Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Commercial real estate investments can be exciting, but they do come with risks. One concern is the potential for vacancy, so I'd advise doing thorough market research to gauge demand. Also, consider forming partnerships to share both risks and rewards.

  • Hi Muckworm, glad you've joined and hope you find the community helpful :)

    Just wanted to say hi and let everyone know we've closed this discussion - we think the length was responsible for all the duplicate postings here.

    So I've started a new discussion for new members to say hi and introduced a new area for people who'd prefare to start a new discussion for themselves.

    Hope that all makes sense and again, welcome to the community Muckworm.

  • Hi everyone.

    I'm Muckworm and I have a diagnosis of high functioning autism although the psychologist said I could be Aspergers but he couldn't decide but I don't know why.

    I like bird watching and logging and monitoring the birds I see.  I work but it's hard because I get picked on a lot and they laugh at me because I don't understand stuff sometimes but when I have a bad day my Mum helps me and makes me smile again.

    And I like eating chocolate because it feels nice in my mouth and throat.

    That's me - I'm glad I found this place because I want to talk with other people about living with autism and how it's hard sometimes.

    thanks - bye

  • Hi Bouzirouge

    I am sorry you are having a hard time at the moment.  Receiving a diagnosis of Aspergers can be a shock and it can take time for it to sink in.  

    You say your husband is a great Dad and I think that says it all.  I personally think that that shows he loves his children.  He may be confused about his emotions at the moment but he does love them. Sometimes a person with Aspergers can have difficulty showing their emotions and he may not understand them so please give him time to come to terms with his diagnosis and stick with it.

    All the best 


  • Hi I am new to this forum and find myself here in a fit of desperation. I have a husband who has been diagnosed aspergic and he has just told me he doesnt love our children. he says he has been following a script for the last 23 years, he has just said the words he thinks are right at the time but he doesnt actually feel love for them? they are all young adults and do not know this of course. I am utterly destroyed by this and really don't know how to cope of what to do, if anything. I love my husband and he has been a great dad. help. I want to understand him.

  • Hi Maggie,

    Oh.. I know SPD as: Sensory Processing Disorder.. which also fits autism ;-)

  • Hi,

    I am new here and am waiting for various diagnoses, including ASD. But have the issue of having other disabilities which have the same / similar symptoms as Autism, which apparently will make diagnosing me (or not) difficult.

  • Hello David44, feokidoki, Peter, butterfly73, F23 and Maggie Moo!

    Wow - lots of new people to say hello to today! You are all very welcome to our community. Smile

    It's a great place to get started saying hello here, if there's anything you'd like to chat about in more detail please do start up a new thread. We look forward to hearing from you in the discussions.

    Sandra - mod

  • Hi all

    I'm a mother of a 7 years old child with Semantic Pragmantic Disorder and awaiting diagnosis to see if it is ASD connected.

    The way they diagnose in Lancashire is completely different to the way they diagnose in North Yorkshire.  We move mid diagnosis.

    I am currently attempting to contact the people that run Blackpool  Tower to Light It Up Blue for World Autistic Awareness Day on April 2nd.


  • hi everyone

    i am the partner of a man suffering with AS he was diagnosed late into his adulthood, infact 5 months ago, im having trouble dealing with it. as the relationship is new i dont jst want to give up i love my partner dearly as i have known him for 8 years as a friend. which is why i have joined this site. i hope to get to know you all in good time

  • Hi there everyone,

    I'm a Dutch SALT and Sensory Input therapist.. and know since 6 months that I am an Aspie.. and found out that I don't have a burn-out, but I have a sleep disorder (cataplexy/narcolepsy)..

    It took me a while to gain oversight/insight and put 2+2 together and see that the kids I work best with (intuitively/holisticly) are the ones with sensory and behavioural issues (ASD/ADD/ADHD/etc..) for we have a lot in common..

    I lóve my work and getting kids motivated/eager to learn.. greatly challenging and fulfilling! Wonderful kids, though I also know all the problems that come along with ASD.. Especially school-wise  when teachers only see the behaviour and lable, while it would be so beneficial if they knew more about Sensory Issues and how to really look at what is going on and see a welcome challenge

    Well.. I can rant on about that.. sorry!! Just meant to say hi.. but have a tendency to get side tracked

    Love, B'fly

  • Hi! My name is Peter. I have a (nearly) nine year old daughter with HFA / Aspergers.

    I need your help and support.

    It has been discovered that North East Lincolnshire Council is to close the ASDREL centre in Grimsby, which supports chidren with ASD to cope with the pressures of mainstream education. Grimsby has one of the worst records for SEN achievement in the UK and this news could not have come at a worse time for our children and and families. Staff have been told their contracts will expire on 31st March 2012, effectively closing the service down. We have the support of our local MP's and have set up a facebook group SAVE ASDREL. Please join our group and pledge your support.

    The situation is best explained by the following articles in the Grimsby Evening Telegraph. Any input from the NAS press team would also be welcome.

  • Hi NAS forum!

    I've read lots of the threads here with great interest in the past.  I haven't posted before as I have been awaiting an AS diagnosis which, I received today! I am a 34 year old woman.

    I also have a 10 year old nephew with autism & ADHD and work with children with special needs so have an interest in many of the topics discussed here.  I look forward to learning from and sharing with you!


  • Hi,

    My name is David and am being assessed for either Aspies or HFA.

    I am 44.


    p.s get in touch if you like.

  • Hello Bettyc50, Christheump and maccas

    Welcome to the community Smile

    Looking forward to hearing from you all in the discussions.

    Sandra - mod

  • Hi Everyone, I am mum to 3, my boy is 7 and has autism and adhd, I look forward to getting to know you all, learning something new and hopefully sharing the things I am learning too :)

  • Hi, My son is 14 too, he has periods of destroying things, like family pictures ripped off the wall and smashed, but then not remembering having done it, thought he was the only one who did this kind of thing, We are trying to find a way of distraction when we notice any warning signs

  • Hi


    I know the feeling, always seam to be replacing broken items, due to spacial awareness dyspraxia with my daughter.    Its tough hang on in there.

  • Thanks Sandra ....nice to know I'm not the only one!

  • Hello purplestar

    We have similar keyboard issues! Welcome to the community - I hope you'll find it helpful here Smile

    Sandra -mod