What job to you want most

Growing up we all have that one job that we want most and sometimes we think of something new when we're bit older. My dream job growing up and still now is to be a nurse. I've always found this so interesting and I'd love to do it. It's obviously not going to happen but it's good to dream.

  • i don't think i really had any "dreams" growing up as such, they definitely werent encouraged or anything if i did

    but as a 39 year old adult, free of "those people" despite the circumstances i am in.

    i would really like to work with dogs in some way, even just cleaning kennels or something, aslong as i got to spend some time with them.

    i love dogs and really relate to them, and also miss them too, although i know id end up really missing any dog i had any involvement with lol

  • I would like to be a writer, but it is difficult for someone with dyselxia

  • WoW! I love libraries, that is an awesome job. There are some pretty libraries with nice wallpaper that I have visited. 

  • Same for me.  I wouldn’t have been able to force conditions to get this job.  I wanted it at a early age but was told there aren’t any opportunities in that field etc.

    I turned towards something I like less as as a goal.  A disabling event happened that caused me to have to give up on that path.  
    Circumstances conspired to eventually lead to my current situation where I am doing something I was told was not realistic as a young child wishing for it. 

    The advantage in being put off was that I stopped trying to control things in order to generate a specific outcome. 

  • “I enjoy guiding other team members on projects and making sure everything goes smoothly. My dream job would be a leadership position where the other team members are active participants and communication happens daily. I love seeing a project through to the end and celebrating everyone's hard work.” 

  • Growing up, I always dreamt of being a famous rider - horse rider - I still dream of that but it's looking unlikely now. I'm 26 soon and I have severe anxiety so don't think this will happen. Other than that I would love to be a professional writer, I love to write so this would be ideal for me.

  • Actually it's incorrect to say 'I only realised'. I suppose I've always done so, but not given much thought to that as a 'should' for me. But I suppose I felt quite inadequate after that question highlighted just what a paucity of ambition and imagination I have. Again, in NT terms only I suppose...

  • That reminds me that when I had my assessment done, one question I got asked was what was my list of aspirations for the future? basically, what's on my 'bucket list'? I didn't have one, and said so (the question blinsided me a bit actually), and only realised after that this is pretty unusual by NT standards. I suppose most have a list of places to travel, specific 'I want this by X' targets, 'Ive always wanted to jump out a plane'-type things and so on. I kind of... just... don't. 

  • One that involves staying in bed, no but I’ve never wondered what I wanted to do even at 33 years old. 

  • I would have loved to have been David Attenborough's assistant, even though obviously he didn't need one as he's a total legend.

  • gardening

    I often ''joke'' that I was born to be a farmer, except it's not a joke, that's the truth, but how city people could understand that it can be future someone wants? So, I mask it as a joke

  • The dream when I was younger was to be a footballer, then I liked the idea of architect. As I age I'm more realistic, would love to be self employed, an electrician or property developer, I love seeing the results of my labour when I've done a project. Also, like the idea of lawn care, find gardening quite therapeutic. Anyway, that's the dream.... Back to reality Smiley

  • One that involves staying in bed, no but I’ve never wondered what I wanted to do even at 33 years old. 

  • Why is it obviously not going to happen? I am a nearly qualified nurse anything is possible with the right support,

  • Any I'm scared I'm gonna run out of money XDCry

  • Whilst I wouldn't want to "undo" myself, there are some traumas that have shaped me in less than admirable ways.  If I felt that I'd in some way grown or developed more authentically as a person because of them, I might see it differently.  Also if I felt I could significantly influence the present in the light of new knowledge and awareness I'd gained. 

    Now there have been some gains, that's true, and I'm very pleased of those and their effects, which no doubt radiate out and affect those I love.  But the ongoing effects of intergenerational trauma and repeating patterns in my family are off the scale.  And knowledge of the nature of our neurodivergence at an earlier stage could have spared us a lot of pain and helped us to avoid our current situation. 

    I basically played the 10/10 game for far too long and it kept me skimming the surface and unable to see the disastrous issues that were building up for my sons.  And so, whilst being a 10/10 mother, things were driven to crisis point, more than once, with services chiming in too with a similar mindset.  I wonder now whether I was modelling an extreme form of masking to my sons, which they then adopted , until they no longer could.  

    If I'd felt free to be an autistic artist, perhaps they'd have felt safe enough and able to be themselves too.  

  • Great topic for discussion. I want to be an autistic advocate/public speaker. I would also like to work with autistic young people to help develop positive autistic identity and encourage them to integrate with their own community. This is currently too ambitious so realistically I want to work for an autism charity/disability charity providing advice and information. It’s also really interesting to read about other people’s dream jobs/current jobs.

  • I am sure there will be a vacancy soon! 

  • I wish I could talk to my former self and tell her the "secrets" I now know.

    In order to re-do the past?

    But wouldn't it undo you, you are now, as well?

    After similar experiences (10/10 especially) in different scenaries I would rather think:

    I am me, like me-now, me-that I don't despise, with my integrity still intact, because of all those experiences. So, I wouldn't want to change them or call them failures, they helped me build understaning of me.