Anew government

Well that was a thumping majority, but I think a wide but shallow one. Reform did less well that exit polls predicted, for which I'm glad, but they have quite a high vote share. THe LibDems had a brilliant night.

A nice collection of Tory scalps for new MP's, Rees Mogg and Truss amoung them.

I stayed up until 3am and then had to go to bed, so I didn't see the big scalps taken, I'm tired today though.

It dosen't feel all unicorns and rainbow, frollicking fauns, and splashing mermaids, but I'm glad we've got some change, but it's a poisoned chalice for Starmer and gang, this country has so many problems in need of fixing. But I hope we have a stable government and not all this continual chopping and changing of PM and other ministers, I think part of the problems have been caused by so many reshuffles, ministers don't have time to get on top of their brief before they're moved on. That means any policy objectives they had are discarded by the successor, so nothing gets done and the rot sets deeper.

  • I just wish we can move away from the crass, uncivilised, stance taken by the Tories whereby doing well in the genetic lottery of life saw such people being lavishly praised. Not doing well resulted in people being demonised. I want a more civilised,decent, and intelligent, UK than that.

  • But the point is as long as we make sure everyone can eat heat and live a dignified life I do not think we can decide who pays more than others a fair flat rate tax system is the best way then you maximise revenue it is just gesture politics Labour tried in the 1970s to have tax rates over 80% and it failed.

    Also if we are going to take a view of who pays what why do we all pay the same price in the supermarket.

    I think as long as people are not evading tax and being a good citizen good luck to them.

    It is like in life I would love to be a professional footballer but I am not people that are wealthy have often done amazing risk taking things that I would not be capable of.Sorry for the waffle but I want what everyone wants which is fairness and a good society and you get the using the above

  • I prefer Ed Miliband to David Miliband(I don't dislike him)  but agree that it would've been more politically pragmatic if David Miliband had won the contest. More being raised is fine. What isn't fine is the increasing gap wealth wise between those who are already very well off and those who are less fortunate.

  • You also need to have attractive polices for the rich and those that takes risk wealth distribution although it seems the right thing to do actually leads to less revenue so that those you want to help end up poorer.

  • Thanks for your reply I find Corbyn as bad as Farage and he needs calling out.I still say with Labour their biggest mistake was not electing David Miliband he was and still is a tremendous person with so much to give.He also ended up with Andy Burnham leaving and many other heavyweight MPS.I took the view that if these people had stayed in the Tories being sensible which in my view they were until Brexit we would have had a political landscape where it would not have been worrying who gets in.

    My issue with Labour is they raise taxes and Rachel Reeves although relatively centre ground has plans on CGT pensions and non does that will lower our tax take.Blair understood let the rich be successful and you actually raise more

  • Corbyn replacing Starmer would be the death knell of Labour as a serious political party. I didn't vote for him as leader of the party in 2015, as I firmly believed he wasn't capable enough to do the job. I voted for Yvette Cooper instead. When he became leader I hoped against hope that he'd prove me wrong. I regarded him as an ineffectual but decent politician.  Over the course of time  he failed more and more to prove me wrong as to his leadership qualities. Despite that I voted Labour in both 2017 and 2019. It's his behaviour after being replaced as leader that has resulted in my thinking he's neither a good person or a good politician. Much of that centres round his  narcissistic refusal to denounce the atrocious behaviour of many of his most ardent supporters. That's not the behaviour of a decent person.

  • I am confident to say, for a change, I did NOT start this one !!

  • And you would be quite happy if these austerity measures were aimed at the disabled and/or vulnerable? I will never wish reform well. Given half a chance it would turn the UK into the jingoistic,ultra intolerant, cesspit of Europe.

  • Oh, and a first name I daren't mention, but was the same as an Enid Blyton character in 'The Folk of The Faraway Tree' (before it got changed and included an 'R')?

    We are talking Fannys here I suspect.

  • I am afraid all I will say is I take the view I want to maximise the tax take.This did one by having a sensible level of tax that encourages people to want to earn money and invest.if you over tax and go after the rich it does not work.I had a lot of time for Blair and mandelson who said they were comfortable people getting filthy rich.I liked Brown on the bank rescue and I like him as a person however he was responsible for complicating welfare and stealth taxes  and giving away Gold.

    New Labour fine and the jury for me is out on Starmer but if he starts discouraging non does and just taxing the rich ti look match it is counterproductive.So that is why I am in favour or  small state and lower taxes it leads to everyone being better off

  • Is this an episode of Stars in their eyes? If I am not very much mistaken, your profile pic suggests you have turned into a celebrity cook from yesteryear.

    Why do I find myself thinking about vigorously stuffed turkeys and Christmas dinners?

    Oh, and a first name I daren't mention, but was the same as an Enid Blyton character in 'The Folk of The Faraway Tree' (before it got changed and included an 'R')?

  • I think they will go further to the right and that dosen't seem to be where the country want to be

    I think that too - I believe they will elect a new right wing leader.

    Good.  That would really please me as I believe it would make them generally less popular.

  • I doubt if they had the collective wit to organise something as cohesive as losing an election, Labour had such a massive lead in the polls and Sunak was unpopular. Whilst they mmight look at the way Starmer turned Labour from a similar electoral position over 5 years to wining, I still think the Tories incapable of doing so. Labour only had their own party to fight with, the Tories will have Reform to fight over and with as well as themselves. I don't think them capable of learning the lessons sent to them by the electorate as quickly. I think they will go further to the right and that dosen't seem to be where the country want to be

  • A bald hair.

  • Immac-ulate humour.

  • why you are running your hands along the side of a distressed looking albino badger?.....and why did you shave it (the badger.)

    Luckily it's not a shaven beaver.

  • OK, if that is you in the picture, can you explain why you are running your hands along the side of a distressed looking albino badger?.....and why did you shave it (the badger.)

  • I'm hoping this new government will restore some much needed integrity to proceedings. That politics is about just that rather than sleaze and scandal and complete ineptitude. 

    Agreed and, more importantly, who is that woman in your Avatar?

  • Personality over politics is what's become the problem. But the media are the real problem. How long is it going to be before things start unnecessarily trying to be dug up on politicians of the new government. No one is perfect and they need to be allowed to get on with running the country. 

    I'm hoping this new government will restore some much needed integrity to proceedings. That politics is about just that rather than sleaze and scandal and complete ineptitude. 

    As for tax, I wonder that people wouldn't mind paying more if we actually got value for money.