Is the prime minister stopping PIP for autism ????

Saw this on my phone 

DWP 'narrowing' PIP eligibility will 'directly affect' people with one condition... saying it will affect people who have autism.

  • He means Business.
    Today i read in the papers that He is giving us a 3 Month warning that pip is going to hit us hard.
    Personaly i give up.
    Am going to chop one of my legs off so i can still claim mobility allowance.
    It would also mean that i can't keep saving up for my Ferrari.
    Sad Days indeed.

  • PIP last time I looked was 64 quid a week. (A pathetically small amount that wont; even fuel your Ferrari when you get it). 

    In order to qualify, you have to assure people in an interveiew situation and on paper that you are effectively fairly useless to society. 


    Yep, every single interaction you have with "govenrment" these days, diminishes you in some way, either psychologicaly or financially or morally.

    In my case I found it easier to buy a cheap mower and a cheap strimmer, and I get that £64.00 from doing something useful to others, and which gives me a sense of satisfaction and empowerment. O.K. it means I have to stir myself out of the house and geenrally make slightly more effort than qualifying for state bennies.

    I could do a higher paid thing, but that would get me into dealing with all that tax and paperwork crap that IS my personal disabilty, so sustainabilty for me involves a very low money sort of life. When I make more than 64 quid in a week, I put it by for the weeks when I don't. I only garden for people I like, or don't yet know well enough to dislike. I use my actual techncial skills just for my own stuff and "free of charge" voluntary work. 

    Maybe Debbie's assertion (posted elsewhere) that most Autistic people are simply too disabled to do "cash in hand" work is true, in which case, I suppose getting a government hand out is "peak possibilty", but I guess that's where a "difference" becomes a "disabilty".  

  • PIP last time I looked was 64 quid a week. (A pathetically small amount that wont; even fuel your Ferrari when you get it). 

    In order to qualify, you have to assure people in an interveiew situation and on paper that you are effectively fairly useless to society. 


    Yep, every single interaction you have with "govenrment" these days, diminishes you in some way, either psychologicaly or financially or morally.

    In my case I found it easier to buy a cheap mower and a cheap strimmer, and I get that £64.00 from doing something useful to others, and which gives me a sense of satisfaction and empowerment. O.K. it means I have to stir myself out of the house and geenrally make slightly more effort than qualifying for state bennies.

    I could do a higher paid thing, but that would get me into dealing with all that tax and paperwork crap that IS my personal disabilty, so sustainabilty for me involves a very low money sort of life. When I make more than 64 quid in a week, I put it by for the weeks when I don't. I only garden for people I like, or don't yet know well enough to dislike. I use my actual techncial skills just for my own stuff and "free of charge" voluntary work. 

    Maybe Debbie's assertion (posted elsewhere) that most Autistic people are simply too disabled to do "cash in hand" work is true, in which case, I suppose getting a government hand out is "peak possibilty", but I guess that's where a "difference" becomes a "disabilty".  

  • I'm sorry I must have COMPLETELY misinterpreted your post as it appears below.

    It looked like you were offering an (unsupportable) argument in that post.

    CLEARLY I was mistaken...

  • Maybe Debbie's assertion (posted elsewhere) that most Autistic people are simply too disabled to do "cash in hand" work is true,

    I'd like to see where I said that Thinking

    Or perhaps there is a doppelganger...

    My actual words (if this is what you are referring to)..

    'I'm curious as 'high functioning' adults are but a proportion of us..'.