Anew government

Well that was a thumping majority, but I think a wide but shallow one. Reform did less well that exit polls predicted, for which I'm glad, but they have quite a high vote share. THe LibDems had a brilliant night.

A nice collection of Tory scalps for new MP's, Rees Mogg and Truss amoung them.

I stayed up until 3am and then had to go to bed, so I didn't see the big scalps taken, I'm tired today though.

It dosen't feel all unicorns and rainbow, frollicking fauns, and splashing mermaids, but I'm glad we've got some change, but it's a poisoned chalice for Starmer and gang, this country has so many problems in need of fixing. But I hope we have a stable government and not all this continual chopping and changing of PM and other ministers, I think part of the problems have been caused by so many reshuffles, ministers don't have time to get on top of their brief before they're moved on. That means any policy objectives they had are discarded by the successor, so nothing gets done and the rot sets deeper.

  • Re Starmer being boring, and other thoughts. Personally I prefer boring but brilliant to charismatic but crass(Farage,Boris Johnson). It amazes me how many people have a myopic and somewhat  irrational  mindset about taxes. They want good public services but don't want to pay a sensible price for them.  The  Tory policy of penny pinching results in more than was saved having to be used to fix the damage it caused. I think Labour have a hard task in front of them. The Tories have crapped all over the living room of politics, and Labour has to get rid of the stench before much can be done in the way of much needed renovations. Realistically that's a 2 term task. Can Labour do enough to persuade  voters that they deserve that 2nd term in charge? That'll require bucking the trend whereby the Tories f***  up the economy, Labour don't do enough in voters' eyes to fix things - and the Tories get voted back in. 

  • but yet we also can say the same about islam and say that we have witnessed a single muslim that says he wants to murder all none muslims and so claim that all muslims are bad.... you see what he means when put this way?

    not all of a group is bad because of one person in it being bad.... there are millions of bad people in labour too is all of labour bad?

  • Dear Martin,

    Although I disagree with Nigel on many issues he is not like Hitler.I would not vote for him but look at the good he has done highlighting that banks have de banked people for having an opinion not aligned to their values.He also believes in democracy and he also. believes we should pay less tax these are good things.

    if we look at Farage I think we also need to look at the far left  like the greens who want to tax success and also are anti car drivers and many other things.There are also people on the hard left that use strikes to bring the country to its knees.I just think we need balance he is wrong on immigration but not on everything

  • Except it is more than one Reform-connected person. I have the impression that Farage's party, like Le Pen's in France, are busting a gut trying not to let their true opinions become publicly known. Remember that Hitler was voted into power - he quickly dispensed with any real democracy very soon after - he did not present his policies as kill all the Jews, Roma, disabled and Socialists and gear up for another cataclysmic world war, no, he claimed that he would sort out Germany's economic problems create jobs and make the trains run on time. Farage and Le Pen are offering similar inducements, but their hidden agendas are vile.

  • it can happen, for those that dont know he can switch from independent to labour at any time and im not sure it incurs a local election for his area or not but he can switch any party at any time. then it can be this way.... but he will not do that, his views dont allign with labour, if anything hes more suited to the workers party of britain with his anti-nato pro-russia views... the public wont allow him to take us out of nato, it will leave us open to a direct invasion or nuclear bombing by russia without any defence or retribution. wed be humiliated if corbyn takes us out of nato like he wants to.

  • do you know kiers labour party have promised to push disabled people into work and stated that if you can work you must work and under no circumstances should anyone be allowed to live on welfare?

    you all called kier a red tory a while ago... you will be calling him that again very shortly when you realise the policies you just voted for under him.

  • Yet if history is any guide at all, somehow they will manage it... 

  • No it isn't correct use of the terminolgy, I googled the word fascists. 

    Labelling an entire group of people fascists because of the actions or speech of ONE PERSON is like discriminating against a certain group becise of ONE bad interaction with one member. 

  • A bit simplistic- no offense. The new government is made up of people. I know this, from personal experience.

    Just people, from different backgrounds, with different views. It can be that simple. 

  • He is, of course, a self-identified Fascist. 

  • Rude names? Not at all, simply the correct terminology for the various views and beliefs held by the fans of farage. 

    As recently as Thursday, I witnessed one of them asking in all seriousness, why we couldn't just shoot immigrants, as suggested by another Reform supporter in a recent documentary. 

    I do not and cannot endorse hatred  or oppression in any form. 

    The GE is done, and I.hope for better because I must. That's all.

  • It  wouldn't have happened with the Tories as they opposed it.

    That is pretty much the oppositions partys expectaton - to oppose the government as they have a plan that is so much better.

    I would be willing to bet that if this proposal came in during the Thatcher years that Labour would have opposed it as being "too weak", "badly designed" or similar just so they could propose it on their next term and get the credit.

    That is the nature of politics - posturing, opposing and saying they have a much better way.

    If the Conservatives were so opposed to it, why did they not cancel it when they took power with a stonking majority in 2010?

    I'm not defending either party, just poining our how Labour are no better which seems to be your stand on this.

  • It bears repeating; "It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets back in"...

  • I strongly suspect they lost this election deliberately,  leaving such a mess that they will be back in 5 years time stronger than ever.

  • The timing was coincidental for Labour being power.

    It  wouldn't have happened with the Tories as they opposed it.

  • How can the word INTRODUCED be irrelevant?

    I understood this to come from the Low Pay Commission (ie civil service rather than government) and was recommended to the government rather than it being a creation of the Labour party.

    Its origins go back to the Card and Krueger’s studies on US minimum wages years before and were becoming more of a global standard than something thought up by Labour.

    The timing was coincidental for Labour being power.

  • And the minimum wage has been raised time and again since then, so this is irrelevant.

    How can the word INTRODUCED be irrelevant?

  • Introduced the National Minimum Wage and raised it to £5.52.

    And the minimum wage has been raised time and again since then, so this is irrelevant.

    Devolved power to the Scottish Parliament.

    And the conservatives took power back to the UK through Brexit. Both these have been handled terribly by the parties controlling the countries afterward so it is hardly worth flag waving over.

    The conservatives also gave Scotland an independence vote.

    NHS Direct offering free convenient patient advice.

    Was this down the government directing them or was this on their own "join the 21st century" to-do list, the same as most other companies with and online presence?

    ...and so on (I'm limited to how many I can quote.

    The point is, I don't think Labour can fly their flag claiming these were all their own doing only - the conservatives have done similar good things and bad things too.

    I'm not hating on Labour, just on all politicians and the bull droppings they would have us believe,

  • I'm happy that a self serving, intellectually and morally bankrupt, Tory party is out of power . I detest their  uncivilised attitude towards the disabled and vulnerable. Their crass worship of those lucky enough to  have done well in the genetic lottery of life while demonising those who have been less fortunate.