Is the prime minister stopping PIP for autism ????

Saw this on my phone 

DWP 'narrowing' PIP eligibility will 'directly affect' people with one condition... saying it will affect people who have autism.

  • He means Business.
    Today i read in the papers that He is giving us a 3 Month warning that pip is going to hit us hard.
    Personaly i give up.
    Am going to chop one of my legs off so i can still claim mobility allowance.
    It would also mean that i can't keep saving up for my Ferrari.
    Sad Days indeed.

  • lol you assume you can get pip with one leg?
    i have heard tales of people who got kicked off pip despite having only one leg, because they attempted to walk with prosthetic and then could move on their own with prosthetic and do things to help themselves.

    likely pip for one legged people will be hit too, they will only be given rails in their homes and free prostehtics.... by the sound of the changes....

  • Life is already bad. 

    When I visit the city centre I come across  homeless beggars and many are on crutches.

  • i dont trust them anymore as nearly all that asked me for money turned out to be fakes.

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