Is the prime minister stopping PIP for autism ????

Saw this on my phone 

DWP 'narrowing' PIP eligibility will 'directly affect' people with one condition... saying it will affect people who have autism.

  • I applied for PIP 2 years ago while at the worst of my burnout and almost unable to leave the house. Because I told them I was able to leave the house a few days a week just to feed the ducks down the road at the river they said that proved I was fit to go to work. 
    The government wants to win the election by turning people against the most vulnerable in society  and making idiots vote for them based on that. PIP is a lifesaver as are fit notes from the doctor. The rich Torys in the government dont care about autistic people at all

    Having said all that, I know NT people who are playing the system. I even knew someone who managed to get PIP by claiming she couldnt leave the house due to her legs not working despite living a full life of parties, pub dinners and socialising on the taxpayers dollar. it made me very angry because I thought of all the people like me and others on here who were denied PIP just for the crime of being honest about our condition. Sadly, decent people get screwed over by the system while dishonest people make a profit out of it. We are too honest for our own good but I wouldnt want to be anything else

    Sorry I think I rambled there

  • it was like that under labour... as i previously mentioned my grandad couldnt even get allowed a disability parking badge because by being able to move from his lounge to his bedroom that was enough mobility to disqualify him from any aid at all, and all he wanted was a blue badge as he couldnt walk down tesco carpark from the end.

    this was always the rules.... this was way back when labour was in power, the rules have never changed, these are old rules on mobility.... the issue is people dont change them because if you change any disability rule people get concerned... and say this thing where they think they are going to stop it.. which then looks bad for their votes... so the system never changes due to this, and your movement requirements will forever remain the same, if you can walk from livingroom to bedroom you are mobile enough apparently to not need any help on pip.... thats how the rules always was.... my grandad died in the 90s to give you a example that these are not just some new rules...

  • I can make you very shocked when I tell you..and this  is true neighbours friend who has no  legs was told he wouldn't get dla because he was more than capable of dragging himself from one room to another..also on a recent documentary a woman with no arms or legs was told by one of those atos assesors that she would need the lady with no limbs to explain to her why she needed dla payments ..I mean what could possibly be the problem....don't get me started.

  • I can make you very shocked when I tell you..and this  is true neighbours friend who has no  legs was told he wouldn't get dla because he was more than capable of dragging himself from one room to another..also on a recent documentary a woman with no arms or legs was told by one of those atos assesors that she would need the lady with no limbs to explain to her why she needed dla payments ..I mean what could possibly be the problem....don't get me started.

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