that, so by those questions you cant get pip with autism anyway unless you commit fraud and lie about it

    Just because you are the way you are, doesn't mean that others don't struggle with autism with regard to these things.

    The former (if it isn't still used - I think it is) Level 3 person would and people can at any level struggle with some because of it being a spectrum.

    It needs to be remembered that we aren't all 'high functioning' in every (or any) area.

  • but yet people with autism cannot crowd fund very well.

    it requires super sociability and connections to crowd fund... so crowd funding kinda isnt a autistic capable thing.

    i tried to join white collar charity boxing once... all i had to do was sell £50 worth of tickets for it to be eligable... couldnt do it, i had no friends to sell to lol

  • from what im aware of the pip questions exclude autism anyway.
    you only get it if you lie and say you need someone to help you on the toilet or someone to help you cross the road and so on and cant do anything yourself... autism isnt like that, so by those questions you cant get pip with autism anyway unless you commit fraud and lie about it

  • I'll protest with placards  and I don't live in London. 

  • Guy Fawkes, the only man to enter parliament with honest intentions!

    Sunak thinks there's a sick note culture, but it dosen't occur to him that cutting the numbers of people on waiting lists for things like hip and knee replacements might help. Nor does it occur to him that poverty increases mental health problems, or gives them to people who've never previously had them.

    All those people with private pensions that enable them to take early retirement have done so post covid, they've realised that there's more to life than work.

    How will the economy get going if people don't have money to spend? It's one of the paradox's of capitalism that people buy stuff, so interest rates have to go up to stop them spending so much, so firms go bust because people can't afford stuff. Maddness

  • Count me in!

    Nouveau Fawkeses (what is the plural of that?) here we come.


  • I will join you

    Count me in!

  • Most would not need PIP if it wasn't so hard to do any little enterprise without someone slaping a form in your face then taxing you extra-specially for doing it!

    Do you really believe that taking into account the whole spectrum of autistic people?

    I'm curious as 'high functioning' adults are but a proportion of us...

    Some people face vastly greater challenges due to their autism than simply filling in forms.

    I doubt it is something you could find statistics for to back up your 'most' anyway.

  • However, to judge from the local election results, nobody is really listening. 

    I wonder why?

    I'm so glad you stayed here (so far)


  • I'll be using a flamethrower if not 


    I will join you Boom

  • I'll be using a flamethrower if not Slight smile

  • The idea appears to be to downplay any condition which does not directly affect mobility as in effect an 'everyday problem', mental health culture gone too far, etc.  etc.

    It's proposed to offer 'treatments' in place of financial support. Although of course there is little provision remaining for any such thing these days. In effect, the changes would mean no support for most people in reality.

    There is a lot of rhetoric here though, as well, aimed at what the Government perceives to be its voter base. Cutting welfare is what they think their supporters want to hear. 

    However, to judge from the local election results, nobody is really listening. 

    I wonder why? Thinking

  • Most would not need PIP if it wasn't so hard to do any little enterprise without someone slapping a form in your face then taxing you extra-specially for doing it!

  • Hopefully they'll run out of time


    I will be using my vote.

    That's the best way to effect change.

  • The current government is trying to restrict PIP to a narrower purpose of buying things rather than being used to live.

    Hopefully they'll run out of time

  • There's a general election coming up this year. The prime minister saying that the PIP benefit maybe different tier system or vouchers for equipment e.g wheelchair. The problem is that entitled to DLA for life and the law changed. Absolutely ridiculous. The worst case scenario is to sell stuff or crowd fund. Everyone is worried. Luckily I didn't take PIP any further as would of having a meltdown for the renewal. Advice is to write to your MP, make a GP appointment or get in touch with calm zone (5pm-midnight webchat. Get in early); or samaritains which is helpful. Hope this helps you.