Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Hello Gabrielcrim

    Welcome to the community. If you have any questions you'd like to ask or just want to chat about something then please feel free to start a new discussion in the relevant area. Looking forward to hearing from you Smile

    Sandra - mod

  • Hello all, I have the most wonderful girlfriend . She has aspergers and has dreams she feel she may not be possible due to this such as visiting certain countries and i want to do all i can and learn as much as possible to make this happen. XD

  • Hello Chorister

    Welcome to the forum.  I am sure you will find lots of help and support here.  There are people on the forum who will be very familiar with your experiences and who will be able to provide you with support and advice. We look forward to reading your posts

    All the best


  • I've just joined the site and am extremely keen to share thoughts and experiences with everyone. I was diagnosed with AS 5 and 1/2 years ago at the age of 34, and have been battling to get things back on track ever since. At times it has been a waking nightmare. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this...

  • Hello Elfie 

    Welcome to the forum.  We are a friendly bunch who are more than happy to help with all  your queries and concerns.  We look forward to reading your posts and remember we are here to help and support each other so if you want a moan, a rant or a laugh you know where to come.

    Take care 

    All the best



  • Just to introduce myself- I'm, Elfie, Mum of three. I was diagnoised with Asprgers (as best I can make out my parents are all hideously unreliable) when I was about 8. My 9 yo son has just been diagnosed after I fought extremely hard for years and then finally lcuked out with a very supportive SENCO who didn;t tell me it was my fault and that I was a terrible parent.

    Joining the forums really, to share experiences and get some peer support- we had been led to belive that there was a raft of support available for us as soon as we had the diagnosis, but the consultant psychiatrist yesterday said she didn't know anything about that sort of thing , she just does assesment and diagnosis.

    There you have it!


  • Just to comment on the use of the word 'illness'. In my mind ASD is not an illness but a condition because an illness  implies it can be cured and that we are pathological.


  • And just wanted to let everyone know - right now we're coming across problems caused by the length of this discussion. That includes the duplicate messages that people have been seeing recently.

    Right now the resources we'd need to try and address this just aren't present so we're thinking of one of two things - either starting a new discussion or opening a whole area for introductions.

    The new area could include a general introductions discussion but it'd also let people say hi and introduce themselves in their own space, rather than as a reply.

    So I've started a discussion where you can let us know which option you'd prefer -

    I'll leave this discussion open for a few days whilst we see what you'd all prefer :)

  • Hi Anglo,

    Thanks for signing up for the Community. Hope you find it a helpful service.

    Just wanted to let you know that whilst you can share experiences and learning online, as something very new to the NAS we can't share the contact details of people using the service.

    In addition to chatting to people online here I'd suggest looking at our autism services directory - you should find this can point you in the direction of local services that offer face-to-face support groups

    Hope that makes and sense and welcome again, great to have you here Smile

  • Myself and partner are in the proccess of having our 4 year old son diognosed with Autism or Aspergers.

    It looks extremely likely to us on first reading all about both that he will be one or the other.

    It is all new to us but on first reading about it this does all make sense now concerning our sons behaviour.

    To be very honest and straight which is the best policy I feel, I used to ignore these new branding of childrens behaviour as I just though it was good old fashion naughty children just being rebranded and it was a case of jobs for the boys and an industry being made out of it, but I can start to see that Autism/Aspergers is set apart from just being branded as naughty, I can see an illness in there now and one that surprisingly has been around for some time too on reading up in it although it wasn't commonly known and put out there when I was a kid in the 70's and 80's.

    Anyway we are looking for local people to get in contact with and to simply learn about it and share experences and tips with all etc

  • And hi Hagrid, welcome to the Community as well.

    Hope you have fun here and enjoy the service, it's pretty new but growing and people seem to have found it helpful, so hopefully you will as well :)

  • shellyw3 said:

    sorry for all the above , for some reason when i was submitting my post it came up as an internal error , and i thought it hadnt gone through , tried this twice and have submitted 3 lol..and i dont know how to delete 2 of them

    Hi shellyw3, welcome to the Community, hope you enjoy you're time here and sorry about the triple post, we're trying to look at why that was happening and I've unpublished the couple of duplicates.

  • Hi everyone my name is michael.   am almost seventen.  I hve recently been diagnosed with AS syndrome and have also got dyspraxia and was hoping to make friends on the site

  • sorry for all the above , for some reason when i was submitting my post it came up as an internal error , and i thought it hadnt gone through , tried this twice and have submitted 3 lol..and i dont know how to delete 2 of them

  • Hi everyone , my name is Michelle and i have a 11yr old daughter.. when she was 3 yrs old , she was innitially diagnosed with SPD (semantic pragmatic disorder) from her speech therapist and more recently has been diagnosed with ASD from her consultant at CAHMS...Having problems with her at the moment as shes getting very anxious about going in to school assemblys and because of this is making herself physically sick...just waiting to hear back from her senco teacher to see if we can get her out of assemblys ..Fingers crossed



  • Hello Rorua, Mr BHT and Rachel75

    A big welcome to you all to the community Smile

    I hope you'll find it helpful and we look forward to hearing more from you.

    Sandra - mod

  • Hi all

    My 6 year old son has just been diagnosed with asd. His school has been fantastic in helping him as he has got worse this year going into year 1. Look forward to reading any advice and tips on here to make life not so isolated.

  • Hi, I'm John.

    I'm 36 and was diagnosed with Asperger's in January. 

    I've struggled for a lot of my life with other people and fitting in; if anything it has gotten worse as I've got older. I'm hoping the diagnosis will pave the way forward eventually!