What job to you want most

Growing up we all have that one job that we want most and sometimes we think of something new when we're bit older. My dream job growing up and still now is to be a nurse. I've always found this so interesting and I'd love to do it. It's obviously not going to happen but it's good to dream.

  • One that involves staying in bed, no but I’ve never wondered what I wanted to do even at 33 years old. 

  • That reminds me that when I had my assessment done, one question I got asked was what was my list of aspirations for the future? basically, what's on my 'bucket list'? I didn't have one, and said so (the question blinsided me a bit actually), and only realised after that this is pretty unusual by NT standards. I suppose most have a list of places to travel, specific 'I want this by X' targets, 'Ive always wanted to jump out a plane'-type things and so on. I kind of... just... don't. 

  • Actually it's incorrect to say 'I only realised'. I suppose I've always done so, but not given much thought to that as a 'should' for me. But I suppose I felt quite inadequate after that question highlighted just what a paucity of ambition and imagination I have. Again, in NT terms only I suppose...

  • Actually it's incorrect to say 'I only realised'. I suppose I've always done so, but not given much thought to that as a 'should' for me. But I suppose I felt quite inadequate after that question highlighted just what a paucity of ambition and imagination I have. Again, in NT terms only I suppose...

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