Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • I am a PhD student, looking to improve social communication skills in children with ASD through social stories and humour. My first goal is to find out more about the practices and procedures used by teachers/parents in building, implementing and assessing social stories.

    I would be very grateful if you could help me.

  • Hi Katie

    Thanks for posting.  I have noticed you have been posting and have really enjoyed reading your posts.  You are just a bit younger that my son and your posts have really helped me understand how he is feeling sometimes because even after all this time he can still be a mystery to us.  

    Keep posting

    Colincat - mod :)

  • Ok....absolutely no idea why my message comes up three times.... o.o

  • Hiya, been on here a few weeks but for some reason I kept missing this discussion.

    I'm Katie, I'm 17 and was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome about a month ago. I got referred to this website because others thought I could benefit from talking to others with or related to those with similar conditions. :)

    I like mostly offering my experiences with others to try and explain why some people with ASD act the way they do, or how they might feel in certain conditions.

  • hi my name is louise and i have a four year old son who has recently been diagnosed with ASD.

    As his mum im struggaling to do whats best for him and worry about his future. Andrew is the most amazing little boys but sometimes he can be very hard to deal with.

    It would be comforting to know that im not alone.

  • Hello Anisa

    Welcome to the community Smile

    I hope you'll find it useful and informative. Very much looking forward to hearing from you in the discussions.

    Sandra - mod

  • Hi everyone,


    I've recently joined the NAS forums in hope of meeting some parents and famillies of children with Autism. I am currently training as a post-graduate student in speech and language therapy and i am hoping once i qualify i will have an Autism-related post as this is my area of interest.


    Hopefully i will get to know you all soon


  • Ahhh thanks for that Alex, ive spoken to a couple of people on here already and theyre brilliant. So helpful and kind, im so glad i joined, look forward to chatting to more members :) Best wishes :) Lisa

  • Hello Lisa Smile

    Welcome to the community.  We're sure you're find it a helpful and supportive place to be and hope that you can use it to answer some of your questions, as I'm sure there are many other members who have similar questions and experiences.

    Alex - mod


  • Hi All :)

    Im Lisa, Im a 27 year old mom of 3. Theyre all boys and my middle boy and oldest boy are both going through diagnosis, although the younger out of them has been told unofficially he has Autism and ADHD. Im full of questions, and love chatting!!!! looking forward to having chats, gaining knowledge and understanding, and meeting all the lovely people on here :)

    best wishes,

    Lisa :)

  • Hi mstotallyexhausted,

    Funny coincidence but I've been involved in supporting the social media element of the York Social Group from the NAS. You can see the page on facebook here, which is there to help people know what's coming up, and includes details of the people running the service, so you can get in touch :)

  • Hello mstotallyexhausted

    Welcome to the community. Smile

    I'm afraid I don't know of any support groups in York personally but you could try the Autism Services Directory:

    From there you'll be able to search for groups in your local area.

    Good luck.

    Sandra - mod

  • .... One final thing, if anyone knows of a support group in the York area I'd be really grateful if you could let me know how to find them.


  • Hi to everyone

    I'm new here and I'm Mum to a wonderful 6 year old boy who has a very recent diagnosis of Aspergers. I'm having real problems with his school at the moment, their lack of understanding and unwillingness to help is beyond belief, so I'm going to pop over to the education forum to see if I can find some advice.

  • Hello David44 and Mr Fox33

    Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum.  I hope that you both find lots of information and support here.  

    If you have any concerns or comments to make please post them and I am sure there will be plenty of people who will be able to help.


    All the best



  • How do all,

    I'm 38 years old and was diagnosed with Aspergers a couple of days ago. It was January this year that my wife suggested that there might be something more to the depression and anxiety that I have had most of my life. To me it was just me, I knew I was different and couldn't fit in to social situations and had many quirks as she likes to call them. I took the AQ test online and scored 42. My wife contacted our gp and she started the ball rolling and after quite a few interviews etc here I am!! It was a great relief to be diagnosed but also a big feeling of ok what next? The main thing we will be working on is how I can get back into employment but on safer grounds this time for myself and the employer as all my previous jobs have ended badly.

    Thank you kindly for setting this up....

  • Hi,I am David ,44 yrs old,from Cambridge,Uk.Soon I will be diagnosed and am sure I have HFA but maybe Aspergers.I realised I was different all my life and wondered why I was this way.On the net I performed a Autism Quotient test and got 36 points which meant highly likely HFA.Another test said i had abover average for Aspergers.

    I would love to hear from other adults my age  the have similar experiences as me.


  • It's taken me a while to find my way back but I really appreciate your response.  After another tough morning I found myself back here and put a bit more effort into finding the right thread.

    I'll have a look through the other discussions and I'll bookmark the page this time 

  • Hello Boogla and James 299

    Welcome to our forum - I hope you'll find it helpful. Smile

    If you have anything you'd like to discuss please do start up a new discussion in one of the areas that is most relevant. Boogla - perhaps you'd like to ask your question about herbal remedies in the Parents and Carers section here, where more people are likely to be able to find it and respond:

    Looking forward to hearing from you both.

    Sandra - mod

  • Hi :-)

    Thank you for taking the time to reply - I will take your advice - many thanks x