Is the prime minister stopping PIP for autism ????

Saw this on my phone 

DWP 'narrowing' PIP eligibility will 'directly affect' people with one condition... saying it will affect people who have autism.

  • Thank you for all your replies. My son has autism was diagnosed at 18 he is basically house bound and is very vulnerable which is difficult as he is now a grown man so it has been very upsetting for him as he see on Internet people his own age doing all these different things that he just can't do..he receives pip which has helped give much stability to his life and with help from me.his mum I've got us through some tough he was suicidal and alcohol fueled but I got him through that but now am so worried they will take his pip and my carers away as its the one thing that enables us and him to slowly build his confidence in having any kind  of a life...etc and myself am waiting on results to see if I have cancer..there is only so far you can push people I'm not freaking wonder woman...I think I will loose the plot...and I don't want to do that as I have to be strong for my son plus an an orphan have no family we are very vulnerable people  and need this support.

  • Thank you for all your replies. My son has autism was diagnosed at 18 he is basically house bound and is very vulnerable which is difficult as he is now a grown man so it has been very upsetting for him as he see on Internet people his own age doing all these different things that he just can't do..he receives pip which has helped give much stability to his life and with help from me.his mum I've got us through some tough he was suicidal and alcohol fueled but I got him through that but now am so worried they will take his pip and my carers away as its the one thing that enables us and him to slowly build his confidence in having any kind  of a life...etc and myself am waiting on results to see if I have cancer..there is only so far you can push people I'm not freaking wonder woman...I think I will loose the plot...and I don't want to do that as I have to be strong for my son plus an an orphan have no family we are very vulnerable people  and need this support.

  • I've got us through some tough he was suicidal and alcohol fueled but I got him through that but now am so worried they will take his pip and my carers away as its the one thing that enables us and him to slowly build his confidence in having any kind  of a life...etc and myself am waiting on results to see if I have cancer..

    I'm so sorry to read your story.

    You are doing a brilliant job.

    I dearly hope that this works out OK for you and please return if you need support as we will help if we can.

    The regular posters of this forum tend to be more often autistic people than parents or carers, sometimes a combination of both, but we can at least try to help by signposting if we don't have the personal experience.

    With that in mind, if you haven't, I'd suggest either talking to someone at an autism charity (where you can call in, if there is one in your area - if not, using a phone help line) or the Citizens Advice Bureau can be very helpful.

    I will keep everything crossed for you and hope that a new government is able to scrap this change.